Category: Langston University

RECAP: President Jackson discussed university funding, enrollment, future at Opening Convocation

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By Ellie Melero and Jet Turner

LANGSTON, Okla. –– Langston University President Ruth Ray Jackson announced the university received almost $6 million in additional state appropriation funding for the 2024-25 school year during her State of the University address at the Opening Convocation Ceremony on Thursday.

Two and a half million dollars comes from an increase in the state matched funding for agricultural research and extension.

“This money will be used to fund outreach throughout several counties in Oklahoma, expanding our footprint from 19 counties to 28, bringing educational opportunities and resources to many rural farmers who rely on our services,” Dr. Jackson said.

As a public land-grant institution, Langston University receives federal funding to support cooperative agricultural research and extension through the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. The state is federally mandated to match this funding dollar for dollar. After steadily increasing its funding match over the past few years, Oklahoma has officially reached a 100% funding match for Langston University for the first time, resulting in $2.5 million in additional funding for agricultural programs compared to last year.

The university also received $3.5 million to address deferred maintenance projects. About $2.5 million of this funding will be used to replace the roof at the LU-Oklahoma City campus. The remainder will be used for smaller projects to update infrastructure and address deferred maintenance issues.

During her address, Dr. Jackson also discussed enrollment, retention, fundraising and her presidential priorities.

Langston University experienced a growth of about 2.8% in full-time enrollment compared to the 2023-24 school year. Some of the largest increases came from freshman and graduate enrollment.

Dr. Jackson also spoke about initiatives to improve student retention, such as the introduction of the Lion Success Academy. The Lion Success Academy is a new program which provides an additional layer of support for participating students to aid them through their freshman year.

“Our faculty and staff are diligently exploring new strategies and best practices to enhance student success and ensure that every student thrives throughout their academic journey,” Dr. Jackson said. “Our focus remains not only in welcoming new students, but in supporting all students through to graduation.”

Dr. Jackson also recognized one of the challenges students often face is how to pay for school. Thanks to increased fundraising efforts, the Langston University Foundation provided over $350,000 in student scholarships during the 2023-24 school year.

These fundraising efforts will continue. The next big fundraising event is the President’s Scholarship Gala in October and the Annual Day of Giving in March.

Dr. Jackson also expanded upon her Presidential Priorities during the State of the University Address. Her priorities, affectionately referred to as the Seven P’s, are people, programs, processes, public relations, partnerships, performance and purpose.


People refers to Dear Langston’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, donors and its community.

Recently, Langston University lost a beloved member of its community in Assistant Coach and Offensive Coordinator Darryl Mason. A memorial was held for Coach Mason on campus Saturday.

“We see the best of humanity in these moments, and I want to remind each of us that a tragedy does not need to occur for that to happen,” Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Jackson charged the students to look after and take care of one another, and to look after their own mental well-being by talking to friends, employees or utilizing Langston University’s counseling resources.

Faculty and staff were reminded of their commitment to helping students succeed and retaining them within the institution. The retention of students is closely monitored, and Langston University is continuously evaluating its efforts to find strategic solutions to maximize the success of students.

Dr. Jackson highlighted the student achievements of senior Antwuan Jackson, who recently participated in the Democratic National Convention as an at-large delegate for the State of Oklahoma, and Aniyah Robinson, who earned the prestigious Rohden Fellowship and was named a 2024 White House HBCU Scholar.

This priority also extends to the Town of Langston, and its growing relationship with the university. Recently, Langston University hosted the Oklahoma All-Black Towns State Conference with the Oklahoma Conference of Black Mayors. This event provided an opportunity for community members to exchange ideas and learn more about Oklahoma’s Black Towns.


Programming refers not only to academics and athletics, but also to the student programming provided by the Division of Student Affairs, the Student Government Association, the Student Activities Board and Residential Life and Housing Services. Langston University offers over 60 registered student organizations, and students are always encouraged to create new ones if they see a gap in offerings.

“At Langston University, we believe in the holistic development of our students,” Dr. Jackson said. “Preparing them to work effectively with colleagues and build relationships that will propel them to future success within their chosen careers.”

Dr. Jackson also applauded the academic programs provided at the university’s six schools. All academic programs undergo regular review, both from internal and external sources, to ensure students are well prepared for successful careers in their fields. Dr. Jackson highlighted two programs which specifically prepare students for high-need careers: the online RN-to-BSN program and the Educator Ramp-Up program.

