Student Success
Dear Lions!
Welcome to University College! Our goal is to make your transition to college life as smooth and enjoyable as possible while integrating you and your family into the Langston University community.
I am so glad you chose to start your journey here at Dear Langston. Our goal is to make your transition to college life as smooth and enjoyable as possible while integrating you into the Langston University community. My team & I are invested in student success – your success – and we know we cannot do this without our many partners, including parents, and the campus community. Our student success coaches are here to help you with academic advisement. Their chief responsibility is successfully guiding students in their academic progress, particularly in their selection of courses, majors, and career paths. Our students can utilize the writing center to work directly with faculty to strengthen their writing and close reading skills. We also have science and math labs and tutors available to work with you. Our team has developed many resources specifically designed to support our students in areas including time management, test preparation, stress reduction, online coursework, and more! I invite you to learn more about our on-campus services and resources.
We have several on-campus libraries for students to use. The G.L. Harrison Library is a quiet reading/study area with wireless access and includes small conference rooms that can be reserved for study groups.
Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what your college experience will look like, but we know that if you engage in the many programs and services available to you, you will thrive both in college and beyond.
Go Lions!
- General Studies Mrs. Linda Williams linda.j.williams@langston.edu
- Director Ms. Kelly O’Bryan Kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Honors Program Kyle Gregory kyle.gregory@langston.edu
- University College Academic Coach students with under 40 hours earned Ms. Shainea Odom shainea.odom@langston.edu
- Agribusiness-Urban Dr. Nirodha De Silva nirodha.de.silva@langston.edu
- Animal Science-Urban Dr. Kanyand Matand matand@langston.edu
- Crop and Soil Science-Urban Dr. Tracey Payton-Miller ptracey@langston.edu
- Natural Resources Management Dr. Kamal Gosh kgosh@langston.edu
- Child Development (A.S.) Dr. Emisha Maytubby emisha.young@langston.edu
- Child Development (B.S.) Dr. Emisha Maytubby emisha.young@langston.edu
- Early Childhood Education Dr. Emisha Maytubby emisha.young@langston.edu
- Dean Dr. Wesley Whittaker wesley.whittaker@langston.edu
- University College Academic Coach students with under 40 hours earned Mrs. Linda Williams linda.j.williams@langston.edu
- Biology Dr. Byron Quinn byron.quinn@langston.edu
- Biology Dr. K.J. Abraham kj.abraham@langston.edu
- Biology Mr. Willie Baker, Jr. wbaker@langston.edu
- Biology Dr. Julia Reid jlreid@langston.edu
- Biology Dr. Christianna Howard-Smith cahowar@langston.edu
- Broadcast Journalism Mr. Lonnie Johnson, Jr. lonnie.johnson@langston.edu
- Broadcast Journalism Ms. Carylon Ross carylon.ross@langston.edu
- Chemistry Dr. John Coleman jkcoleman@langston.edu
- Chemistry Dr. Sharon Lewis lewissa@langston.edu
- English Mr. Lonnie Johnson, Jr. lonnie.johnson@langston.edu
- English Ms. Donisha Childs donisha.s.childs@langston.edu
- Mathematics Dr. Arminder Kounsil akounsi@langston.edu
- Music Education Mr. William Brackeen william.brackeen@langston.edu
- Music Education Mr. Jonathon Allen jonathon.allen@langston.edu
- Criminal Justice (A.S.) Ms. Kelly O’Bryan kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Corrections Ms. Kelly O’Bryan kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Sociology Ms. Kelly O’Bryan kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Technology (B.S.) Dr. Franklin Fondjo ffondjo@langston.edu
- Technology (A.S.) Mr. Marcio White marcio.white@langston.edu
- Interim Dean Dr. John Coleman jkcoleman@langston.edu
- University College Academic Coach students with under 40 hours earned Mr. Bobby Fields bobby.fields@langston.edu
- Accounting Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Computer Science Mr. Ralph Grayson grayson@langston.edu
- Economics/Finance/Financial Economics Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Finance Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Management Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Management Information System (MIS) Dr. I-Lin Huang il.huang@langston.edu
- Online BBA Program Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Management/Supply Chain Mgmt. Dr. Michael Hamilton michaeh@langston.edu
- Dean Dr. Daryl Green daryl.green@langston.edu
- University College Academic Coach students with under 40 hours earned Ms. Jennifer Myrick mpenny@langston.edu
- Liberal Education Dr. Emily Patterson Harris patterson.harris@okstate.edu
- Special Education Dr. Orlenthea McGown orlenthea.mcgowan@langston.edu
- Elementary Education Dr. Orlenthea McGown orlenthea.mcgowan@langston.edu
- Health, Physical Education, Recreation (HPER) Dr. Desmond Delk desmowd@langston.edu
- Health, Physical Education, Recreation (HPER) Dr. John Winters wintejc@langston.edu
- Psychology Dr. Elizabeth Albright elizabeth.albright@langston.edu
