Category: News

Langston University President Ruth Ray Jackson (left) and Arkansas Colleges of Health Education Assistant Provost and Director of DEI Christopher Smith sign an education agreement creating the Early Assurance Program.

Langston University signs agreement with Arkansas Colleges of Health Education to create new program providing pathways to degrees in occupational therapy, physical therapy

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Langston University and Arkansas Colleges of Health Education (ACHE) signed an education affiliation agreement on Thursday to establish the Early Assurance Program, which will create two pathways for Langston students to attend ACHE to study occupational therapy and physical therapy.

Through the new program, LU students who meet ACHE’s general and program-specific admission requirements can choose to follow one of two paths into either the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OT) program or the Doctor of Physical Therapy (PT) program. The first pathway will guarantee a student’s placement in their program of choice while the second pathway will allow students to bypass ACHE’s initial screening process and receive a guaranteed interview for their program of choice.

“It’s so important to us that we create opportunities for our students and that when they’re here they are getting the content knowledge, the professional competency, and the personal confidence to go out and be able to evaluate options,” said Dr. Ruth Ray Jackson, President of Langston University. “Our mission is rooted in access and opportunity. We believe that this kind of partnership promotes what we were founded to do.

“The students who are here seem to have a drive that is rooted in purpose, so finding careers where they can improve the lives of other people, make the world a better place, it’s just something that I have found to be synonymous with the Langston experience. If you’re fortunate enough to receive some of our students, you’ll get to see that too.”

LU juniors can apply for the Early Assurance Program through the Office of Academic Affairs. If accepted into the program, students must complete all pre-requisite courses for the OT or PT programs and enroll at ACHE within two years.

Students pursuing the guaranteed placement pathway, in addition to meeting all admissions requirements, must also participate in the ACHE Mentoring and Achievement Preparation Program (MAP). This program, established in 2023 by the ACHE School of Occupational Therapy, School of Physical Therapy, College of Health Sciences Admissions and the Office of Diversity, is designed to educate, encourage, equip and engage diverse students from underrepresented and underserved populations considering careers in occupational therapy or physical therapy.

Students pursuing the guaranteed interview pathway must meet all ACHE admissions requirements for their given program, which can be found on the ACHE website.

“As Dean of the School of Occupational Therapy at Arkansas College of Health Education, I am thrilled for this relationship between Langston University and Arkansas College of Health Education,” Dr. Jennifer Moore said. “I have come to understand more and more in working with Langston the kind of students they have. The student from Langston has a sense of purpose, and a desire to serve their communities and to serve others, and that’s exactly the kind of student we’re looking for, and it fits our mission.

“To see that these two institutions are now collaborating is just going to be added value on both sides and frankly, I am thrilled to think about the caliber of students that Langston is going to give us in our program because it will only strengthen the School of Occupational Therapy. It will strengthen the profession of Occupational Therapy, and it will be of great value to those they serve.”

Representatives from Langston University and the Arkansas Colleges of Health Education pose for a group photo

A group photo of students with white coats on.

Langston University School of Nursing and Health Professions Holds White Coat Ceremonies

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By Ellie Melero

Students in the Langston University School of Nursing and Health Professions participated in white coat ceremonies at the university’s Tulsa and Langston campuses last week, officially completing an honored rite of passage for medical professionals.
The School of Nursing and Health Professions held two white coat ceremonies, one in Tulsa on Tuesday evening and one in Langston on Thursday evening. The students’ families and friends came from all over Oklahoma, the United States, and even from as far as the Bahamas to attend the ceremonies.
“The white coat ceremony is an important rite of passage for these students,” Dr. Teressa Hunter, dean of the School of Nursing and Health Professions, said during Thursday’s ceremony. “They are entering into a profession––this is not a career, it is a profession––and the goal is, in two years, we will all be back here to celebrate their pinning.”
A group of students wearing white coats.
Students from the Langston University – Langston Campus received their white coats Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
A white coat ceremony is a rite of passage for students entering medical professions, such as nursing. The School of Nursing and Health Professions holds white coat ceremonies when students begin their clinical studies in their junior year. Students recite an oath to acknowledge medicine’s central obligation of caring for patients and are given their white coats. White coat ceremonies are common practice throughout the United States and in 19 countries.
Thirteen students received their white coats at the LU-Tulsa ceremony on Tuesday, and 25 students received their white coats at the Langston campus ceremony on Thursday.
The School of Nursing and Health Professions offers an accredited Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) at the Langston and Tulsa campuses as well as the Ardmore Site. Additionally, the School offers an online RN to BSN program. LU’s nursing programs are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, and the nursing program has been accredited since 1987.
The online RN to BSN program is accepting applications for the fall semester through Sept. 30. The Tulsa and Ardmore sites will accept applications for Spring 2025 admission to the BSN program until Oct. 15. For more information, visit
Rashedah Blackswood headshot

