School of Education & Behavorial Sciences
The mission of the Teacher Education Unit (TEU) is to improve teaching and learning in a diverse, rapidly changing, and increasingly technological society by preparing and supporting candidates in constructing knowledge, increasing capabilities, and developing sensitivity and responsiveness to the needs of children, families, and communities in urban centers and rural environments.
The vision of the TEU is to provide our candidates with a strong academic background based on teaching and learning theories; content-specific, pedagogical knowledge; and opportunities to become informed, active members in learning environments that are developmentally, academically, and culturally responsive to the needs of children in urban and rural communities, thereby producing teachers who are informed to make wise classroom decisions and who can meet the needs of 21st century, diverse learners.
The goals and objectives of the TEU are to enable educators to translate their acquired knowledge and understanding of theory, research, pedagogy, and policy into effective curriculum plans, classroom management skills, and positive instructional decisions that are responsive to the needs of all P-12 students in urban and rural communities.
The Teacher Education Unit (TEU) provides professional education courses that prepare our students for certification and teaching in secondary schools. Langston University is accredited through CAEP, the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. An accreditation visit was conducted in Fall 2023. Our state accrediting body is OEQA, the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability, which reviews our educator preparation program (EPP) in tandem with national accreditors and assesses state-level requirements. Langston University provides annual reporting data to both entities.
The Langston University Teacher Education Program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), by the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability (OEQA), and by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE).The Department of Education offers accredited programs for Initial Licensure in the following areas:
- Early Childhood Education
- Elementary Education
- English Education
- Special Education (Mild and Moderate Disabilities)
- Math Education (5-12)
- Music Education (Instrumental and Vocal)
All degree programs satisfy the appropriate requirements for teacher certification as established by OEQA and OSRHE.
To be certified to teach, candidates must fulfill all degree requirements as mandated by OSRHE, achieve a passing score on the appropriate certification exams as mandated by the OEQA, and complete the field and practicum experiences as mandated by OEQA.