- Dean Dr. Emily Patterson-Harris patterson.harris@okstate.edu
- University College Academic Coach students with under 40 hours earned Ms. Clara Allen clara.allen@langston.edu
- Nursing Mrs. Carolyn Johnson carolyn.s.johnson@langston.edu
- Public Health Mrs. Carolyn Johnson carolyn.s.johnson@langston.edu
- Health Administration Mrs. Carolyn Johnson carolyn.s.johnson@langston.edu
- Dean Dr. Teressa Hunter teressa.hunter@langston.edu
- Physical Therapy (DPT) Dr. Eddie Traylor ejtraylor@langston.edu
- Physical Therapy (DPT) Dr. Aliya Chaudry achaudry@langston.edu
- Physical Therapy (DPT) Dr. Donna Sylvester donna.sylvester@langston.edu
- Physical Therapy (DPT) Dr. Theresa Leahy leahyt@langston.edu
- Dean Dr. Elicia Pollard elicia.pollard@langston.edu
- Reach Higher Coordinator and Advisor Ms. Tristan Jones tristna@langston.edu
- Family & Consumer Science-Child Development Dr. Emisha Maytubby emisha.young@langston.edu
- Organizational Leadership Ms. Kelly O’Bryan kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Corrections Ms. Kelly O’Bryan kelly.henderson@langston.edu
- Psychology Dr. Elizabeth Albright elizabeth.albright@langston.edu
- Liberal Education Dr. Emily Paterson Harris patterson.harris@okstate.edu
- Urban Education (M.Ed.) Dr. Orlenthea McGowan orlenthea.mcGowan@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Dr. Andre Washington andre.washington@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Dr. Andre Washington andre.washington@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Dr. Edward Manyibe manyibe@langston.edu
- Entrepreneurial Studies Dr. Hassan Ahmed ahassan@langston.edu
- Accountancy Dr. Michael Hamilton michael.hamilton@langston.edu
- Business Administration Dr. Hossein Sarjeh-Payma payma@langston.edu
- Entrepreneurial Studies (MES) Dr. Hassan Ahmed ahassan@langston.edu
- Psychology Dr. Elizabeth Albright elizabeth.albright@langston.edu
- Nursing Ms. Deborah O’Guin deborah.oguin@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Services Dr. Dytisha Davis dytisha.davis@langston.edu
- Urban Education (M.Ed.) Dr. Orlenthea McGowan orlenthea.mcgowan@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Dr. Phillip Lewis lewispd@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Mr. Ruben Herron ruben.herron@langston.edu
- Rehabilitation Counseling (M.S.) Dr. Perry Sanders perry.sanders@okstate.edu
- Nursing Ms. Jennifer Doby jennifer.doby@langston.edu
- Nursing Ms. Becky Vladyka becky.vladyka@langston.edu
- Student Financial Aid and Scholarships Review Request to Enroll w/balance, Review Request for Transcript w/balance, FAFSA Waivers LUOEM@langston.edu
- Registrar’s Office Academic Suspension Appeals, Transcript Requests, Add/Drop/Withdrawals LURegistrar@langston.edu
- Financial Aid Review request for Federal Aid, Award Aid, Post Scholarships, Exit Counseling, Assist w/ Completing FAFSA, Financial Aid Appeal Financial@langston.edu
- Student and Employee Services Payments, Student Employment, Student Bills LUSES@langston.edu
- Academic Affairs Total Withdrawals, Course Overload Requests, Academic Appeals, Dual Enrollment Requests LUAcademicAffairs@langston.edu
- Student Disability Services and ADA Academic Accommodations Requests marquita.bailey@langston.edu
Communication with your instructors is now more important than ever. Each instructor will indicate a primary method of communication for the class (e.g., LU email, D2L, text, Remind, GroupMe, etc.). You are encouraged to check your email and log on to D2L multiple times a day.
Make sure you understand the expectations for each of your classes. This includes participation, assignments, deadlines, and grading methods.
Recognize instructors are likely working from home to maximize social distancing. Utilize virtual office hours rather than expecting to find them in their campus offices.
Remind instructors of any ADA accommodations currently in place as they will remain in effect throughout the end of the semester.
Speak up if you are having problems. If you are having technical difficulties or problems understanding something about the course, tell your instructor right away.
If you have concerns, speak to your instructor. If you need additional assistance, contact your department chair and/or dean for guidance.
Library services and other academic support are available remotely. While some buildings will be closed or have limited access, the first floor of the library will remain open with shortened hours.
The G. Lamar Harrison Library has many online resources. The following videos demonstrate how to locate a full-text, peer reviewed journal article and how to locate an electronic book.
When off campus, the databases will require you use your MyLangston username and password to log in. If you have any trouble connecting to the Library Resources, please contact Clarence Harkins at (405) 919-0872 or via email at clarence.harkins@langston.edu.
Text-A-Librarian Service
Follow these four steps to text your librarian:
On your cell phone, text 66746
Type “lion” in the message bar
You’ll receive the following message, “Success! Reply to ask your questions…”
After you type your question, give your phone number so that you can be contacted directly.