Langston University Graduate Shines in Tribal Health Experiential Internship Seminar

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by Gary Piercy, Program Manager of the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board

OKLAHOMA CITY–Rasheedah Blackwood, a recent healthcare administration graduate at Langston University, made a significant impact during the eight-week Tribal Health Experiential Internship Seminar (THESIS) program. THESIS, a virtual internship, focuses on promoting Tribal public health and is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Office of Minority Health and Health Equity through their Lewis Scholars Program.

As one of seven organizations in the Lewis Scholars Program, THESIS operates under the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board in Oklahoma City. Interns delve into Native American culture, resilience, and various aspects of public health, including epidemiology and research. Their intensive eight-week journey culminates in the creation of research posters, which they present at the CDC headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia.

Blackwood’s research topic centered around “Addressing the Impact of Limited Sexual Education in the American Indian/Alaska Native Community.” Reflecting on her THESIS experience, she shared how beneficial the program was for her own personal and professional growth in the healthcare field.

“My experience with THESIS was nothing short of amazing,” Blackwood said. “The lessons forming around Native American culture and its history, proper ways to conduct ourselves as individuals in professional settings, and embedding effective research methods for our various topics over Tribal Health were paramount in my development in public health research. Being able to hear stories of individuals from a Native background felt genuine, personable and inviting into their experience.

“The opportunity to receive professional and academic advice from individuals in the field was beneficial; showing a very substantial interest in the development of our professional careers and end products of our projects for THESIS. The most valuable aspect I experienced from the program was the ability to connect with future Public Healthcare Professionals.

“The drive, support, and compassion placed into every conversation during the program was very inspiring, which kept the program engaging. This allowed me to have a voice along other individuals who shared the same passions in facing public health disparities and creating initiatives in the betterment of all individuals. I will forever cherish the opportunity to participate in the THESIS Program. My experience with the amazing individuals I was able to connect with and the passionate presentations on Tribal Health have left a great mark and I am excited to further carry it into my journey with public health.”

For more information about THESIS and the Lewis Scholars Program, visit

RECAP: President Jackson discussed university funding, enrollment, future at Opening Convocation

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By Ellie Melero and Jet Turner

LANGSTON, Okla. –– Langston University President Ruth Ray Jackson announced the university received almost $6 million in additional state appropriation funding for the 2024-25 school year during her State of the University address at the Opening Convocation Ceremony on Thursday.

Two and a half million dollars comes from an increase in the state matched funding for agricultural research and extension.

“This money will be used to fund outreach throughout several counties in Oklahoma, expanding our footprint from 19 counties to 28, bringing educational opportunities and resources to many rural farmers who rely on our services,” Dr. Jackson said.

As a public land-grant institution, Langston University receives federal funding to support cooperative agricultural research and extension through the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences. The state is federally mandated to match this funding dollar for dollar. After steadily increasing its funding match over the past few years, Oklahoma has officially reached a 100% funding match for Langston University for the first time, resulting in $2.5 million in additional funding for agricultural programs compared to last year.

The university also received $3.5 million to address deferred maintenance projects. About $2.5 million of this funding will be used to replace the roof at the LU-Oklahoma City campus. The remainder will be used for smaller projects to update infrastructure and address deferred maintenance issues.

During her address, Dr. Jackson also discussed enrollment, retention, fundraising and her presidential priorities.

Langston University experienced a growth of about 2.8% in full-time enrollment compared to the 2023-24 school year. Some of the largest increases came from freshman and graduate enrollment.

Dr. Jackson also spoke about initiatives to improve student retention, such as the introduction of the Lion Success Academy. The Lion Success Academy is a new program which provides an additional layer of support for participating students to aid them through their freshman year.

“Our faculty and staff are diligently exploring new strategies and best practices to enhance student success and ensure that every student thrives throughout their academic journey,” Dr. Jackson said. “Our focus remains not only in welcoming new students, but in supporting all students through to graduation.”

