Tag: 2023

Dr Ruth Ray Jackson speaks at the 2023 Opening Convocation


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by Ellie Melero and Jet Turner

Langston, Okla. – Interim President Ruth Ray Jackson spoke about her goals for Langston University and her plans to achieve them over the next year during the Formal Opening Convocation Ceremony at I.W. Young Auditorium on Thursday.

“As we embark on this year of transition and prepare for a new chapter in the history of our institution, let’s embrace each opportunity to recommit to our institutional vision statement,” President Jackson said. “‘To foster an environment which cultivates leaders, innovators and engaged citizens who meet the challenges of local, national and global communities.’”

The Opening Convocation marked the formal opening of the university for the 2023-24 academic year. President Jackson, who assumed office on July 6 after President Kent J. Smith, Jr.’s, retirement, took the opportunity to address the Langston community and discuss her Presidential Priorities, or Five P’s, for the university during her interim presidency.

The Five P’s are People, Programs, Processes, Public Relations and Purpose.


People refers to the Langston community: students, future students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors and friends. President Jackson spoke about the need to take care of all members of the Langston family and the ways in which the university is doing so.

“We are committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our students to learn and live,” President Jackson said. “For our employees, we will cultivate a campus culture that allows us to recruit and retain talented people who, first and foremost, understand and support our mission.”

Student retention and graduation rates have increased, and graduate student enrollment has increased by 43%. Campus housing is at capacity, and Langston has taken occupancy of its new Oklahoma City campus on Kelley Avenue.

Additionally, the university has welcomed nearly 40 new faculty and staff since May, and university employees recently received a 3% raise, partially facilitated by funding from the State Regents and Oklahoma legislature.


Programs refers not only to the various associates, bachelors, masters and doctoral programs offered at Langston University, but also the various cocurricular and extracurricular activities which help to enrich the lives of Langston students.

Langston’s academic programs are continually evaluated and updated as needed to ensure students receive quality education which fully prepares them for competitive fields and industries. In addition to program updates, Langston is also working to increase its online graduate and certificate program offerings.

President Jackson also announced that Langston will soon offer a Master of Science in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, which means four of Langston’s six academic schools will offer at least one graduate degree program.


The third P, Processes, refers to President Jackson’s goal to update, optimize and streamline as many of the necessary processes and procedures of the university as possible. Many procedures and platforms are currently under review to determine how best to accomplish this goal.


“There is an African proverb that says, ‘Until the lion tells the story, the hunter will always be the hero,’” President Jackson said. “We must tell our story.”

President Jackson encouraged students, faculty, staff and alumni to not only share their stories with the university’s Public Relations team, but also with their own networks of friends and families.


President Jackson’s final P is Purpose. As one of only 102 Historically Black Colleges and Universities and one of only 19 Historically Black Land Grant Institutions in the United States, Langston University has a higher calling than simply teaching students.

Langston provides affordable access to all students, regardless of background, to career oriented higher education, and it empowers them to make lasting impacts in the world through critical teaching and research.

“Since our founding in 1897, we have provided a nurturing environment for our students, especially those most at risk for not completing college,” President Jackson said. “We play a critical role in fostering upward mobility and helping diverse students achieve their educational, professional and personal aspirations.”

President Jackson ended her remarks by reading Langston University’s Mission Statement, which aligns with the Five P’s:

Grounded in its rich traditions as a historically Black college and university, and a land-grant institution, Langston University offers quality post-secondary education to diverse populations through academics, research, community engagement, extension, and co-curricular experiences that lead to professional competence and degree completion.

“This is what we were founded to do,” President Jackson said. “This is what we have done for 126 years. This is what we will continue to do this year and for many more to come.”

Porsha Richardson headshot


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Jet Turner, Langston University Office of Public Relations


Porsha Richardson had to be strong for her granny.

At 6 years old, going to Granny’s house after school was the norm. But when Porsha eagerly opened the door, she did not see Granny on the couch or in the kitchen; instead, Porsha heard her call from the bedroom.

Even though she knew Granny was sick, Porsha could not help but feel thrilled to be back in the bedroom with her. Porsha learned how to play Solitaire and Go-Fish in the room-filling king-sized bed Granny would be resting in. Granny’s bright smile always shined in her memories.