The online RN-to-BSN program launched last year and allows registered nurses to earn their bachelor of science in nursing in 9 to 12 months. Langston University also offers a traditional nursing program in Langston, Tulsa and Ardmore.

The Educator Ramp-Up program is an accelerated Teacher Education program that allows people with non-educational degrees to become teachers. It is a GEERS funded program.

Lastly, Dr. Jackson talked about the Reach Higher program, which allows adult learners who have earned some college credit but have not earned a degree to go back to school for a bachelor’s in organizational leadership. This program is also funded by GEERS.


With the enrollment cliff caused by decreased birth rates in the early to mid 2000s approaching, Langston University is looking to stay ahead of the curve and is beginning with its processes.

“We cannot continue to do the same work in the same ways and expect to be successful,” Dr. Jackson said. “The truth is our audience has changed, and the way we do business must also change, both in significant ways.”

A new university-wide committee has been created, charged with reviewing, streamlining and modernizing Dear Langston’s current processes, aptly named the Process Improvement Committee.

Public Relations

The purpose of public relations is to tell the university’s story and amplify the voices of students, faculty, staff and alumni. In pursuit of this goal, the Office of Public Relations launched its “We Roar” campaign last year for which it earned a record 18 awards at the Oklahoma Collegiate Public Relations Association’s annual awards competition.

Dr. Jackson encouraged everyone to share their stories with the Public Relations team to continue to amplify the work and accomplishments of the Langston University family.

“Each of us has a responsibility to protect the brand, share the good things that are happening here at Langston University, and help us continue to elevate the work of our colleagues and students,” Dr. Jackson said.


Langston University is continually working to build and nurture partnerships with people, businesses and other universities.

Dr. Jackson announced a recent effort to partner with the University of Louisville to create pathways for Public Health program graduates in graduate school and other professional opportunities.

Dr. Jackson also spoke about the university’s long-standing relationship with CoBank, which continues to grow stronger. The Langston University CoBank Scholars program, announced in March 2023, created an immersive internship for students at the CoBank Headquarters in Denver, Colorado. Michael Hankins was the first student to complete this internship, and he left a positive impression which has continued to help strengthen Langston’s partnership with CoBank.

“We will continue to build relationships with corporate and community partners in an effort to bring dynamic opportunities to our students and enhance their experience at Langston University,” Dr. Jackson said.


The newest addition to the Presidential Priorities aims to prioritize performance to measure employee engagement and ensure Langston University is maintaining accountability for that engagement.

“As an organization, we are only as good as the collective,” Dr. Jackson said.


Each of these priorities contributes to the overarching purpose of Langston University.

“As one of only nineteen 1890 Land-Grant institutions in the country, our mission of educating students and the community through cooperative extension, research, and engagement remains a constant theme of our work,” Dr. Jackson said. “The people, programs, processes, public relations, partnerships, and performance we strive to achieve through these priorities all support the purpose, which is our students and their success.”

Dr. Jackson concluded her State of the University address by challenging each member of the campus community to continue working to make Langston University better for students and the future.

“Let’s keep the state of our university strong,” Dr. Jackson said. 

A group photo with Delisa Carter and Gerald Martin

Langston University students gain experience at national HBCU Business Deans Roundtable Summit

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by the Langston University School of Business

Two students from the Langston University School of Business were chosen to participate in the 21st Annual National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable Summit in Princeton, New Jersey, this past June.

Delisha Carter and Gerald Martin received an all-expenses-paid trip, sponsored by the HBCU Business Deans Roundtable, to attend the Summit. The Summit brought together 45 HBCUs, 42 deans, 90 students, and sponsors, speakers and special guests representing 23 organizations.

“I was pleased and thrilled to be chosen to represent Langston University at the National HBCU Deans and Student Summit,” said Carter, a senior business major. “It was a remarkable, instructive and uplifting experience. Being surrounded by peers and like-minded students who strive for success was truly inspiring.”

The National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable is an organization that provides “a forum for deans of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) business schools to address opportunities and challenges associated with enhancing business programs and initiatives,” according to their website. The Summit brings these deans together annually, along with representatives from the business community, to collaborate on strategies for enhancing their students’ educational and professional experiences.