Dr. Jackson also recognized one of the challenges students often face is how to pay for school. Thanks to increased fundraising efforts, the Langston University Foundation provided over $350,000 in student scholarships during the 2023-24 school year.

These fundraising efforts will continue. The next big fundraising event is the President’s Scholarship Gala in October and the Annual Day of Giving in March.

Dr. Jackson also expanded upon her Presidential Priorities during the State of the University Address. Her priorities, affectionately referred to as the Seven P’s, are people, programs, processes, public relations, partnerships, performance and purpose.


People refers to Dear Langston’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, donors and its community.

Recently, Langston University lost a beloved member of its community in Assistant Coach and Offensive Coordinator Darryl Mason. A memorial was held for Coach Mason on campus Saturday.

“We see the best of humanity in these moments, and I want to remind each of us that a tragedy does not need to occur for that to happen,” Dr. Jackson said.

Dr. Jackson charged the students to look after and take care of one another, and to look after their own mental well-being by talking to friends, employees or utilizing Langston University’s counseling resources.

Faculty and staff were reminded of their commitment to helping students succeed and retaining them within the institution. The retention of students is closely monitored, and Langston University is continuously evaluating its efforts to find strategic solutions to maximize the success of students.

Dr. Jackson highlighted the student achievements of senior Antwuan Jackson, who recently participated in the Democratic National Convention as an at-large delegate for the State of Oklahoma, and Aniyah Robinson, who earned the prestigious Rohden Fellowship and was named a 2024 White House HBCU Scholar.

This priority also extends to the Town of Langston, and its growing relationship with the university. Recently, Langston University hosted the Oklahoma All-Black Towns State Conference with the Oklahoma Conference of Black Mayors. This event provided an opportunity for community members to exchange ideas and learn more about Oklahoma’s Black Towns.


Programming refers not only to academics and athletics, but also to the student programming provided by the Division of Student Affairs, the Student Government Association, the Student Activities Board and Residential Life and Housing Services. Langston University offers over 60 registered student organizations, and students are always encouraged to create new ones if they see a gap in offerings.

“At Langston University, we believe in the holistic development of our students,” Dr. Jackson said. “Preparing them to work effectively with colleagues and build relationships that will propel them to future success within their chosen careers.”

Dr. Jackson also applauded the academic programs provided at the university’s six schools. All academic programs undergo regular review, both from internal and external sources, to ensure students are well prepared for successful careers in their fields. Dr. Jackson highlighted two programs which specifically prepare students for high-need careers: the online RN-to-BSN program and the Educator Ramp-Up program.

The online RN-to-BSN program launched last year and allows registered nurses to earn their bachelor of science in nursing in 9 to 12 months. Langston University also offers a traditional nursing program in Langston, Tulsa and Ardmore.

The Educator Ramp-Up program is an accelerated Teacher Education program that allows people with non-educational degrees to become teachers. It is a GEERS funded program.

Lastly, Dr. Jackson talked about the Reach Higher program, which allows adult learners who have earned some college credit but have not earned a degree to go back to school for a bachelor’s in organizational leadership. This program is also funded by GEERS.


With the enrollment cliff caused by decreased birth rates in the early to mid 2000s approaching, Langston University is looking to stay ahead of the curve and is beginning with its processes.

“We cannot continue to do the same work in the same ways and expect to be successful,” Dr. Jackson said. “The truth is our audience has changed, and the way we do business must also change, both in significant ways.”

A new university-wide committee has been created, charged with reviewing, streamlining and modernizing Dear Langston’s current processes, aptly named the Process Improvement Committee.

Public Relations

The purpose of public relations is to tell the university’s story and amplify the voices of students, faculty, staff and alumni. In pursuit of this goal, the Office of Public Relations launched its “We Roar” campaign last year for which it earned a record 18 awards at the Oklahoma Collegiate Public Relations Association’s annual awards competition.

Dr. Jackson encouraged everyone to share their stories with the Public Relations team to continue to amplify the work and accomplishments of the Langston University family.

“Each of us has a responsibility to protect the brand, share the good things that are happening here at Langston University, and help us continue to elevate the work of our colleagues and students,” Dr. Jackson said.


Langston University is continually working to build and nurture partnerships with people, businesses and other universities.

Dr. Jackson announced a recent effort to partner with the University of Louisville to create pathways for Public Health program graduates in graduate school and other professional opportunities.

