Image of campus at dusk facing the Library from where the Presidents' busts are located

Langston University Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences


There is UNITY in IMMUNITY! The Langston University Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Cooperative Extension & Outreach Programs joins the Excite Collaborative to address health disparities among rural and other underserved communities.  Do your part! Show there IS Unity in Immunity! Get The Vaccine!

Vaccines Can Help You Stay Healthy. Get Yours Now!


The EXCITE Project

An Interagency Agreement with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) are funding the Cooperative Extension System to address health disparities among rural and other underserved communities. This initiative is called the Extension Collaborative on Immunization Teaching & Engagement (EXCITE).

The Excite Project Has Made An Incredible Impact
  • 1,109 Vaccination Clinics
  • 48,909 Immunizations
  • 179,954 Engagement Activities
  • 23.4 Million Individuals Reached

The Extension Foundation says “All universities engage in research and teaching, but the nation’s 112 Land-grant Universities and Colleges, including Historically Black Land-grant Universities and Tribal Colleges, have a third critical mission—Extension. Langston University is pleased to join in this worthy project.  Learn More About the Extension Foundation Here

Learn More about the Extension Foundation Programs and ServicesClick Here

The Langston University Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture & Applied Sciences

Built upon the foundational principles of its 1890 Land Grant origins, Langston University was established with the central mission to pioneer advancements in agricultural science and broaden access to higher education for African Americans. Today, the land grant mission remains a cornerstone of the University’s empowerment.

Through the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences (LU-SL/SAAS), Langston University offers a wide range of land-grant programs that are essential to producing graduates who can solve problems through engaging research, innovative academic programs, and active participation in extension and outreach. We are addressing agriculture, human and community development issues that impact the lives of those in Oklahoma and beyond.  

Individuals can go beyond the classroom in LU-SL/SAAS studies. The LU-SL/SAAS Cooperative Extension program is central to our mission as a Land Grant University. Extension and outreach programs deliver research-based educational information in response to the needs of producers and consumers-especially those with limited resources, and small-scale beginner farmers and ranchers. These are LU-SL/SAAS’ natural stakeholders.


Tiffany A. Williams, Ph.D., RDN, LDN
Family and Consumer Sciences Program Leader, Langston University Cooperative Extension, Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture & Applied Sciences