The three-day Summit offered networking opportunities and educational presentations on topics like artificial intelligence, experiential learning and international partnerships. Companies like Deloitte and KPMG presented to both in-person and virtual audiences.

Martin called the Summit a transformative experience.

“This was an experience I’ll never forget,” Martin said. “From the booking agents and travel support team to the wonderful people who organized the event, they showed great hospitality and respect, which made me feel safe and well taken care of.

“This being my first trip representing Langston, it opened so many doors for me. I networked with great students and business professionals who provided valuable tips and information. I represented my Langston University Lions well, and the connections I made will not be forgotten.”

The event also featured a Student Summit, which allowed participants to explore professional development, connect with HBCU alumni, receive entrepreneurial tips, and get a glimpse into the future of the workforce.

Both Carter and Martin agreed the experience was a learning opportunity and a platform for them to broaden their horizons and make connections with other business-minded students.

“I was able to engage and network with business students on an academic, personal, and professional level,” Carter said. “Those relationships and memories will be with me for the rest of my life.”

Sherman Lewis Elected Chair of Langston University Board of Trustees for Urban Campuses

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By Jet Turner

Langston University alumnus Sherman Lewis was elected as Chair of the Langston University Board of Trustees for Urban Campuses during its meeting Friday, Aug. 2, 2024.

Lewis was unanimously elected to the position by a vote of 6-0, with two members of the board absent.

“It was very humbling for me to be elected by the members of the Langston University Board of Trustees to be chairman,” Lewis said. “It speaks to the desire for the board to be more active and productive in providing advice and counsel to the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents and the President of Langston University for the future of the institution and its primary function of providing a premier education for its students.

“Together, we will be successful in working toward the betterment of Langston University.”

Lewis has proven himself a stalwart supporter of Langston University throughout the years. Lewis was appointed to the Board of Trustees in 2013 and is the most prolific individual donor in Dear Langston’s history.

In 2022 and for the first time in institutional history, an academic school at Langston University was named in honor of Lewis, establishing the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.

The Langston University Board of Trustees for the Urban Campuses serves in an advisory capacity to the president, providing insight and guidance concerning its Oklahoma City and Tulsa campuses. At the meeting, administrative representatives of Langston University presented reports from their respective areas, including the site administrators from both urban campuses.

Members of the Board of Trustees
Langston University Board of Trustee members during its Aug. 2 meeting.

According to Lewis, the Board of Trustees plans to work closely with the administration on topics such as buildings and facilities, faculty and staff recruitment, and long-range planning.

“Our goal is to make LU a premier HBCU here in Oklahoma and beyond,” Lewis said.

Additionally, Gayle Maxwell and Avilla Williams will remain as the board’s Vice Chair and Secretary, respectively.

Trustees Rita Combs, Dr. Claud Evans, Colonel Stan Evans, Melvin Latham and Darrell Strong were present during Friday’s meeting held at Langston University – Tulsa.

Langston University Holds Naming Dedication Ceremony for Jack Henderson Allied Health Building in Tulsa

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By Jet Turner

TULSA, Okla. – Langston University held a dedication ceremony for the naming of the Jack Henderson Allied Health Building at the Langston University – Tulsa Campus Aug. 2, 2024, in honor of former Tulsa City Councilman for District 1, Jack Henderson

Jack Henderson served on the Tulsa City Council from 2004-2016 and, as an alumnus of Langston University, is a staunch ally for Langston University and its extension opportunities in Tulsa. 

The original proposal for the Jack Henderson Allied Health Building was submitted in 2015. The expansion was funded through Vision Tulsa. Henderson assisted Langston University in learning about the opportunity and securing the economic development project.

Jack Henderson and President Ruth Ray Jackson hold a trophy.
Former Tulsa City Councilman Jack Henderson was honored on Aug. 2, 2024.

“I don’t do things for people to name buildings after me,” Henderson said. “I was trying to help Langston because Langston deserves it, and the community deserves to have Langston at the highest level it can go.”  

Members of the Langston University Board of Trustees for Urban Campuses were in attendance during the dedication, in addition to Langston University faculty, staff, and community members. 

The Jack Henderson Allied Health Building held its grand opening in March 2023. The state-of-the-art facility includes simulation labs with mannikins powered by artificial intelligence, spacious classrooms, a lecture hall, conference and meeting rooms, and department and administrative office spaces. About 80 students enrolled in nursing and healthcare related programs get to utilize and learn in this facility. 