Dr. Jackson also spoke about the university’s long-standing relationship with CoBank, which continues to grow stronger. The Langston University CoBank Scholars program, announced in March 2023, created an immersive internship for students at the CoBank Headquarters in Denver, Colorado. Michael Hankins was the first student to complete this internship, and he left a positive impression which has continued to help strengthen Langston’s partnership with CoBank.

“We will continue to build relationships with corporate and community partners in an effort to bring dynamic opportunities to our students and enhance their experience at Langston University,” Dr. Jackson said.


The newest addition to the Presidential Priorities aims to prioritize performance to measure employee engagement and ensure Langston University is maintaining accountability for that engagement.

“As an organization, we are only as good as the collective,” Dr. Jackson said.


Each of these priorities contributes to the overarching purpose of Langston University.

“As one of only nineteen 1890 Land-Grant institutions in the country, our mission of educating students and the community through cooperative extension, research, and engagement remains a constant theme of our work,” Dr. Jackson said. “The people, programs, processes, public relations, partnerships, and performance we strive to achieve through these priorities all support the purpose, which is our students and their success.”

Dr. Jackson concluded her State of the University address by challenging each member of the campus community to continue working to make Langston University better for students and the future.

“Let’s keep the state of our university strong,” Dr. Jackson said. 

Sherman Lewis Elected Chair of Langston University Board of Trustees for Urban Campuses

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By Jet Turner

Langston University alumnus Sherman Lewis was elected as Chair of the Langston University Board of Trustees for Urban Campuses during its meeting Friday, Aug. 2, 2024.

Lewis was unanimously elected to the position by a vote of 6-0, with two members of the board absent.

“It was very humbling for me to be elected by the members of the Langston University Board of Trustees to be chairman,” Lewis said. “It speaks to the desire for the board to be more active and productive in providing advice and counsel to the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents and the President of Langston University for the future of the institution and its primary function of providing a premier education for its students.

“Together, we will be successful in working toward the betterment of Langston University.”

Lewis has proven himself a stalwart supporter of Langston University throughout the years. Lewis was appointed to the Board of Trustees in 2013 and is the most prolific individual donor in Dear Langston’s history.

In 2022 and for the first time in institutional history, an academic school at Langston University was named in honor of Lewis, establishing the Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Sciences.

The Langston University Board of Trustees for the Urban Campuses serves in an advisory capacity to the president, providing insight and guidance concerning its Oklahoma City and Tulsa campuses. At the meeting, administrative representatives of Langston University presented reports from their respective areas, including the site administrators from both urban campuses.

Members of the Board of Trustees
Langston University Board of Trustee members during its Aug. 2 meeting.

According to Lewis, the Board of Trustees plans to work closely with the administration on topics such as buildings and facilities, faculty and staff recruitment, and long-range planning.

“Our goal is to make LU a premier HBCU here in Oklahoma and beyond,” Lewis said.

Additionally, Gayle Maxwell and Avilla Williams will remain as the board’s Vice Chair and Secretary, respectively.

Trustees Rita Combs, Dr. Claud Evans, Colonel Stan Evans, Melvin Latham and Darrell Strong were present during Friday’s meeting held at Langston University – Tulsa.

Aniyah Robinson professional headshot

Broadcast journalism senior named 2024 White House HBCU Scholar

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Langston University broadcast journalism senior Aniyah Robinson has been named a 2024 White House HBCU Scholar, the ninth LU student to receive this honor in the program’s 10-year history.

The White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity through Historically Black Colleges and Universities announced its 2024 HBCU Scholars on Wednesday, and Robinson was among the 110 undergraduate, graduate and professional students to receive the honor. This year’s cohort was chosen from a competitive pool of over 350 applicants.

“We are very proud of Ms. Robinson for being selected as a 2024 Whitehouse HBCU Scholar!” said Dr. Alonzo Peterson, the Vice President for Academic Affairs. “Her outstanding achievements and dedication have earned her this prestigious honor. The Langston University family is proud of her, and we look forward to seeing her continued success and contributions in the future. Well done!”

Since 2014, the White House Initiative on Historically Black Colleges and Universities has recognized exceptional HBCU students who have excelled in academic achievement, civic and campus engagement and entrepreneurial ethos.