But as she walked into the bedroom, Porsha did not see card games strewn across the bed. Granny was not smiling.

“Come here Porsha, I need your help,” Granny said.

Granny was laying toward the foot of the bed. One leg dangling off the footboard, the other wrapped in a bandage.

“I need you to be strong for me, Porsha,” Granny said. “I need you to put medication on my new scar.”

Granny’s battle with diabetes lead to her having half her leg amputated.

Porsha grabbed the ointment and began to remove Granny’s bandage as instructed. As the cloth fell the fresh stitching revealed itself, traversing Granny’s new leg like train tracks. Porcha looked into the eyes of her Granny, and they pleaded for reassurance. Any apprehension Porsha felt at the time melted away. She knew she could not show Granny the fear that almost overcame her.

Porsha swallowed her final traces of dread and began applying the ointment to her Granny’s new wound.

After the ointment was applied and a bandage was wrapped neatly around the wound, Granny smiled at Porsha.

“You did a great job,” Granny said. “You should consider being a nurse one day.”

Porsha agreed.


When it came time for Porsha Richardson to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse, Langston University was the only choice that made sense. Not only is Richardson the daughter and younger sister of Langston University alumni, but the highly touted School of Nursing and Health Professions drew Richardson to Dear Langston.

As she first walked into her Fundamentals of Nursing class, Richardson knew she was home.

“I was super excited to finally get a chance to be a part of the program, and to go to a school that my father and older sister had also attended,” Richardson said. “My dad was super proud.”

But Richardson quickly found achieving her dream of becoming a nurse was not going to be easy.

Dr. Lynnie Skeen greeted Richardson at the door as she found her seat in the plain classroom. Later, she would begin taking classes with Dr. Teressa Hunter. These professors quickly became mentors to the young nursing major who, initially, only wanted to be a labor and delivery nurse.

“Soon I found out that this is work,” Richardson said. “This is real work. I was not expecting nursing to be hard for me. I was thinking it would be the easiest thing because I always loved it.

“So Dr. Hunter pushed me. She pushed me to be better. She pushed me to be great. She did not settle for just anything. You had to earn every point, and so I earned every point. To this day it means a lot to me that I earned that degree.”

Richardson earned her nursing degree from Langston University in 2005 and was ready for anything the profession could throw at her.

But it was Dr. Skeen who told Richardson to not only consider graduate school but convinced her to be hands-on in her studies and move to Georgia so Richardson could attend her graduate studies in-person.

“I just took Dr. Skeen’s advice,” Richardson said. “If it were not for her, I would not have applied to graduate school. She knew my strengths and continued to invest in me as a student. These are things that I have always admired about the nursing professors at Langston University. The ability to see each individual student as unique individuals who have strengths and abilities that even they themselves may not know of.”

Richardson earned her master’s degree in 2009, from Emory University, in Atlanta, GA.


Richardson has owned her own medical practice since 2018. Located in Midwest City, Uptown Medical Center allows her to continue her dream of helping and nurturing patients. During the Fall 2022 semester, Richardson received a phone call from Dr. Hunter.

“Dr. Hunter said she needed a Women’s Health Instructor,” Richardson said. “I ask ‘when do I start?’”

Richardson has always had a heart for service. From nursing her Granny at 6 years old to her medical practice today, she knew it was time to give to the next generation of Langston University nurses.

When it was time to be an adjunct professor at Langston University, Richardson answered the call to teach Childbearing (Women’s Health) and Psychosocial Nursing.

And she never forgot the treatment she received at Langston University. Dear Langston instilled in Richardson and all its nursing majors an unmatched worth ethic that persists throughout their careers. Richardson knows any of her patients can be trusted in the hands of Langston University School of Nursing and Health Sciences graduates. Nursing at Langston is not an easy major, but it will prepare you for the real world.

“I heavily believe in the nursing program at Langston University, and the foundation on which it stands,” Richardson said. “It has changed the trajectory of my life, and so I owe this program a lot. My school needed me, so it was the least I could do to answer the call. My professors and school helped me so much, and I wanted to give that same help back.