This project began because of the leadership at LU – Tulsa and the Associate Vice President of the campus at the time, Dr. Bruce McGowan. His work, along with former President Dr. Kent J. Smith, Jr., brought this dream to life.  

Former Executive Director for LU – Tulsa Dr. Dytisha Davis oversaw the development of the Jack Henderson Allied Health Building from the groundbreaking until the lights turned on for the very first time. 

“After the pandemic, you really see the significant role health care plays in our way of life,” Dr. Davis said. “Our nursing students are in the best position to have what they need to prepare them for the field. I really love that building because it has everything we need to prepare our students for the future and to be the best in the state.” 

Henderson helped keep Langston University involved in and aware of opportunities for expansion and extension through his role as a Tulsa City Councilman.

President Ruth Ray Jackson holding a microphone, speaking.
President Ruth Ray Jackson speaks during the naming dedication ceremony for the Jack Henderson Allied Health Building at LU – Tulsa.

Langston University President Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson said Henderson’s advocacy on behalf of his alma mater is inspiring, and every alumni and friend of Langston University can assist not just through their monetary donations, but sometimes even more so through their advocacy and relationships.

“You don’t always get to sit under the shade of the trees you plant,” President Jackson said. “But Mr. Henderson, a two-time alumnus of Langston University, gets to see the fruits of his influence each time he drives past this building for years to come.” 

In addition to achieving its goals of enhancing access to education in Tulsa, meeting the needs of the healthcare workforce and reducing health disparities in North Tulsa, the Jack Henderson Allied Health Building is significant because of what it represents for a Historically Black College or University in the Greenwood District in North Tulsa. 

Executive Director of LU-Tulsa and Associate Vice President for Clinical Affairs Dr. Sherri Smith-Keys said that this project being funded through Vision Tulsa speaks to the City of Tulsa’s commitment to Langston University.  

“Langston University is a staple within North Tulsa and the Greenwood District,” Dr. Smith-Keys said. “This place being here allows the community to say, ‘this is my building as well.’” 

19th Annual President's Scholarship Gala graphic with Johnny Gill in the corner

New Edition’s Johnny Gill to perform at Langston University’s 19th annual President’s Scholarship Gala

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Two-time Grammy award nominee and member of popular R&B group New Edition, Johnny Gill, will perform at Langston University’s 19th annual President’s Scholarship Gala in Oklahoma City on Oct. 18.

The President’s Scholarship Gala is Langston’s premier event of the year. LU’s largest student scholarship fundraiser, the Gala always features performances from talented artists. Past performers have included A’ngela Winbush, Tamia and Charlie Wilson.

Gill entered the professional music world in 1983 at age 16 with his self-titled debut album on Cotillion/Atlantic Records. He went on to work with Stacy Lattisaw on their album “Perfect Combination” and released a second solo album, “Chemistry,” in 1985 before joining New Edition in 1987, following Bobby Brown’s exit from the group.

On his first album with New Edition, “Heart Break,” Gill helped the group find a more mature sound, which resulted in hits like “If It Isn’t Love” and “Can You Stand the Rain.” Gill continued to release solo albums in 1990, 1993 and 1996 for Motown Records before joining forces with Gerald Levert and Keith Sweat in 1997 to form L.S.G.

Gill reunited with New Edition in 2004 for “One Love,” and he has continued his work as a solo artist. His most recent album is 2019’s “Game Changer II.”

Gill, with New Edition, received a Grammy nomination in 1989 for “If It Isn’t Love” and a second Grammy nomination in 1991 for his self-titled album. He also won two Soul Train Awards in 1991 and a Soul Track Reader’s Choice Award in 2019.

Soli Pannell (left) and Asher Bellavigna flash the L's Up while wearing their nursing scrubs and standing in front of an LU backdrop.

Nursing Students Save Man’s Life During Spring Break

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by Jet Turner and Ellie Melero

The sound of running water and chittering animals filled the late March air as the river cut its way around rocks, whisking up droplets of water that splashed the faces of the four Langston University students who had come to the Blue River for spring break.

Asher Bellavigna, Jalani Doolin, Mykah Sellers and Soli Pannell had come to the Blue River in Tishomingo to escape the stresses of school, but their peaceful afternoon was interrupted when a gunshot echoed through the hills.

