School of Nursing & Health Professions
Welcome to the School of Nursing, where we embrace delivering high-quality instruction in clinical and classroom settings while ensuring that students are equipped to contribute to health care needs of the community and work to eliminate health disparities.
Traditional BSN Degree Program
Now Accepting Applications through March 1, 2025
Pursue your Langston University Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree! You can begin your fall 2025 classes at the Langston Campus.
For more information, please contact a Langston University Nursing advisor at:
Langston Campus:
Carolyn Johnson, carolyn.s.johnson@langston.edu, 405-466-3415
LU-Tulsa Campus:
Deborah OGuin, deborah.oguin@langston.edu, 918-877-8123
LU-Ardmore Site:
Becky Vladyka, becky.vladyka@langston.edu, 580-319-0337
Online RN-BSN Option
Now Accepting Applications
Langston University’s School of Nursing and Health Professions now offers one of its hallmark programs (RN-BSN) 100% online!
The online Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is available to registered nurses (RN’s) looking to further their careers in nursing. The program can be completed in 9 or 12 months, depending on the student’s preferred class schedule.
For more than 40 years, Langston University has been home to one of the best accredited nursing programs in Oklahoma.
The online BSN degree is available to students admitted to the Langston University main campus, the Langston University Tulsa campus or the Langston University Ardmore site.
Apply Now
For more information about the online RN to BSN program, please contact a Langston University Nursing advisor at one of the three sites:
Langston/ Main Campus: 405-466-3415
Tulsa Campus: 918-877-8123
Ardmore Site: 580-319-0337
To graduate scholarly, professional nurse leaders who provide exemplary, culturally appropriate care in collaboration with an interdisciplinary health care team to advocate for diverse clients across the lifespan, with a particular focus on health disparities.
To prepare graduates to function successfully as beginning professional nurses in a variety of environments and to contribute to the profession of nursing through involvement in education.
Core Values
- Ethics
- Character Caring
- Cultural Competence
Objectives & Goals
The purpose and goals of the School of Nursing are to prepare the graduate to:
- Attain a foundation for study at the undergraduate level and a commitment to life-long learning.
- Demonstrate a commitment to the American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and professional standards of nursing practice.
- Value the uniqueness, dignity, and worth of clients in a multicultural environment as demonstrated through nursing practice.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Provide patient-centered care which represents the patient’s preferences, values, and needs within the context of their families, communities, and health care system.
- Use information management and patient care technology in the delivery of health care.
- Collaborate with other interprofessional health care team members for health promotion and disease and injury prevention across the lifespan.
- Utilize nursing judgment substantiated by current evidence in the holistic care of diverse individuals within the context of their families, communities, and health care systems.
- Integrate ethical values and respect for all populations with a focus on minority groups within healthcare organizations and the community.
- Apply leadership and management of care concepts to provide high-quality nursing care.
- Demonstrate professional responsibility and accountability for nursing practice.
- Use of scholarship of evidence-based practice and research to support high-quality healthcare outcomes and safe nursing practice.