Category: Students


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

LANGSTON, Okla. – The White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities recently named Langston University senior biology major, Nicholas Simon, a 2016 HBCU All-Star.

Simon was among 73 students across 63 HBCUs in 24 states, the District of Columbia, Ghana, Nigeria, and the Virgin Islands selected out of 300 applicants. The All-Stars, comprised of undergraduate, graduate and professional students, are being recognized for their accomplishments in academics, leadership and civic engagement.

“I believe that all of my hard work has paid off,” Simon said. “Everything I have done for my school and community has provided the opportunity for me to represent Langston University on a national level.”

Over the next year, Simon will help promote and create outreach opportunities for his fellow students about the value of education. He will also participate in the White House HBCU Week Conference, national and regional events, and webinars with Initiative staff and other professionals on a range of disciplines that support a spirit of engagement and personal and professional development.

“We are proud of Nicholas and the work he has accomplished to receive this prestigious honor and know he will represent the University well at the White House HBCU Conference,” said Dr. Kent J. Smith, president of Langston University.

Nicholas Simon, an honors student from currently serves as president of the campus NAACP chapter and co-chair of the Langston University ambassador program. This past summer he conducted biological research for NASA at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California as part of an internship program.

“It’s an honor to be recognized among so many talented scholars. I am excited to have a chance to learn more about other HBCUs and collaborate to help build and grow our institutions,” Simon said.

Langston University is a public historically black college enrolling a close-knit community of under 4,000 students. Founded in 1897, LU is located in rural Logan County and has two urban campuses in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. LU was recently recognized as a top institution of higher learning for affordability, ranking number three among all Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the U.S., according to Langston offers over 40 associate, bachelors, masters, and doctoral programs across six academic colleges. Visit us online at

Student Leadership Institute 2015


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

LANGSTON, Okla. – Langston University Office of Student Life recently held the annual Student Leadership Institute (SLI), where student leaders learned best practices for leading and developing their organizations.

The weeklong event included guest speakers, seminars, group exercises and other activities to help the students develop as leaders. The theme was “Back to the Basics: Remembering The Foundation For Success.”

Brittany Carradine, Assistant Director of Student Life in the Office of Student Affairs, has led the SLI since 2013 with the goal of helping students lead successful organizations.

“The SLI is where students develop skills, connect with peers, and grow as leaders,” Carradine said. “Leaders who understand how they lead are more engaged, productive, and successful. This will help students understand their top strengths to become better leaders.”

Students were taught how to run effective meetings, the fiscal responsibility of leading organizations, the importance of communication within an organization, especially during times of conflict, and how to use social media effectively.

Students then had the opportunity to use what they learned as they met with student leaders from other schools to develop a plan for supporting each other in success.

Shaquille Anderson is a senior Business Management major is the newly appointed 2015-16 Student Government Association president. His goal is to increase communication between the students and administration, as well as with his fellow students.

“It is in my nature to factor in people’s perspective,” Anderson said. “I think it is important in any leadership role to take in the opinions and viewpoints of others in order to make a positive impact. It is our priority as campus leaders to keep the student experience at a high level.”

Student leaders have been equipped with the tools needed to fulfill their responsibility to their peers, future students and themselves to represent Langston and their organizations well.

“They are ready to work and take action,” Carradine said.

Langston offers more than 38 degree programs, including 5 masters degrees and one doctoral program. Langston University is located 12 miles east of Guthrie, Oklahoma.
To learn more about Langston University, please visit

Junior natural resources major William C. Moore III teaches kids about wildlife during his internship with the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

Langston University student, William C. Moore III, a junior Natural Resources Major was selected out of three applicants to work as a student intern for the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. The Student Conservation Association (SCA) aims to help students find internship opportunities through different environmental government agencies.

During Moore’s freshman year, his Associate Professor in the School of Agriculture and Research, Raymond F. Faucette, Jr., Ph.D. introduced him to a representative of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It was this contact that led Moore to apply for the internships.

