Photo of clock tower in background and mall area in foreground as evening approaches

Student Affairs


In the Division of Student Affairs, we foster students’ intellectual, personal, social, and professional growth, and prepare them for success on campus and beyond graduation. Most important, we strive to create a safe, diverse and stimulating campus environment responsive to the needs of our students. While striving to create an environment that facilitates the holistic development of students, we provide quality services and programs that assist with retention, progression and graduation. The Division of Student Affairs is comprised of seven departments:

  • Counseling
  • The Office of The Dean of Students
  • Health Services
  • Housing & Residential Life
  • Recreation and Wellness
  • Student Life
  • Upward Bound

Our staff works tirelessly to provide an array of programs and services to meet the needs of our diverse student body. We encourage students and parents to take advantage of the variety of programs and services we offer. I truly believe that the University supports and challenges its students to become critical-thinking change agents who will have a global impact. The faculty and staff at Langston are committed to making sure that our students enter to learn and exit to serve.

Learn more about our Vision and Mission

Access the Student Handbook