Langston University
High School Summer Programs
Get ahead academically as you get your first glimpse of the college experience. At LU, there are many educational opportunities available during the summer semester. These programs offer motivated students the opportunity to experience Langston in the classroom and beyond.
The Math and Science Academy is an intensive Summer Academy for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors in Mathematics, Science, and Technology. This year’s academy will be May 25 – June 7, 2025. The application deadline is April 25, 2025.
This academy will focus on improving students’ appreciation for Math and Science curricula and careers. As a student of the Academy, you will experience cutting-edge technologies that support hands-on activities and innovative teaching and learning. Your classes and experiments will provide you with intense, positive experiences in mathematics, chemistry, biology and preparation for success. You’ll witness mathematicians, engineers and scientists in action at the Langston University Aquatic Center, the Goat Research Center and Tinker Air Force Base. You will join our Academy Digital Village, an online network of Academy alumni currently in STEM graduate programs or careers. You will focus on ACT preparation as well as other college preparatory work and entry requirements. You will collaborate with other academy students to solve a “Who Done It” mystery. You will test your brain power in quiz bowl competitions, and you will also have access to several recreational activities.
Students must be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year in high school, have a “B” or better average in 9th—11th grade math and/or sciences courses, and submit one letter of recommendation from a math and science instructor. In addition, students must fill out an application and return it by April 25, 2025. Applications will be reviewed, and selections will be announced by May 2, 2025
For more information or if you have questions, please contact
Dr. Lindsay Davis
(405) 466-3315
Intensive Summer Academy in Mathematics, Science and Technology
P.O. Box 1500
Langston University: Chemistry
Langston, OK 73050
Funded by the Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education In Partnership with National Aeronautics and Space Administration and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
The Langston University Summer Transportation Institute (LUSTI) is part of the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) and is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). LUSTI is funded by the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT), the Oklahoma Trucking Association, and Langston University (LU). Various transportation companies partner with us to provide high school and junior high school students the opportunity to learn about the transportation industry as a way to strengthen and increase participation of Minority Institutions of Higher Learning in federal programs.
About the Academy
The Langston University Transportation Academy (the Academy) is funded and supported by the Southern Plains Transportation Center (SPTC), Langston University (LU), and several public and private transportation agencies and companies to provide high school students an opportunity to learn about the transportation industry and to strengthen and increase participation of minority students in the transportation and transportation-related industry. The threefold purpose of the Academy is to: (1) create awareness and stimulate interest in secondary school students to take maximum advantage of the career opportunities in the transportation industry; (2) attract a broad and diverse selection of bright minds, and acquaint and stimulate them with the various aspects of the transportation industry; and (3) increase the number of students who choose careers in the transportation industry.
This program introduces students to careers in transportation and related fields, intermodalism (the interaction of land, air, water, and space transportation), safety and environmental issues, safe and smooth transportation of people, goods, and information,
math, science, computers, and communications skills, and the ACT test. This residential program provides students with many hands-on learning opportunities, including field visits to potential future employers.
The Academy is a free, two-week-long residential program. Students are housed at Langston University in Langston, Logan County. Those who successfully complete the program are awarded $100.
The program is highly supervised, with many instructors, staff, and counselors.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Click here to read FAQs about tour National Summer Transportation Institute. If after reviewing our FAQs, you do not find the answers you’re looking, please contact:
Transportation Academy Transportation-Center of Excellence
Langston University
229 Allied Health Center
Langston, OK 73050,
Transportation Related Disciplines
Click here to view the Transportation Related Disciplines available as a part of the Transportation Academy Curriculum.
The Residential Training (PCRT) at Langston University in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences (FANH) Training Summer Program provides hands-on mentoring by department faculty, staff and visiting research scientists exposing high school students to the higher education curricula and careers focused in FANH.
This year’s camp is scheduled for May 26-June 4, 2024.
The camp focuses on providing students with in-depth information on FANH curriculum and career options. Each PCRT student will be paired with a mentor to research and learn more about their areas of interest related to food, agriculture, agriculture business, plant and soil sciences, natural resources management, child development and related areas. Learning will occur in classrooms and during FANH related field trips. Students will also participate in 4-H programming as they learn by doing in the areas of leadership, civic engagement, agriculture, animal science, healthy living, and STEM.
Students must be entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year or a 2025 high school graduate. Students must complete the online application and provide a letter of recommendation from a school counselor or teacher. All application forms and letters are due by 11:59 PM CST on Sunday, May 12, 2024. Students will be notified by May 17 if they have been accepted.
To the Applicant: After you complete the application using the link below, please have letters of recommendation emailed to
For more information or if you have questions, please contact Dr. Emisha Maytubby at 405-466-6107 or
Funding Source: This project is funded by a competitive grant from the USDA-NIFA (2023-2025 with NCE available). Project Director, Dr. Emisha Maytubby, Co-PDs: Dr. Nirodha De Silva.