Moore is currently working with the Environmental Education Specialist to facilitate two environmental camps for local kids in Soldotna, Alaska. ‘Critter Camp’ was geared toward outdoor learning about plants and animals, their habitats, life cycles, and adaptations.

Each day included trail exploration and arts and crafts activities. ‘Get Out and Get Dirty’ camp is a chance for kids to spend time outdoors participating in skill-based exploration of orienteering, plants, birds, fish, and other animals.

During the camp, he taught the kids a nature-related curriculum provided by the program about the salmon life cycle, parts of an insect and salmon migration. He also assists with tasks such as recycling and cleaning trailheads. Moore said the internship has given him the opportunity to receive valuable training and work experience. “I’ve been here for two and a half months and I can truly say that this internship has been a life-changing experience,” said Moore.

“This internship taught me how to work independently. I was able to interact with the employees, try new things, and step outside of my comfort zone.”

Moore is a McCabe Scholar and also a member of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc.

The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge serves as an anchor for biodiversity on the Kenai Peninsula. Using the best technology available, they ensure that biological health is maximized and human impacts minimize the Refuge staff and partners work together to ensure that biological health is maximized and human impacts. To find more information, visit the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge webpage.

Langston offers more than 38 degree programs, including 5 masters degrees and one doctoral program. Langston University is located 12 miles east of Guthrie, Oklahoma. To learn more about Langston University, please visit the Langston University webpage.

Blongshia Cha at the Miss Langston University Pageant in 2015


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

LANGSTON, Okla. – Five female students participated for the title at the annual Miss Langston Scholarship Pageant that took place on Saturday night. The title of Miss Langston represents a woman who is the face and voice of Langston University.

The participants were judged on their performance in an onstage question-and-answer portion, a talent and physical fitness portion and an evening gown and swimsuit portion. All participants were required to adopt a platform, or cause they can support, for something they can tie into the community.

A sophomore who is currently working to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Science, Blongshia Cha from Denver, Colorado, was crowned Miss Langston in 2015. Her platform is based on the issue of college readiness and retention. She was inspired by the common phrase; the journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step.

She believes that education is one of the most important common denominators in our society and that regardless of your social or religious background if you had the same education you’re just as competitive.

“I would like to bring attention to the need to continue education. Using my platform I would like to promote mentoring students at the middle school, high school, and university level,” said Cha.

“One of the ways I plan to do this is through tutoring students at Coyle schools. By doing this I am able to not only help them academically but also talk to them about other issues. Therefore, I am not only able to educate but mentor as well.”

“It is imperative that we educate our youth,” Cha said.

“I plan to pursue the title of Miss. America to the best of my abilities. If crowned I plan to use my title as a launching pad for my platform,” she said.

Langston University is located 12 miles east of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Langston offers over 38 degree programs, including 5 masters degrees and one doctoral program.


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by Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

LANGSTON, Okla. – A senior English Education major at Langston University, Emmanuel Robinson, was one of 30 aspiring male teachers chosen from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) across the nation to attend the HBCU Male Summer Institute hosted by Winston-Salem State University. The Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s Teacher Quality and Retention Program fund the Institute.

The Guthrie native aspires to become a high school English teacher.

“I really want to teach in an urban setting and give those students the ability to compete with anyone,” Robinson said. “This experience was certainly a guiding point in my teaching career.”

He highly encourages other education majors to take advantage of the scholarship opportunities and summer programs that are available.

The program is specifically geared toward aspiring male teachers from schools across the nation and focuses on teaching innovations and relevant subjects like professional development and school violence by providing support and the tools for the classroom through a series of workshops and lectures.

The men were taught through three different learning styles: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

“I was able to learn the different strategies but also able to practice those skills learned,” said Robinson. “I plan to make my classroom a mixture of all three something new or developing every day for my students to keep them engaged but also energized about learning. I want to make learning a priority again in students.”