Pannell’s first instinct was to run––they were too close to the campsites for it to have been a normal hunting shot––but Bellavigna, an Ardmore native and regular to the Blue River campgrounds, figured there must have been an animal in a nearby campsite someone was trying to scare away.

“There’s a lot of wildlife out there,” Bellavigna said. “So that’s what I was thinking it was, there’s an animal or there’s something nearby. Maybe he shot a snake, or maybe it was just an accident.”

The group waited, listening intently for any other strange noises, and relaxed when no other shots followed.

By then the sun had begun to sink behind the dead pines, so Bellavigna asked his friends if they wanted to continue exploring around the river or head back to his parents’ campsite, where they would stay for the night.

Surprising even himself, Doolin suggested they keep exploring the river.

Students Jalani Doolin, Asher Bellavigna, Soli Pannell and Mykah Sellers at Blue Creek.
(From left to right) Jalani Doolin, Asher Bellavigna, Soli Pannell and Mykah Sellers took this selfie about 5 minutes before they heard the gunshot.

“I’m not really like an outside person,” Doolin said. “I just had a feeling like we should just keep walking around. It was just a feeling. And it turned out to be something bigger than expected.”

The group trekked up a nearby hill and cut to the left, heading back toward the main campground road. A weird, eerie feeling began to settle over Pannell before she felt two hands push her to the side.

Bellavigna was the first to hear a faint car engine, and as the Game Warden’s vehicle barreled up the road, he pushed his friends to safety. He watched the car disappear down the road in the direction they’d just come, and he knew there must be an emergency somewhere for the warden to drive so fast in the campgrounds. Suddenly, the sound of a blaring car horn drew his gaze to the campsite the warden had just passed.

A 12-year-old boy was frantically honking the car horn while a man lay on the ground by the fire pit, clutching his chest.

Bellavigna sprang into action, running straight for the campsite and calling for Pannell to follow after him.

“I did start running over there thinking, ‘Heart attack, what am I going to do?’” Bellavigna said. “Then I see the blood, and that was when it registered: gunshot.”

It was later revealed that in a bizarre accident, the man’s loaded pistol had fallen out of his breast pocket when he stumbled on his way to make popcorn, firing a bullet that ricocheted against a rock before going through the man’s knee and lodging itself in his chest.

Pannell arrived at the campsite right after Bellavinga, with Doolin and Sellers in tow. She, too, realized this must have been the source of the gunshot and immediately began looking for the weapon. After quickly verifying the gun wasn’t in position to go off again, Pannell and Bellavigna got to work.

Both third-year nursing students at Langston, Pannell and Bellavigna’s training kicked in as they assessed the man’s injuries. Bellavigna began applying pressure to the man’s chest while Pannell scanned the campsite for anything that could be used to help Bellavigna staunch the flow of blood. She found a clothesline with clothes and towels hung to dry, grabbed them and handed them to Bellavigna.

“Asher worked on putting pressure on the guy’s knee where the bullet had entered at first,” Pannell said. “Then, as I’m looking up, I see that his upper half is covered in blood, so I’m trying to get his jackets and stuff off while holding pressure on the wound that was up there.”

As Bellavigna and Pannell worked, Doolin and Sellers got out of their way. Doolin’s face had gone pale at the sight of the man’s injuries, so Pannell directed him to chase after the warden’s car and bring him back. She asked Sellers to check on the boy, who had stopped honking the horn and was trying to wrangle his clearly distressed dog.

Doolin, a psychology major, ran for what felt like a mile to the end of the campground road until he finally caught up with the Game Warden’s vehicle. Doolin got the warden’s attention and told him that, if he was looking for someone who needed help, he passed him and needed to turn around.

The warden quickly turned the car around and headed back toward the campsite, leaving Doolin to walk back.

“I ain’t never run like that in a minute,” Doolin said. “I walked back. I took my time. I needed to catch my breath.”

Meanwhile, back at the campsite, Bellavigna and Pannell continued to administer first aid. The duo found themselves using the knowledge they learned in Langston University’s School of Nursing and Health Professions, such as the ABC’S (Airway, Breathing, Circulation and Safety).

Asher Bellavigna and Soli Pannell assist EMS and police while tending to an injured man.
Bellavigna and Pannell continued to assist the officers and EMS workers by holding flashlights when help arrived.

