Langston University Libraries
G. Lamar Harrison Library
Regular Hours
Monday-Thursday: 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: 3:00pm-7:00pm
Course Reserves
We have on reserve (2 hours inside the library) many 1000 and 2000 level classes offered for the current semester. If you go to our website under “Search the Catalog” then under the tab “Course Reserves” you can see the entire list indexed various ways including course number, instructor and title of book. As with regular library items, in order to check a reserve item out, students must present their Langston University ID card for check out. Faculty may request to have course materials placed on reserve by filling out a Course Reserve Materials Request Form, also available at Langston University Libraries. Faculty owned and library owned materials can be placed on reserve. A separate form must be filled out for each course.
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary loan is a service by which materials not owned by the Langston University Libraries can be borrowed from another library. Books and articles from journals not owned by the Langston University Libraries may be requested through interlibrary loan. The conditions of this service are set by the Interlibrary loan code of the American Library Association, and the regulations of each lending library.
You can request materials electronically by sending an email to or by using WorldCat Discovery. If you are requesting a book please include the author, title, date, publisher and place of publication in your email. Requests for journal articles must include the full title of the periodical, the volume number, year, pages required, and the author and title of the article. You may also request materials by filling out an interlibrary loan request form, available at all Langston University Libraries. A separate form must be filled out for each request. BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION.
You will be notified by phone or email when the material requested has arrived. Material may be picked up at the circulation desk of your campus library. You will need to present your current Langston University ID to pick up your materials. Please Note: Most materials arrive in 7 to 10 working days, depending upon the nature of the material requested and the geographic location of the lending library. Requests will be processed and sent as quickly as possible. If deadlines cannot be met, you will be notified accordingly. Fines, Fees, & Restrictions Interlibrary Loan is a free service. However, in the event that the only available source of a particular request has a fee, the borrower will be notified and given the option of obtaining this source.
Fines: Lending libraries determine the terms of a loan, and the borrower must abide by these terms. Loaned materials must be returned promptly to avoid jeopardizing our relations with the lending library. Patrons will be notified in writing of over due books within five working days past the due date. Books which are not returned within five additional days will be assessed fines of a minimum of $1.00 per day beginning 5 days past the due date. Faculty and staff members are not exempt from this fine. Books not returned within two weeks of their due dates will be considered lost and patrons (students, staff and faculty) will be fined for the replacement cost of these items as determined by the lending libraries. Students who have unpaid library fines will be placed on a Bursar’s hold until such fines are cleared.
Restrictions: Because libraries generally do not loan the following materials, we cannot request: multi-volume sets, textbooks for classroom use, audio-visual materials, current popular titles, reference materials and entire issues of periodicals. Persons who consistently abuse circulation and interlibrary loan privileges, however, may be refused service. The Copyright Law [Title 17, section 107, “Fair Use,” and section 108, “Reproduction by libraries and archives,” U.S. Code] governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted materials by libraries and archives. In addition, the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU), an advisory committee to Congress, made recommendations on the rights of reproduction and distribution of copyrighted materials by libraries and developed a set of specifications known as the CONTU Guidelines. (See: Appendix A) These guidelines were instituted to insure that both the principle of Fair Use and the rights of copyright proprietors were protected. The guidelines are a nationally accepted standard for evaluating a library’s compliance with the intent of Title 17, section 108 (g)(2) of the U.S. Code. Langston University Libraries will insure that these laws and guidelines are given full consideration when writing policies and procedures for the Libraries. The University Libraries reserve the right to refuse to accept a copying request if fulfillment of the request would violate the Copyright Law.
OK Share Card
The OKShare Card is a cooperative agreement among the college and university libraries of the state of Oklahoma whereby a student’s home institution can issue a library identification card that will allow the student to visit other Oklahoma academic libraries and check out their materials. Click Here for a list of participating institutions. A member of the student body, staff, or faculty of Langston University is eligible for an OKShare Card. You can use it anytime that it is convenient for you to use another institution’s library. It is especially useful if you are in a rush and do not have time to wait for an Interlibrary Loan item to arrive. The card is good for one full semester and can be renewed continuously until you are no longer affiliated with Langston University. OK Share Cards are available at G. Lamar Harrison Library, the LU-Tulsa Learning Resource Center and the LU-OKC library. Simply fill out an OKShare Card application at your campus library’s circulation desk and present your CURRENT Langston University Identification card. LU-OKC students may apply at the LU-OKC Library.
The OK Share Card is free! You are responsible for any material borrowed with your OKShare Card, so watch those due dates! Your ID number will be kept on file at each university that you use.
Community Borrower’s Card
A community borrower’s card allows local residents who are not members of the University community to check out library materials. Residents of Langston and Coyle are eligible to receive a community borrower’s card. Community users may check out 3 books at a time from an LU Library. Community borrowers cards are available at G. Lamar Harrison Library. You will need to fill out an application at the circulation desk. You will need to bring a valid driver’s license. You will need to provide us with your current address. If you are under 18, the application form must also be signed by a responsible adult before we can issue you a community borrower’s card.
Library Logins
To access a database while off campus you must log in with your Banner/LU email credentials, otherwise known as your Lion Key.