Langston University is located 12 miles east of Guthrie, Oklahoma. Langston offers more than 38 degree programs, including 5 masters degrees and one doctoral program. For more information on the School of Education & Behavior Sciences at Langston University, visit


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By Kaylie Wehr, Digital Marketing Specialist

“Nobody can control your life but you,” was the theme for Angela Monson’s speech at Langston University’s Formal Opening Convocation on Sept. 25, 2014.

Monson, Associate Provost University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, was the keynote speaker for the event, while Clyde Montgomery, Jr. presided.

Monson’s speech challenged students by urging them to make their own destinies. “Decide what you want out of life and pursue it” was her charge to the students. Monson was encouraging and hopeful for the future of Langston University students.

Following her speech, Monson was awarded the Distinguished Service Award by Kent J. Smith, Jr., Langston University president. The Outstanding Teacher of the Year award was also presented at the ceremony to Alonzo F. Peterson, a mathematics professor.

The ceremony also featured the introduction of the 2014 Student Government Association officers, music by the Langston University Concert Choir and Band and comments made by Mr. and Miss. Langston University.

To conclude the ceremony, Clifford Smith, Director of Choral Activities, led the auditorium in singing the Alma Mater. As another academic year has begun, so has another year of opportunity for Langston University students. As Monson pointed out, students are the future and they can change the world.


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

LANGSTON, Okla. – Langston University has named Karon Abraham of Newark, New Jersey, as point guard for the men’s basketball team.

Abraham averaged 13.7 points per game on 41.9 percent shooting with the NCAA Division 1 Robert Morris Colonials, a NCAA Division 1 program located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from 2009-2012.

Langston University finished under .500 for the third straight year. Newly appointed Head Coach Stan Holt has been working to build a strong 2014 recruiting class and turn Langston’s men’s basketball team into a program that strives to win national championships. Holt is optimistic about the upcoming season.

“This is an exciting day for Langston Basketball,” Holt said. “Karon brings NCAA Division 1 experience. He has played at the highest level, and we expect him to use that experience to excel at Langston.”

During his two years at Robert Morris, Abraham was particularly dangerous from beyond the arc, making 43.4 percent of his three-point attempts.

“I feel excited and blessed to have this opportunity,” Abraham said. “I definitely see where Coach Holt and Mike Garrett (LU Athletic Director) are taking this program, and I know I will be able to help.”

Abraham will provide an immediate threat from the backcourt, along with returning sophomore Renard Green. Green led the Lions in scoring last year, averaging 12.3 points per game. Landon Gray also comes back to the team after shifting in and out of a starting role in 2013-2014.


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By Christina Gray, Media Relations Specialist

The Young Women’s Empowerment Institute is a mentoring program for freshman female students attending Langston University. It is a one-year program that provides transformative opportunities to young women between 17-21 years of age who are first-time, full-time entering freshmen. The program helps improve their self-esteem and equip them with a life plan. The program is a series of seminars for the participants focused on professional development, social etiquette, health and wellness. Additionally, mentors are brought in to educate and guide these young women. The follow-up and monitoring of the progress of participants’ life plans continues through graduation and two years post-graduation.

The Young Women’s Empowerment Institute is a partnership between Langston University and the Central Area of The Links Incorporated. As the First Lady of Langston University, Tiffany Hill-Smith wanted to create a mentoring program that addressed the need to empower young college women to successfully manage the collegiate landscape and graduate ready to engage the global community. The program is a result of her efforts along with Alice Strong Simmons’, Central Area Director of the Links, Incorporated, vision partnering with Central Area Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) to work with young women attending these institutions, beginning with Langston University.

A Women in Leadership Luncheon was held earlier this month as a fundraising initiative to benefit the Young Women’s Empowerment Institute. Sophia A. Nelson, Esq., the keynote speaker at the luncheon, is an award-winning author and black women’s empowerment activist. She is the author of the award-winning 2011 non-fiction book “Black Women Redefined: Dispelling Myths and Discovering Fulfillment in the Age of Michelle Obama.”