The man was experiencing an adrenaline rush in addition to the obvious blood loss, and he rambled as he tried to piece together how he shot himself. Because he was talking, they knew his airways were clear. The bullet clearly did not puncture his lung, and his breathing, although rapid from the shock and adrenaline, was uninterrupted. He was pale from blood loss, and the nursing students knew if he passed out there would be a whole other set of issues to deal with. So the two students tried to keep him talking.

“The main goal was for sure to keep him alert and oriented,” Pannell said. “You never want someone who’s losing that much blood to lose consciousness. So just keep them talking and everything like that.”

As they waited for help to arrive, Bellavigna and Pannell worked together as a team. Although they had never worked in clinical situations together before, they both said it felt seamless to work with each other. They kept cool heads, they communicated clearly and efficiently, and they didn’t let their senses of urgency turn into panic.

It was getting dark when the Game Warden arrived about 10 minutes later, and the group had begun using their phone flashlights to see. Bellavigna and Pannell had already put the man’s leg in a makeshift tourniquet, and they were cutting away clothes to find where exactly the bullet had lodged so as to better apply pressure. The warden was already on the phone with an emergency operator.

About 20 minutes later, the campsite was illuminated with the red and blue lights of an ambulance.

“Once the ambulance showed up (a paramedic) came and got me because I was still in the mode of trying to lock in,” Pannell said. “(The paramedic) said we did what we needed to do, so we stepped back and gave the story to the Game Warden and police for reporting.”

Bellavigna and Pannell, along with Doolin and Sellers, continued to help by holding flashlights for the paramedics as they picked up the work the two nursing students began.

The injured man was eventually airlifted to a hospital where he received life-saving treatment.

The friends returned to Bellavigna’s parents’ campsite, talking about everything that had happened as they tried to process the shocking turn their spring break trip had taken.

As the night pressed on, Bellavigna found himself unable to sleep as the events of the evening rushed through his head. He knew there was nothing more he could have done, but he couldn’t stop wondering if there was anything different the nursing duo should have done. For Pannell, the reality of saving the man’s life didn’t set in until the next day.

Although they had come to the Blue River to forget about school and destress, helping to save a man’s life confirmed for both students that they had chosen the right career path and were pursuing it at the right institution.

“Before I even got into nursing school, I knew I wanted to work in the ER or ICU,” Bellavigna said. “I like the faster pace and adrenaline. This is what I want to do; I wouldn’t mind spending a good portion of my life doing things like this… I’m on the right path. I’m on the right track.”

“I’d say similar feelings,” Pannell said. “I definitely had a realization of, ‘Oh, I can do this.’ … Having that type of experience just on a random base, a random moment, it really did confirm, ‘You’re good. You’re in the right field. You can do it.’” 

Students Jalani Woods, Asher Bellavigna, Mykah Sellers and Soli Pannell after saving a man's life at Blue Creek Campgrounds.
(From left to right) Doolin, Bellavigna, Sellers and Pannell’s quick actions helped save the gunshot victim’s life.
Dr. Corey Moore headshot

Langston University Awarded U.S. Department of Education-Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services Grant Totaling $1.25 Million to Prepare Personnel to Serve School-Age Children with Mental Disabilities

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OKLAHOMA CITY––Langston University, Oklahoma’s only historically Black college or university, has been awarded a $1.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Servies (OSERS) to establish a new specialized course of study to prepare personnel to serve school-age children with mental disabilities.

The grant, which will total $1.25 million over five years, will be used to establish the “School-to-Work: Preparing Personnel to Serve School-Age Children with Mental Disabilities (STW-SACMD)” track within the university’s existing CACREP accredited Master’s of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling Program. Dr. Corey L. Moore, a professor in and the founding chair of the Department of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies, will serve as Project Director for this grant.

Moore is also the Principal Investigator at the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR)-funded Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Research and Capacity Building for Minority Entities (LU-RRTC) and Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Advancing Employment Equity for Multiply Marginalized People with Disabilities (LU-2ERRTC).

“This initiative is important to the field of disability and employment as it affords our program the opportunity to train and prepare our students for rehabilitation positions that serve school-age children with mental disabilities from minority backgrounds to achieve a smoother transition from the secondary grade school system to the world of work,” Moore said.

The STW-SACMD project presents an exceptional approach to student development through LU’s partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services, Tulsa Public Schools and other local education agencies in Oklahoma.