“I am still that same nurse that helped my Granny at 6 years old. Taking care of people is what I do, and I love what I do. I am contributing to my community, and I am helping it not only with my medical practice, but by teaching our future nursing students too. I am proud to be a Langston graduate.”

Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson headshot


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LANGSTON, Okla. – The Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical Colleges has appointed Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson as interim president of Langston University, beginning July 6, 2023. Dr. Jackson will serve until a nationwide search for President Smith’s successor is completed and the University’s seventeenth president assumes office.

“We appreciate Dr. Jackson’s willingness to step forward to lead Langston University through this upcoming transition,” said Jarold Callahan, Chair of the OSU/A&M Board of Regents. “Her knowledge and dedication to Langston ensure we will maintain operational and program continuity. With capable interim leadership in place, we can devote our time and energies to conducting a comprehensive search to find the right person to lead this critical University moving forward.”

Dr. Jackson has been with the Langston University since 2014 and currently serves as the Vice President for Academic Affairs. She has held other leadership positions at the University including Associate Vice President for Student Success and Dean of the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences.

“Dr. Jackson has more than 20 years of progressive leadership experience in higher education and an appreciation of Langston University’s role in the state, region, and nation,” said Dr. Kent J. Smith, Jr., who announced plans to retire after 11 years as Langston University’s president. “I appreciate her willingness to serve and have full confidence in her ability to lead the University through this transition.”

Before joining Langston University, Dr. Jackson spent 11 years at Louisiana State University in Shreveport, where she served as tenured faculty, graduate program director, and department chair. Before transitioning to higher education, she spent over a decade in public education as a high school English teacher, assistant principal, and principal.

Dr. Jackson holds a bachelor’s degree in secondary education and a master’s degree in administration and supervision from Southern University and A&M College. She earned a Ph.D. in education and human resource studies from Colorado State University.

“I appreciate the confidence of the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents in asking me to serve Langston University during this transitional period,” said Jackson. “I look forward to collaborating with the campus community to ensure continuity and remain focused on our mission.”


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Langston University Office of Public Relations

LANGSTON, Okla. – Langston University announced it will clear student balances through the use of HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund) grant for students enrolled in the Summer 2022, Fall 2022, and Spring 2023 academic terms. The debt cleared through this initiative totals $4,587,485.82, and will directly assist students by immediately paying off debt owed to the university. This is the second time Langston University has cleared student debt through the use of the grant. The first debt relief initiative occurred in August 2021.

“Throughout the pandemic, our institution has sought ways to lessen the burden and remove barriers to degree completion for our students,” said Langston University President Dr. Kent J. Smith, Jr. “We are excited for what this debt relief means to our students and to their families.”

This initiative will also eliminate balances for former students not currently enrolled at the institution as well as graduates who will now be cleared of any balance preventing them from receiving an official transcript, as long as they were enrolled in either the Summer 2022 or Fall 2022 semesters. There is no expectation or requirement for enrollment in a future semester to receive this benefit. This initiative will clear balances owed in tuition, fees, and fines. Students are still responsible for their federal, state, or private loans.

In addition to this transformational initiative, the Office of the Registrar will consider late applications for graduation due to the timing of this award.

The full letter from President Smith may be found at this link.

Coach Chris Wright graphic


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Langston University Office of Public Relations

LANGSTON, Okla. – Langston University has announced an extension to retain head men’s basketball coach Chris Wright for the next four years, after a remarkable first season with the Lions. The contract extension will be ratified by the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents in April.

“I have never witnessed this magnitude of a program shift in one year,” said athletic director Donnita Drain Rogers. “The total culture of the men’s basketball program has been impacted by Coach Wright’s leadership.”

“Coach Wright has successfully fostered growth within the Langston University Men’s Basketball program both athletically and academically,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson. “Our Men’s Basketball team had an average GPA of 3.14 for the Fall semester, which is commendable of any team and especially one competing at this level. The accomplishments of his student-athletes in the classroom are as impressive as their performance on the court.” Of its 16 members, 11 of the Lions earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the Fall 2022 semester.