“I am an award-winning author, but I still look for guidance in my two mentors at this stage in my life when I make a mistake,” Nelson said.

She explained a scenario where she was advised that she should think things through because so many young women look up to her. She explained that she realized the importance of admitting when she makes mistakes.

“That is why I feel it is vital that young women have a mentorship program to learn good citizenship practices”, she said.

Nelson believes that there is an order and a structure for success and that we are obligated to teach the younger generation how to live and succeed.

“I want to challenge you to do something different because this is a different generation and often we don’t communicate effectively,” Nelson said. “This generation is smart and savvy; build them up, counsel them and provide guidance. Don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk. This generation is looking for and wants something genuine.”

Nelson expressed that it doesn’t matter where one lives but how one is raised and the strong role models one has that shape a person. She applauded the participants of the mentoring program for wanting to develop their skills and referred to Titus 2 as a guide, “if you are wise, you accept counsel.” Nelson abruptly stopped and pointed directly to Beautiful- Joy Fields, a Mathematics major and academic scholar at Langston University, to say, “she is the exception, not the rule.”

“The Young Women’s Empowerment Institute has had a very personal and influential impact on my life,” Fields said. “It offers a life plan for young women that will aid us even after college. I am thrilled to be a part of a program that is helping make our dreams a reality. I am thankful for your commitment to me.”

Fields aspires to develop a chain of charter schools across the nation upon graduation and currently holds a 4.0 GPA.

Strong Simmons and Hill-Smith are dedicated to the growth and development of the mentoring program and will host this luncheon annually to create awareness and raise funds.

“It is imperative to invest in the young women on campus and ensure that the Young Women’s Empowerment Institute will continue to help future Langston students”, said Hill-Smith.

If you would like to make a donation or to learn more about how to become a mentor, please contact the Langston University Foundation for more information at (405) 466- 3482. Langston University is dedicated to the development of tomorrow’s leaders, are you?

Biology senior Kellyn Pollard presents at the 12th Annual K-INBRE Symposium in 2014.


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By Koshia Silver, Director of Public Relations

Kellyn Pollard, of Lawton, was one of eight students honored for their scientific research oral presentations at the 12th annual Kansas IDeA (Institutional Development Awards) Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (K-INBRE) symposium Jan. 18-19.

All oral presenters are awarded for their participation, with first place receiving $500, second place $250, third place $150 and honorable mentions $100. Pollard, a senior in biology at Langston University and the daughter of Van and Talisa Pollard, earned a first place award for her presentation “Beta 2 glycoprotein I-derived peptides alter angiogenesis in melanoma tumors.”

The annual symposium is part of the K-INBRE initiative to identify and recruit promising college science students into biomedical research careers in Kansas. Led by the University of Kansas Medical Center, 10 campuses in Kansas and northern Oklahoma are a part of this collaborative network.

“This program is vital for the continued development and recruitment of biomedical researchers in Kansas,” said Doug Wright, principal investigator for K-INBRE and professor of anatomy and cell biology at KU Medical Center. “With this program, we hope to keep the biosciences in Kansas growing and thriving.”

Students work in laboratories alongside scientist mentors to develop research projects. These projects give students early hands-on experience in putting the scientific method into practice. The students presented their research findings at the symposium.

“Langston was very influential and helped me prepare for this symposium,” Pollard said. “My professors encouraged me to present at the K-INBRE Symposium, and I would not have pursued this if it were not for them. “

The annual K-INBRE Symposium brings together the network of students, faculty and staff from KU Medical Center, Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Haskell Indian Nations University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, University of Kansas, Washburn University, Wichita State University and Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma.

Langston University is located 12 miles east of Guthrie, OK. Langston offers over 38 degree programs, including 5 masters degrees and one doctoral program.

K-INBRE is a multi-disciplinary network designed to inspire undergraduates to pursue careers in biomedical research, enhance research capacity through faculty development and retention and expand the biomedical research infrastructure connecting several academic institutions. More information about the program can be found at

This program was made possible by an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20 GM103418.