Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships
Financial Aid Policies
The Langston University Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy has changed (effective fall 2011 Semester) and will be used to review progress at the end of each semester following. View the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy (link to pdf provided) for more information.
Students receiving federal financial assistance who completely withdraw from all classes or fail to receive a passing grade in all courses during a period of enrollment will be subject to the Return of Title IV Funds refund policy required by federal regulation. View the Return of Title IV Funds for complete withdrawal (link to pdf provided) for more information.
The Langston University Office of Financial Aid utilizes the Federal Verification Guide as the primary tool for guidance in processing aid for students who are selected for verification. Primarily, those students selected by the federal processor are the only ones for whom we apply the verification process. Financial Aid Counselors have been given the authority to select other students (not selected by the federal processor) if they determine it is necessary to resolve conflicting information. Required verification documents are assigned through the tracking system based upon the verification group assigned through the federal process. Students selected for verification are notified by email that they have been selected and sent the documents required to complete the verification process. The file is not reviewed until all requested documents are received. Eligibility and decisions about the cost of attendance cannot be determined until verification review is complete. Eligible students must submit requested verification documents within two weeks of the end of the term for which they are requesting aid. Failure to do so within the established time frame can affect the ability to receive funding from certain programs. Applicants will be notified by email the results of the verification review. If the verification review results in corrections needed, the Office of Financial Aid will submit those corrections to the CPS on behalf of the student. LU will notify the student that corrections were made and a new Student Acknowledgement Report will be produced and sent to the student by the Central Processing Center.
Although the Free Application for Federal Student Aid gives good data for determining financial need, it does not address every student’s situation perfectly. Sometimes the factors affecting the family may be larger than what is shown on the FAFSA form. We are able to recalculate aid eligibility in some cases as listed below. Changes in household income create unique burdens for families. The federal government allows some consideration of this in aid calculations. We factor such changes into a recalculation of current year financial aid after new tax returns are filed showing a decrease of at least 10 percent on a family’s adjusted gross income from the year before. To consider an adjustment we need:
Special Circumstances Form (link to pdf provided)
1. A letter written by the student requesting consideration of the special circumstance which clearly explains the financial factors to be reviewed.
2. Copy of the fully completed new-year FAFSA form including Worksheet ABC.
3. Copy of current year completed federal tax returns used on the FAFSA.
4. Occasionally other documents may be requested as well.
Aid eligibility is normally calculated using the income from the prior year. By this request, we will recalculate your current year aid eligibility based upon the actual income earned rather than using the prior year as an estimate of your income. In making adjustments this way, we are able to adjust to actual confirmed figures. Any grant or improved loan eligibility the new calculation creates can be paid to you, or paid down on student loans you may have borrowed if required, for the hours you completed in fall with passing grades and your current enrollment in spring hours. This process must be completed after new tax returns are prepared, but at least two weeks before the end of the semester.
Similar to income decreases, having high medical or dental expenses paid can be factored into a review. The federal government assumes that 11 percent of your family adjusted gross income will go toward medical and dental expenses each year. If your amount paid (not billed) exceeds 11 percent, we may make some adjustments related to the excess amount. To do so we need:
1. A letter written by the student requesting consideration of the medical or dental expenses in the aid calculation
2. Documentation of the paid costs. The best verification is usually a copy of Schedule A from your federal tax return. It shows clearly the amount claimed to the IRS as expenses. Copies of bills unfortunately do not help unless they show the paid amounts since we can only consider the actual costs paid out of pocket for adjustment.
A Dependency Override allows a dependent student to be recognized as an independent for financial aid eligibility purposes. In cases where a student is in an abusive family situation which creates extreme hardship preventing them from attending college, a dependency override may be considered by the Director of Student Financial Services. Documented child abuse cases, release into DHS or court custody, or parental incarceration are examples of extreme situations that can be considered for an override. Such situations must be documented by two non-family sources and must involve a total abandonment by the parents from all emotional, financial and physical support for the student.
Parental willingness to give information or financial help to a student, whether or not the parents claim the student on their federal tax return and whether or not the student lives with the parent, does not make a student eligible for a dependency override by themselves.
To have a Dependency Override request considered, students must supply the following:
1. The completed Dependency Override Form (link to pdf provided)
2. A letter written by the student requesting consideration as an independent student. This must clearly explain their relationship with their parents and detail how the family structure has been completely dissolved.
3. Copy of current year completed federal tax return for student showing sufficient income to have paid for all expenses.
4. At least two supporting letters submitted (on letterhead) from independent agencies validating the student’s breakdown in family structure. This may include, but is not limited to: Letters from social services, foster-care givers, high school counselor, youth protection agency, church pastor OR copies of police records confirming abuse. No provider of a letter should be a family member. Other documentation may be submitted as the student deems appropriate.