Over the past three years, Robinson has been heavily involved in the LU Gazette, LU’s student newspaper; LU Athletics as an intern; and the LU chapter of the National Association of Black Journalists, which Robinson helped restart. She is also a 2024 Rhoden Fellow.

“I have been given an amazing opportunity to represent Langston on a national level and showcase the greatness that Langston produces,” Robinson said. “As a black journalist, I understand the responsibility of amplifying diverse voices and perspectives in a media landscape that often lacks representation. Personally, I wouldn’t be where I am today without the unwavering support from Langston University’s Communications Department. Knowing the responsibility that I have as a journalist to advocate for the needs of our community is the reason I applied for the program.”

HBCU Scholars serve as ambassadors for the White House Initiative on HBCUs, the U.S. Department of Education and their respective academic institutions for the academic year. As an HBCU scholar, Robinson will ensure information, resources and opportunities from the Initiative are distributed to LU’s three campuses.

She will also receive professional development opportunities throughout the year, such as monthly masterclasses hosted by the Initiative and an opportunity to participate in NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project Innovation Tech Transfer Idea Competition. Robinson will also attend the 2024 HBCU Week National Conference from Sept. 15-19 in Philadelphia.

“Overall, this program is a great way to network with industry professionals and other talented HBCU students,” Robinson said. “With the upcoming election, I hope to utilize my platform to encourage students to utilize their voice by voting. Additionally, as a White House Scholar, I aspire to bring greater recognition to Langston University and exemplify the true meaning of ‘From Langston to the World.’”

Remote classes for select courses week of Aug. 5-9

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Dear Langston University Students,

We hope you are excited to start the new academic year. Please be advised that during the first week of classes, from August 5-9, 2024, the following Langston Campus courses will meet remotely:

  • Business Administration
  • Computer Science
  • Corrections
  • Government
  • History
  • Humanities
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Teacher Education

Students enrolled in these classes will receive instructions and links from their professors on their CANVAS detailing how to join the remote sessions.

All other Langston Campus courses will meet in person in their regularly scheduled classrooms.

Thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We look forward to a great semester!


Alonzo Peterson, Ph.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs

The 2024 OCPRA Awards trophies earned by the Langston University Office of Public Relations

Langston University cleans up at annual OCPRA conference

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Langston University’s Public Relations team walked away with 18 awards at the annual Oklahoma Collegiate Public Relations Association (OCPRA) Awards Ceremony on July 15, including five Grand awards. It was the most awards won by a single institution.

This year’s awards competition received a record total 662 submissions across 37 categories from 31 departments/divisions at 24 institutions, making it the most competitive OCPRA awards competition to date. The competition included teams from Oklahoma State University, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Central Oklahoma and more.

Langston University’s 18 awards are the most awards the university has won in a single year at OCPRA. Senior Graphic Designer Brandon Clemoens earned nine of the awards.

“It’s crazy to think about, but I remember a time when I would go to this conference and I wouldn’t even leave with an honorable mention,” said Clemoens, the longest-serving member of the team.

This year’s awards haul is reflective of the hard work done by LU’s Public Relations team to roll out the university’s “We Roar” campaign, which launched in October. Aspects of the campaign have included commercials, podcasts, video series, and traditional and digital advertising.

Langston University won awards in graphic design, photography, videography, social media, writing and web design categories. The team won five Grand (1st place) awards, five Excellence (2nd place) awards, five Achievement (3rd place) awards, and three Honorable Mentions. 

Grand Awards
We Roar campaign components
The “We Roar” Campaign won first place in the General Campaign category at the 2024 OCPRA Awards Banquet. Components of the campaign included commercials, podcasts, video series, and traditional and digital advertising.

Campaign (General) – “We Roar” by the Langston University Office of Public Relations

Video Featurette – “We Roar” Commercials by the Langston University Office of Public Relations and 1577 Productions

Holiday Greeting – Black History Month by Brandon Clemoens

Poster Design (Sports) – Another Historic Lions Basketball Season by Brandon Clemoens

Social Media Campaign – “We Roar” Student Video Campaign by Ellie Melero

Excellence Awards
photos of student athletes roaring
Brandon Clemoens “Fear the Roar” Sports Photos won second place in the Series Photography category at the 2024 OCPRA Awards Banquet.

