Campus Police Department and Office of Campus Safety
Langston University Police Department & Office of Campus Safety
EMERGENCY DIAL: 405-466-3366
The Langston University Police Department is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by at least one officer on duty. The police staff currently includes 15 certified peace officers who are sworn to enforce federal, state, and local laws on campus. The Langston University Police Department is also charged to enforce the traffic and parking regulations within the campus jurisdiction. It is the mission of the Langston University Police Department to encourage the maintenance of a safe and secure environment for the campus community in which it serves, thereby advocating that safety is the responsibility of every member of the Langston University community.
Langston University Campus Police P.O. Box 269 Langston, Oklahoma 73050
Phone: 405-466-3366
Emergency: 405-466-3366
Fax: 405-466-3905
The Campus Police Department/Public Safety Bldg. is located at the south entrance of campus coming off of Old Highway 33.
Take a moment to download the app on your phone, this is available on the App store and on Google Play.
Easy to use and this app has multiple features that include:
- The Friend Watch allows students to stay connected
- Notify law enforcement /emergency dispatch with the push of a button
- Send vital information discreetly to law enforcement
- Additional resources available including: the academic calendar, the trolley schedule, and more!
- Parents are also encouraged to download the app today!
Langston University Weapons Policy
Crime victims, regardless of how seemingly insignificant the crime, are encouraged to report the incident to the Langston University Police Department immediately. To report a crime, a victim or a witness need only to call the campus police at 405-466-3366 if you reside in one of the campus apartment facilities or off campus. the request for police assistance is received, a campus police officer will respond to your location to gather information and/or investigate the complaint. An official report will be generated based upon the details obtained during the complaint interview. The report will remain on file within the Langston University Police Department and copies are made available for public access during normal business hours. Please consult the Langston University “Emergency Procedures Guide” in case of a fire, accident with serious injury or illness, unwanted intruder, bomb threat or explosives, and severe weather to determine what to do in case of an emergency. Students, faculty, and staff are strongly encouraged to report any violations, suspicious loitering and/or unruly behavior to the campus police or contact other university officials such as residence hall management, the Office of Student Affairs, Athletic Department, Office of Academic Affairs, or the Office of the President etc. All students faculty/staff must carry a university identification card at all times when on campus. Please be mindful that you may be requested to present your identification card by campus police personnel at any time to protect your rights and property.
Services Provided
The Langston University Police Department is committed to the service of providing a safe and secure environment to preserve and promote educational growth and development within the Langston University community. During the course of duties on a daily basis the Langston University Police Department offers the following services:
- Parking and Traffic Control (Updated Rules and Regulations – 2006-2017)
- Safety and Security Seminars
- Operation I.D. (marking personal property)
Victims Assistance
The Langston University Police Department recognizes that the traditional methods of managing students, from a campus law enforcement perspective, specifically from an authoritarian style of enforcement and interaction, may be less effective and in many cases exacerbate interpersonal conflicts. With this in mind, the Langston University Police Department has developed a common based relationship with the Langston University Professional Counseling Center (PCC) to provide counseling, and mental health services to the university population when such needs are identified and determined to be necessary to address a situation. In addition to counseling and mental health services, the PCC also conduct “victim prevention” seminars such as Sexual Assault/Date Rape, self-defense, and Domestic Violence. Counselors on staff in the PCC work routinely with crime victims providing counseling services and, informing clients of their responsibilities and rights to report crimes that have occurred against themselves to the campus police (in cases where the crime occurred on campus) and/or to other authorities (crimes occurred off campus). Information relative to criminal incidents gained during counseling sessions is not maintained for the purpose of statistical data (Such reporting is generally maintained by the Office of Student Affairs). For further information concerning services provided by the Langston University Police Department, call 405-466-3366.The Langston University Police Department also maintains a close working relationship with the City of Langston Police and Fire Departments, City of Coyle Police and Fire Department, the City of Guthrie Police and Fire Department, Logan County Sheriff’s Office, the Logan County District Attorney’s Office and the Oklahoma State Department of Public Safety.
Members of the Langston University community must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and the security of their personal property.The following precautions should be taken:
- Report all suspicious activity to the campus police immediately.
- Never take personal safety for granted.
- Limit your alcohol consumption, and leave social functions that get too loud, too crowded, or where too many people are drinking excessively.
- Remember to call campus police at the first sign of trouble.
- Carry only small amounts of cash.
- Never leave valuables (wallets, purses, books, calculators, etc.) unattended.
- Carry your keys at all times, and do not lend them to anyone.
- Lock-up your bicycles, lock doors, and close windows when leaving your car.
- Always lock the door to your residence hall room, whether or not you are there. Be certain that your door is locked when you go to sleep, and keep windows closed and locked when you are not at home.
- Do not leave valuables in your car, especially if they can be easily noticed.