Library Hours
Sunday – Friday, 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
*The Melvin B. Tolson Black Heritage Center will not be open.
Contact the Library:
General Number (no voicemail), (405) 466-3292
Dr. Emily Patterson Harris, Director of University Libraries, 405-466-3265, patterson.harris@okstate.edu
The computer lab located on the third floor within University Women will be open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Langston University will continue student tutoring services through the end of the semester through various multimedia platforms. Instructors will provide additional information concerning coursework and tutoring. Students are encouraged to contact their instructors during office hours for further instructions.
Students can obtain tutoring for composition or other writing courses. You may schedule appointments and meet with a tutor virtually through https://langston.mywconline.com. Students should upload papers for review to their tutors prior to the scheduled appointment to allow for timely feedback. Writing Center virtual tutoring will be available Monday – Thursday between 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Students can obtain tutoring for NP1113, NB 1113, and NB 1114. Students may schedule appointments and meet with their Supplemental Instruction (SI) leaders virtually through their science accounts at https://langston.mywconline.com. Additionally, students may also request tutoring through their SI leader’s GroupMe account. Students should upload or email problems for review to their tutors prior to the scheduled appointment to allow for an efficient tutoring session. Hours for natural science virtual tutoring will be posted on the Spring 2020 Natural Science schedule on https://langston.mywconline.com.
Students can obtain tutoring for MT 1413, MT 1513, MT 2013 and MT 2603 through their Supplemental Instruction (SI) leader’s GroupMe or email accounts. Students may schedule appointments and meet with their SI Leaders virtually through Zoom Cloud Meetings. The Zoom app is free to download and credentials will be shared by your instructor.
Students may also send problems or questions directly to their professors by using the “Ask My Instructor” tab for classes using EducoSoft. Students should email problems or questions for review to their tutors prior to the scheduled appointment to allow for an efficient tutoring session. Hours for mathematics virtual tutoring will be posted on your D2L, WebAssign, or EducoSoft course page.
Contact CTI for assistance with the following:
General instructions on using D2L and its features
Corresponding via e-mail in D2L
Downloading the Brightspace Pulse app for your phone
More information can be found on the CTI website.
Contact CTI:
Dr. Ebrahim Soltani, Director, (405) 466-2000, soltanie@langston.edu
Ms. Ally Sharp, Instructional Designer, (405) 466-2007, sharpa@langston.edu
Mr. Bill Gaffney, Adobe Connect, (405) 812-1233 (cell), wfgaffney@langston.edu
Ms. Victoria Savory, Administrative Assistant, (405) 466-2001, vlsavory@langston.edu
Contact Information Technology Services (ITS) for assistance with the following:
Re-setting your Langston University e-mail password
Setting up e-mail access on your mobile device
Downloading and/or accessing Microsoft 365 and its features
Contact ITS:
ITS Helpdesk, 405-466-3215 or (405) 466-3253, helpdesk@okstate.edu
Mr. Pritchard Moncriffe, CIO, (405) 466-6032, pmoncriffe@langston.edu
For additional information regarding scholarships, contact the Langston University Center for International Development at (405) 466-3424.
TrIO Grant
LANGSTON, OKLAHOMA – Langston University (LU) has received $1,300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The TRIO Student Support Service (SSS) Program grant will allow the University to serve more than 200 LU students each year. These services will include peer and professional tutoring, academic advising, learning communities, mentoring, cultural and social activities and career exploration. All SSS grants are funded for five-year grant award cycles.
The funding will allow LU to better serve low-income and first-generation students who demonstrate academic need and who are committed to enhancing their academic success. This assistance aligns with the University’s mission, the LU Strategic Plan, and HLC’s Criterion Three: Quality, Resources, and Support. The grant team led by Dr. Jason K. Johnson, LU Assistant Vice President of Student Success, is excited for the opportunities this will bring to the students. His team has begun the initial stages of implementing the program.
“Our program is designed to improve student outcomes including increased retention and graduation rates. I am excited for the opportunities that this will afford Langston University and our students,” said Dr. Jason K. Johnson.
“TRIO has been instrumental in supporting and providing opportunities for marginalized student populations and we plan to continue build our TRIO department.”
This is the first step in rebuilding LU’s TRIO program. To receive funding, the University had to go through an extremely competitive process, only 17 percent of the grants were awarded to new programs.
Langston University wants your success! We are encouraging our students to take at least 15 credit hours each semester.
Research has shown that the payoffs for taking at least 15 hours per semester are huge:
- Reduced student loan debt
- Savings on tuition, housing, and fees
- Better academic outcomes
- Earlier entry into your career
Plan for it.
Talk with your advisor about building a balanced schedule with the right courses for your degree.
Schedule it.
Register for at least 15 credits each semester.
Commit to it.
Get to know your professors, prioritize your studies, and talk to a campus counselor if you need help.