The 2022-2023 Lions have achieved the most successful year-to-year turnaround of any collegiate men’s basketball program in history. In their first season with Wright at the helm, the Lions went 29-2 overall in the season, making history as the first HBCU to win the Sooner Athletic Conference regular season and the conference tournament. The transformation of this program cannot be overstated and has garnered national attention.

“The success Coach Wright brings to this team and to our institution is special,” said Dr. Kent J. Smith, Jr., President of Langston University. “Their impact is not isolated to athletics alone; it’s building positive momentum for the institution at large. There are a lot of programs that would benefit from his style of coaching. We are happy that Coach Wright has found his home here at Dear Langston.”

“Langston University is a very special place. Our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community have truly rallied around our program and helped us create a culture of success,” Wright said. “The commitment from our president, director of athletics, administration, and everyone supporting our team has changed my life and the lives of the young men in this program for the better.”

Langston University hosted the first and second rounds of the NAIA Men’s Basketball National Championship on campus, where the Lions clinched a ticket to the Sweet Sixteen in Kansas City, Missouri. Now 31-2 overall in a storybook season, Langston University and Chris Wright look forward to creating a winning program for years to come.


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Langston University Office of Public Relations

DENVER – CoBank and Langston University today announced a multi-year pilot program that will introduce Langston students to CoBank and the Farm Credit System and create connections for students pursuing career opportunities in banking and financial services.

CoBank has committed $500,000 to support the effort, which will launch later this year. Dubbed the “Langston University CoBank Scholars,” the joint initiative will create a multi-faceted approach to education and engagement. The program will include scholarships, coaching and mentoring, an onsite immersion experience at CoBank’s Colorado headquarters, and internship opportunities for Langston University students.

Founded in 1897, Langston University is one of approximately 100 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in the United States. Its main campus is located outside of Guthrie, Oklahoma with campuses in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. With an enrollment of approximately 1,900 students, Langston offers degrees in agriculture and applied sciences, business, education, health care and other disciplines.

“CoBank is delighted to partner with Langston University in this exciting initiative,” said Tom Halverson, CoBank’s president and chief executive officer. “This significant investment, unanimously approved by our board of directors, supports the commitment of the Farm Credit System’s to the nation’s HBCUs and is a tangible demonstration of CoBank’s core value of diversity, equity and inclusion.”

“Like many employers, CoBank strives to hire the best and most qualified talent,” said Faye Tate, vice president of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at CoBank. “To achieve that goal, we need to reach the broadest possible pool of candidates, including those from diverse communities. We know that HBCUs are a tremendous source of talent, but many HBCU students simply are not aware of the vast range of rewarding career opportunities offered by CoBank and the Farm Credit System. Our hope is that our partnership with Langston University will help us to change that.”

“We are incredibly proud to partner with CoBank,” said Dr. Kent J. Smith, Jr., president of Langston University. “The opportunities available to our students through this partnership will prepare them for a variety of career paths and enhance their overall development as young professionals. We are grateful to CoBank for their support of our students.”

“We are so excited about the opportunities our partnership with CoBank will bring to Langston University students,” said Theresa Powell, vice president for Operations at Langston. “As an agricultural and mechanical college situated in a rural setting, we share many values including a focus on transforming small communities and supporting the rural economy. We believe that we are poised to build an excellent program wherein CoBank will bring expertise directly to our students in Langston and beyond, leading our graduates to demonstrate those shared values of collaborative community development as professionals.”

About CoBank

CoBank is a cooperative bank serving vital industries across rural America. The bank provides loans, leases, export financing and other financial services to agribusinesses and rural power, water and communications providers in all 50 states. The bank also provides wholesale loans and other financial services to affiliated Farm Credit associations serving more than 76,000 farmers, ranchers and other rural borrowers in 23 states around the country. CoBank is a member of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide network of banks and retail lending associations chartered to support the borrowing needs of U.S. agriculture, rural infrastructure and rural communities. Headquartered outside Denver, Colorado, CoBank serves customers from regional banking centers across the U.S. and also maintains an international representative office in Singapore.