- Engrave serial numbers or owner-recognized numbers, such as driver’s license number, on items of value.
The enforcement of laws upon the campus of Langston University is tempered with an educational philosophy, which supports the mission, goals, and objectives of the Langston University community.
In accordance with 485 of the Higher Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1092(j), Langston University has developed this investigation and notification policy regarding students who reside in on-campus housing and have been reported as missing. Any report to a University official indicating that a student who resides in on-campus housing is missing shall be referred immediately to the Langston University Police Department, and an investigation shall be conducted. If the initial investigation determines that the student is missing, the following persons shall be notified:
- A confidential contact person designated by the student. Students have the option of identifying a person of their choice to be contacted in the specific case they are determined missing. Students can choose to identify the same person as their general emergency contact or identify a different person who is more likely to know their whereabouts if determined missing (for example a roommate, close friend, or in-town relative might be more familiar with your daily movements than out-of-town family or friends). The person you designate and their contact information shall be considered confidential and is only to be accessed by University officials after the student has been reported missing. This confidential contact person database can be used by any Langston student, whether they live on campus or not.
- The Student’s custodial parent(s) or legal guardian(s), if the student is under 18 and not an emancipated minor.
- Local law enforcement authorities: The Langston University Police Department will work with other law enforcement agencies, if necessary, once a student is determined to be missing. University officials may elect to notify additional persons determined to be appropriate and consistent with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 § 1232(g). IMPORTANT: Students are encouraged to share pertinent information with family and friends when leaving campus or taking trips. Sharing this information will enable University staff, as well as family and friends, to contact you if the need arises.
All vehicles parked on the Langston campus, including vendors and farm vehicles, must have a valid parking decal. The enforcement deadline for the 2024-25 School Year is Friday, Aug. 16, 2024. Ticketing for vehicles without valid permits will begin on Saturday, Aug. 17, 2024.
Decals may be purchased on the Langston Campus at the Student and Employee Services Cashier Window, located on the first floor of Page Hall, Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. via cash, cashier check or money order. They may also be purchased online via a Bursar deduction (please see information below for Bursar deduction instructions). Once the decal has been purchased, please present your receipt at the Langston University Police Department to receive the decal.
Prices for the parking permits are:
- General (white) Faculty and Staff Parking Decals: $30/year
- Reserved (orange) Faculty and Staff Parking Decals: $40/year
- Student (Housing Decal): No Additional Charge, but the student will still need to obtain a decal from LUPD (see instructions below)
- Student (Commuter Decal): No Additional Charge, but the student will still need to obtain a decal from LUPD (see instructions below)
Reserved parking decals are not assigned to individual spaces. Faculty and staff who purchase a reserved parking decal have the option to park in any reserved (orange) space on campus on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking zones are designated by color, which corresponds to the color of each parking decal. Parking signs are located at the entrance to each parking lot and display the designated parking.
Pay via Bursar Deduction
Parking decals can now be purchased online! This payment option is a convenient and automated method to make payments. Employees will have to set up start and end dates in Banner. Please utilize the following instructions to set up your Bursar deduction in Self-Service:
- Visit
- Select Self-Service
- Click on Lion-Key Sign In
- Select Employee
- Select Benefits and Deductions
- Select Miscellaneous Benefits
- Select Bursar Deduction
- Click on Update and enter the following information into the fields:
- Status: Active
- Effective Date: Date to start the deduction
- Employee Deduction: Enter $30.00 or $40.00 (one-time only payments)
- Annual Limit: Leave Blank
- Click “Submit Changes”
- Select Update
- Status: Inactive
- Effective Date: Date to end the deduction (end of the month)
Once the decal has been purchased online, please visit the Langston University Police Department and present a printout of your online scheduled deduction payment from Banner.
Students must present a copy of a current class schedule and a copy of a lease for on-campus housing, if applicable.
All faculty, staff and students will need to provide their vehicle registration, current auto insurance verification information, and a valid driver’s license in order to obtain the decal. When your new decal is issued, you will be given a copy of the updated rules and regulations manual. For your convenience, please fill out the vehicle registration form beforehand and bring it with you.
For more information about parking decals, please contact the LU Police Department at (405) 466-3366.
Crime Statistics Mandated by the Jeanne Clery Act. The Crime Reports chart reflects crime statistics mandated by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. These statistics reflect incidents that have been reported the Langston University Police Department as well as to other University Officials who have significant responsibilities for student and campus activities as defined by the Clery Act. Incidents reported to other University Officials which are included in the below table, do not always result in a criminal investigation when the victim chooses not to pursue the matter with law enforcement, or seek an alternative resolution such as the student judicial/disciplinary process.
2024 Langston University – Langston Campus Crime Report
2024 Langston University – Oklahoma City Crime Report
2024 Langston University – Tulsa Campus Crime Report