Cover Design – “Fear the Roar” Homecoming Fan Guide by Brandon Clemoens

Stationary & Business Cards – Langston University’s 17th President’s Stationary by Brandon Clemoens

Series Photography – “Fear the Roar” Sports Photos by Brandon Clemoens

Full-Length Feature – Nursing Students Save Man’s Life During Spring Break by Ellie Melero and Jet Turner

Full-Length Feature (Human Interest) – Reece Wright: The Little Lion Who Became the Heart of Lions Basketball by Jet Turner

Achievement Awards

Viewbook – 2024 “We Roar” Viewbook by Brandon Clemoens

Photos of Miss Langston University pageant participants next to versions of the photo where AI was used to create a curtain in the background
“Curtain Drop” by Brandon Clemoens won third place in AI Innovation at the 2024 OCPRA Awards Banquet.

AI Innovation – “Curtain Drop” AI Miss Langston University Pageant Images by Brandon Clemoens

Bright Idea (Alumni/Fundraising) – We Can’t Do It Without You, Lions by Jet Turner

Events/Promotion – “All In” Langston University Homecoming by the Langston University Office of Public Relations

Web Design – Langston University Website by the Langston University Office of Public Relations and the Design Group

Honorable Mentions
Cubism style instruments promoting the 2024 Spring Concert
Brandon Clemoens earned an Honorable Mention for his 2024 Spring Concert poster design.

Poster Design (Culture & Fine Arts) – 2024 Langston University Spring Concert Poster by Brandon Clemoens

Portrait Photography – A Proud Graduate by Brandon Clemoens

Shoe String – Graduation Recap Video by Ellie Melero

“As Oklahoma’s only HBCU, Langston University delivers a high caliber education and an incredible student life experience,” said Director of Public Relations Heleen Sheets. “Our Public Relations Team is so proud to promote our institution and share the people, stories and brand that define us. 

“We were excited to represent Dear Langston at the OCPRA Conference and to have our work recognized among our peers.”

19th Annual President's Scholarship Gala graphic with Johnny Gill in the corner

New Edition’s Johnny Gill to perform at Langston University’s 19th annual President’s Scholarship Gala

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Two-time Grammy award nominee and member of popular R&B group New Edition, Johnny Gill, will perform at Langston University’s 19th annual President’s Scholarship Gala in Oklahoma City on Oct. 18.

The President’s Scholarship Gala is Langston’s premier event of the year. LU’s largest student scholarship fundraiser, the Gala always features performances from talented artists. Past performers have included A’ngela Winbush, Tamia and Charlie Wilson.

Gill entered the professional music world in 1983 at age 16 with his self-titled debut album on Cotillion/Atlantic Records. He went on to work with Stacy Lattisaw on their album “Perfect Combination” and released a second solo album, “Chemistry,” in 1985 before joining New Edition in 1987, following Bobby Brown’s exit from the group.

On his first album with New Edition, “Heart Break,” Gill helped the group find a more mature sound, which resulted in hits like “If It Isn’t Love” and “Can You Stand the Rain.” Gill continued to release solo albums in 1990, 1993 and 1996 for Motown Records before joining forces with Gerald Levert and Keith Sweat in 1997 to form L.S.G.

Gill reunited with New Edition in 2004 for “One Love,” and he has continued his work as a solo artist. His most recent album is 2019’s “Game Changer II.”

Gill, with New Edition, received a Grammy nomination in 1989 for “If It Isn’t Love” and a second Grammy nomination in 1991 for his self-titled album. He also won two Soul Train Awards in 1991 and a Soul Track Reader’s Choice Award in 2019.

UPDATE: Microsoft Outage Resolved, Gala Ticket Purchases Back Online

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UPDATE: The issue with Crowdstrike has been resolved. Langston University can begin processing ticket purchases again. Visit the President’s Scholarship Gala Website for more information! Update made at 10:15 a.m.

Langston University has been made aware of a technical outage with CrowdStrike, a Microsoft provider, which has affected our ability to sell tickers for the 19th Annual President’s Scholarship Gala. This outage has impacted numerous companies and business operations worldwide. The outage was unexpected and out of our control. The full impact of this outage is not known; however, tickets sold before 5:22 p.m. Central Time on Thursday, July 18, 2024, have been confirmed and will be honored.

In an effort to provide fair and equal access to the opportunity to purchase tickets, we have removed the link to purchase tickets from the President’s Scholarship Gala website. We will communicate via social media, email and our website with an announcement when tickets are once again available for purchase.

We appreciate your patience. Updates will be added to this story when more information becomes available.