About Langston University

Langston University (LU) was established prior to statehood. LU was founded in 1897 as a land grant institution, it is the only Historically Black College/ University (HBCU) in the state of Oklahoma. LU has both a rural and urban mandated mission with campuses in Langston, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and one extension in Ardmore. Langston University produces top academic scholars within the six schools house the degree programs: Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education and Behavioral Science, Nursing and Health Professions, and Physical Therapy. More than 30 undergraduate and 5 graduate degree programs are offered, including a professional doctoral degree. Top majors include agriculture, nursing, health physical education and recreation, liberal education, and psychology.

2023 NAIA Mens Basketball Tournament Langston University graphic


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By Jet Turner, Langston University Office of Public Relations

LANGSTON, Okla. – The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics announced Thursday that Langston University has been selected as one of 16 sites to host the 2023 NAIA Men’s Basketball National Championship First & Second Rounds, presented by Ballogy.

This is the first time Langston University has been chosen as a host site for the NAIA Men’s Basketball National Championship First & Second Rounds, capping off what has been a historic season for the Lions.

“It is an incredible honor for Langston University to be picked out of all the NAIA schools that play intercollegiate basketball,” Head Men’s Basketball Coach Chris Wright said. “For us to be one of 16 sites picked to host is a tremendous honor for our university and our program. Our student athletes deserve a lot of credit for what they have done on the court to put us in this position.”

Langston University’s historic Men’s Basketball season began when the Lions, after winning only one game in the last two seasons, began the season with a 16-game win streak. The Lions ended the regular season with a 26-2 record, 20-2 in conference play, clinching the Regular Season Sooner Athletic Conference Championship for the first time in program history, becoming the first HBCU to win the conference.

This success has brought the Men’s Basketball team to national prominence, becoming the biggest program turnaround in collegiate basketball history.

“It is so exciting to be a part of this historic basketball journey,” Langston University Director of Athletics Donnita Rogers said. “I need Lion Nation to show up to these opening round games in large numbers to ensure that we are the first stop for the national tournament for years to come!”

The homefield advantage this gives Langston University in the NAIA Men’s National Tournament cannot be understated.

“We are undefeated here at home this year,” Wright said. “Someone is going to have to play really well to beat us in C.F. Gayles Field House. To have that type of advantage in March is big.”

Each first and second round site will feature four teams and will play single elimination on Tuesday & Wednesday, March 7-8. The winner of the final game will go to the NAIA National Championship Final Site in Kansas City, Mo.

The field of 64 teams for the 2023 NAIA Men’s and Women’s National Tournament will be announced at 7:00 p.m. March 2, 2023, during the selection show on the NAIA’s Official YouTube channel.

Mr. Marc J. Spears, Senior NBA writer for ESPN’s Andscape


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Langston University Office of Public Relations

LANGSTON, Okla. – President Kent J. Smith, Jr. announced on Monday that Mr. Marc J. Spears, Senior NBA writer for ESPN’s Andscape, will serve as the distinguished speaker for the 123rd Commencement of Langston University on Saturday, May 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., in the W.E. Anderson Stadium.

Marc J. Spears, an award-winning sportswriter, began his journalism career in 1995. He has covered the NBA since 1999, including over 20 NBA All-Star Games and NBA Finals. Spears has been writing for Andscape (formerly The Undefeated) since its inception in 2016. Andscape is a Black-led media platform dedicated to creating, highlighting, and uplifting the diverse stories of Black identity. Magnified by the power and reach of The Walt Disney Co., the Andscape umbrella includes an editorial division, book publishing arm, film and television division, and music publishing group, each united by the shared mission of illuminating the culture and experience of Blackness. Founded in 2022, Andscape is a reimagination, expansion and diversification of The Undefeated’s former platform.

Prior to Andscape, Spears worked for Yahoo! Sports (2009-16) as a senior NBA reporter (2009-16), The Boston Globe (2007-09) covering the NBA, the Boston Celtics and the 2008 Beijing Olympics; and The Denver Post where he covered the NBA and the Denver Nuggets. His earlier newspaper work began in Oklahoma at the Tulsa World and included stints with the Los Angeles Daily News and the Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky, where he covered college football and basketball as well as Major League Baseball and Minor League Baseball.