Significant attention will be devoted to cross-fertilizing STW-SACMD and on-going LU-RRTC and LU-2ERRTC trainings, including with webinars and community of practices, to increase students’ knowledge about the delivery of transition and mental health services to school-age children with mental disabilities from minority backgrounds. The goal is to increase the supply of fully credentialed rehabilitation and mental health professionals from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds available for employment in local educational and/or rehabilitation agencies.

The grant will pay for tuition and fees and will provide a living stipend for 36 students in the Rehabilitation Counseling Program, which was ranked #19 and highest across all HBCUs by the U.S. News & World Report in the publication’s 2023 rankings of Rehabilitation Counseling Programs in America.

“I am immensely proud of the continued success of Dr. Moore and scholars within Langston University’s Department of Rehabilitation and Disability Studies,” said Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson, President of Langston University. “This $1.25 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education is further evidence of the impact of their work in preparing our students for success and addressing needs across underserved communities.

“This significant investment supports our institutional priorities of offering quality academic programs, engaging in purposeful partnerships, and ensuring access to education for all.”

This OSERS priority (ALN 84.325M) focuses on personnel preparation of special education, early intervention, and related services personnel at HBCUs, Tribally controlled colleges and universities, and other minority-serving Institutions under focus area (B)- preparing personnel to serve school-age children with disabilities.

The funded STW-SACMD initiative at LU is in direct response to identified needs related to personnel development issues and demands and the improvement of services and results for school-age children with mental disabilities, especially those from racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds, including those who are multilingual.

45 Year Anniversary logo

Langston University urban campuses to commemorate 45 years with celebratory luncheons

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Purchase Tickets for the LU-Oklahoma City Luncheon
Purchase Tickets for the LU-Tulsa Luncheon
The Langston University urban campuses located in Oklahoma City and Tulsa will commemorate their 45-year anniversaries this June with celebratory luncheons.
These celebrations will honor the hard work done by the faculty, staff and site administrators at these campuses to provide quality educational opportunities for students in Oklahoma City and Tulsa since 1979. They will also serve as fundraisers to support the campuses as they continue to promote excellence in higher education and research in Oklahoma.
In January 2023, Griffin Media made the largest corporate donation in Langston University history when it gifted the university its KWTV News 9 building located at 7401 N. Kelley Ave. in Oklahoma City. The building has become the new home of the LU-OKC campus and a focal point for the Broadcast Journalism program.
In March 2023, the LU-Tulsa campus held the grand opening for the new Tulsa Allied Health Facility. The 17,000-square-foot building, home to the School of Nursing and Health Professions in Tulsa, includes simulation labs with mannikins powered by artificial intelligence, spacious classrooms, a lecture hall, conference and meeting rooms, and department and administrative office spaces.
These recent additions to each of the LU urban campuses reflect the university’s efforts to expand its footprint and impact in Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and the state as a whole.
LU-OKC will celebrate its 45-year anniversary with a luncheon in the Embassy Suites OKC Northwest on June 6. The deadline to purchase tickets is May 30. Tickets can be purchased for $45 at
LU-Tulsa will celebrate its 45-year anniversary with a luncheon in the Doubletree by Hilton in Downtown Tulsa on June 13. The deadline to purchase tickets is June 6. Tickets can be purchased for $45 at
(From Left to Right) Sen. Lankford, State Rep. Talley, Sen. Boozman, President Jackson, and Dean Whittaker at the E. (Kika) de la Garza American Institute for Goat Research.

Senators Lankford, Boozman Visit Langston University to Discuss Agricultural Research, Extension

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LANGSTON, Okla.––Senators James Lankford (R-OK) and John Boozman (R-AR) visited Langston University to tour the school’s agricultural research facilities and discuss the work the university does to help small farmers in Oklahoma and around the world through agricultural extension and research.

The Senators met with representatives of the university’s administration during their visit to the Langston campus on Friday, including newly appointed president Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson and the dean of the Sherman Lewis School of Agricultural and Applied Sciences, Dr. Wesley Whitaker. Joining the tour was Oklahoma Representative John Talley (R-Stillwater).

During their visit, the Senators toured the Dairy Herd Information Lab for Goats and the Central Lab before visiting the E. Kika de la Garza American Institute for Goat Researchs Main Farm, where Sen. Lankford and Sen. Boozman were able to tour the Kid Barn.