Spears regularly contributes to several ESPN television platforms, including the award-winning “Outside the Lines” and “E:60”, “NBA Today,” “SportsCenter,” “SC Featured,” ESPN Radio programs, and more. Spears co-wrote “The Spencer Haywood Rule,” a novel recognized by The New York Times. Moreover, the award-winning journalist also co-produced a documentary entitled “Katrina Cop in the Superdome,” which can be viewed on several streaming services. The long-time member of the National Association of Black Journalists is also a former chair of the NABJ Sports Task Force which represents the organization’s sports journalists. Spears’ career has taken him to India, Sweden, China, England, France, Monaco, Senegal, South Africa, Turkey, Bosnia-Herzegovina, The Bahamas, Mexico, Canada, and Italy. He has also been the host of the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame’s press conference three times.

Spears was recently honored as a 2023 recipient of the Naismith Hall of Fame Curt Gowdy Media Award in recognition for his writing. The Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame’s media award is named in honor of Curt Gowdy, who served as president of the Hall of Fame for seven consecutive terms. The award was established to recognize members of the electronic and print media for outstanding contributions to basketball.

Spears played college basketball at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA, the University of the District of Columbia, an HBCU in Washington, D.C., and was a redshirt at San Jose State University before a knee injury prematurely ended his playing days. The San Francisco Bay Area native earned a master’s degree in sports business management from Louisiana State University, a bachelor’s degree in print journalism from San Jose State University, and an associate of arts degree from Foothill College.

NBCU Academy Langston University graphic


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By Jet Turner, Langston University Office of Public Relations

LANGSTON, Okla. – Langston University is proud to announce its new partnership with NBCU Academy. Since its inception in 2021, NBCU Academy partners have received funding, resources, training and development – in addition to access to the News Group’s world-class journalists. Langston University is the first institution within the state of Oklahoma to partner with NBCU Academy.

“We are excited to join the NBCU Academy,” said Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson, Vice President of Academic Affairs. “The access to resources accompanying this opportunity will be transformative in preparing our students. The curriculum support and professional development will enhance our talented faculty’s ability to develop a diverse pool of media professionals committed to solutions journalism.”

This partnership comes on the heels of Langston University’s announcement of its new home of journalism in Oklahoma City thanks to Griffin Media’s donation of its KWTV News 9 building, including nearly all the building’s contents and equipment, to the University.

“Through this partnership we will be able to provide scholarships to current and future broadcast journalism students,” said Dr. Peterson, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. “With this partnership, our new building and equipment, Langston University broadcast journalism is poised to eventually lead the nation in producing highly trained and qualified underrepresented professionals in all areas of broadcast television journalism.”

Langston University joins NBCU Academy’s 15 academic partner expansion, bringing the total number of partners to 45. The 15 new partners include:

  • UC Berkeley M.E.T. in Berkeley, CA
  • Columbia College Chicago in Chicago, IL
  • Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College in Cloquet, MN
  • Helena College – University of Montana in Helena, MT
  • Langston University in Langston, OK
  • Metropolitan State University of Denver in Denver, CO
  • Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham OR
  • Nevada State College in Henderson, NV
  • Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN
  • The Ohio State University, College of Engineering and School of Communication in Columbus, OH
  • Texas Southern University, School of Communication in Houston, TX
  • United Tribes Technical College in Bismarck, ND
  • University of Arizona, School of Journalism in Tucson, AZ
  • University of Central Florida, Nicholson School of Communication and Media, in Orlando, FL
  • University of Missouri School of Journalism, in Columbia, MO

“This partnership re-affirms Langston University’s commitment to changing the broadcast journalism profession by providing learning opportunities and resources not only for on-air talent, but also for behind-the-scenes talent,” President Kent J. Smith, Jr said. “This is a pivotal moment for Langston University and for the future of minorities in the broadcasting industry.”

NBCU Academy has elevated the next generation of journalists, providing students from underrepresented communities a pipeline into newsrooms across media and technology. NBCU Academy’s pioneering Embed Program creates roles for recent graduates from partner schools and institutions with diverse student populations. In two years, NBCU Academy has assigned 11 Embeds full-time, two-year job assignments across the News Group’s on-air and Digital platforms, Marketing, Global Talent Development & Inclusion, Data Sciences, and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

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