Senators Lankford and Boozman discuss Langston University's beekeeping program with honey beekeeper Hank Baker.
Senators Lankford and Boozman discuss Langston University’s beekeeping program with honey beekeeper Hank Baker.

“This was truly a high impact visit by two prominent American senators,” Dr. Whittaker said. The enthusiasm they expressed in seeing the quality and quantity of our work was truly palpable, and it will go a far way in helping to tell the success stories of Langston University and the 1890 land-grant community.”

Langston University is one of three land grant universities in Oklahoma, along with Oklahoma State University and the College of the Muscogee Nation. As an 1890 landgrant institution, one of the Langston University’s key missions is to conduct necessary research to support and promote agriculture accessibility, continued food security, and cooperative extension to provide resources and education to communities and farmers throughout Oklahoma and beyond. Many of Langston’s research programs aim to help small rural farmers make better use of their resources in innovative ways and solve problems facing the agriculture industry.

Prior to their visit to Langston University, Sen. Lankford and Sen. Boozman hosted the Senate Farm Bill Agriculture Stakeholder Roundtable in Oklahoma City, which was moderated by Secretary of Agriculture and Regent for the Oklahoma A&M System, Blayne Arthur. Sen. Boozman is the Ranking Member of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee.

“We are honored to host Senator Lankford and Senator Boozman at Langston University’s Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences,” Dr. Jackson said. “Their support highlights the significance of our work in agricultural education and research in food security and small farming. We are proud to showcase the talents and innovations of our students and faculty.”

A goat at the E. (Kika) de la Garza American Institute of Goat Research.

President Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson

A Special Message from President Ruth Ray Jackson, Ph.D.

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Dear University Community,

I am honored to greet you today as the 17th president of Langston University. This marks a very important day in my life and for that of my family. My husband John, our daughter Leah, and I are thrilled to continue our service to this great institution.

After spending my entire career in education and having been raised by educators, this presidency represents much more than the culmination of a professional pathway. I am the product of a Historically Black institution and have a deep appreciation of the work we do and the students we serve. I am so grateful to the distinguished leaders who came before me in this role; those who led our institution and positioned Langston University for a bright future. I am incredibly humbled to continue the work of those sixteen individuals and so many others who care deeply for our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and supporters.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community for their support throughout my tenure as interim president and now upon my appointment. I also extend my thanks to the presidential search committee for their significant contributions to the search process, and to the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents for placing their confidence in my vision to lead Langston University.

I am thrilled to participate in the 124th Commencement with our graduates, their families, our faculty, and staff this weekend. Commencement is my favorite day of the year. It is fitting that presiding over this most special of ceremonies is among my first official duties as president. I hope you will join us on Saturday, May 4, for the celebration!

During my term as interim president, I introduced my presidential priorities to guide us through a transitional year. These priorities include people, programs, processes, partnerships, and public relations all rooted in our purpose. I am excited to continue this work into my tenure as president.

People – We will cultivate a culture allowing for the continual recruitment of bright students and talented employees who understand and support our mission.

Programs – We will invest in the right academic programs leading to career attainment for our students, support dynamic co-curricular experiences aimed at leadership development, expand our online presence with academic and certificate programs, and offer professional development opportunities for all employees.

Processes – We will modernize and streamline our administrative functions, support student success through excellent customer service, and implement effective and routine training for employees.

Partnerships – We will build strong relationships with academic and community partners throughout the state of Oklahoma and beyond as we continue to build strategic relationships with corporate, philanthropic, advocacy, and shared services organizations.

Public Relations – We will continue to elevate our brand visibility and reputation by sharing our accomplishments and by leveraging our individual influence and networks as members of our university community to highlight and share the good news that happens on our campuses.

Purpose – We will remain true to our mission of access and opportunity for all people, serve as a model for student success, and build upon our momentum to foster innovation and research globally.

I invite all of you to join me for a come-and-go reception today, Wednesday, May 1, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Building on the Langston Campus. There will be no formal program for the reception, as my hope is that it will serve as a time for our university community to celebrate the conclusion of the academic year. This reception will also serve as an opportunity for me to express my gratitude for your continued support of Dear Langston.

Our work together begins now. I am excited to listen and engage with you to continue the success of Dear Langston far into the future.

I very much look forward to serving our institution with purpose, together.


Ruth Ray Jackson, Ph.D.