Scholarships SB

School of Business


We prepare tomorrow’s educators through teaching excellence. Get ready for the nuances of tomorrow’s classrooms by preparing today.


Dr. Daryl D. Green
Dean, School of Business

Degree Options

Bachelor of Business Administration: Management


The curriculum in Management prepares students for the management and leadership opportunities that exist in all organizations, whether large or small. Those supervisory jobs emphasizing technical competence to middle management positions requiring adeptness in interpersonal skills to top-level management assignments demanding superior conceptual abilities. Directed study provides a foundation for careers in supervision and general management

Bachelor of Business Administration: Supply Chain Management


Supply Chain Management is primarily concerned with the planning, acquisition, conversion, flow and distribution of goods from the raw materials to finished goods. The purchasing department in a typical organization is responsible for securing all necessary raw material, supplies, capital goods and services at the best value possible. The Supply Chain Management function coordinates the major activities contributing to materials costs and availability including purchasing production control, warehousing and distribution.

Bachelor of Business Administration: Management Information Systems


The MIS graduate is well prepared to enter the business (profit or non-profit) arena and undertake tasks that: 1) require a comprehensive understanding of business operations in general, and 2) also require analysis and management of business operations using information technology. If you are a Business Administration student who believes additional IT proficiency will optimize your career success, then MIS should be your major.

MIS major course will develop proficiency in the following subject areas:

  • Programming in relevant programming languages;
  • Construction of computer based information systems that reflect information needs derived through systematic analysis;
  • IT solution configurations, both current and predicted for the future.
  • Database construction and management;
  • Internet based tools from first level web pages to complex e-commerce applications;
  • Data communications that includes knowledge of popular Computer Network techniques and configurations; and

Project Management.

Students who wish to major in any of the School of Business programs will be considered PRE-BUSINESS MAJORS until officially admitted to the School. Students must apply for entrance into a specific School of Business program during the second semester of their sophomore year.

To be formally admitted to the School of Business, a student must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. Minimum GPA of 2.5
  2. Completion of 45 Semester hours of college work
  3. At least a grade of “C” in Principles of Macroeconomics
  4. At least a grade of “C” in English Composition I, II and Advanced Composition or Technical Writing
  5. At least a grade of “C” in College Algebra and Trigonometry or Survey of Mathematics

Upcoming Events

45th Anniversary Luncheon: LU-Tulsa

June 13, 2024
The Langston University urban campuses located in Oklahoma City and Tulsa will commemorate their 45-year anniversaries this June with celebratory luncheons. LU-Tulsa will celebrate its 45-year anniversary with a luncheon in the Doubletree by Hilton in Downtown Tulsa on June 13. The deadline to purchase tickets is June 6. Tickets can be purchased for $45 at Paid parking available near ...

Juneteenth Informational Fair

June 13, 2024
Langston University will host a Juneteenth Informational Fair at the Oklahoma City campus, 7401 N. Kelley Avenue, on Thursday, June 13 from 5-7 p.m. The event, sponsored by LU’s Reach Higher Program, will feature family-friendly activities such as a bounce house, face painting and food. It will also give attendees an opportunity to learn about Langston’s online bachelor’s degree in ...

We Roar In Dallas: A One-Stop Enrollment Event

June 22, 2024
Interested students and their family are invited to attend Langston University’s “WE ROAR IN DALLAS” event on Saturday, June 22, 2024 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Christian Temple of Faith Fellowship Hall at 14120 Noel Road in Dallas! During this FREE event, meet with Admissions, Financial Aid, Advising, and Housing Representatives at Oklahoma’s only Historically Black College ...

Lion Camp 2024

July 26, 2024
Lion Camp is a time for new students to venture to campus, meet fellow Lions, and begin their academic and campus engagement experience. The purpose of Lion Camp is to make your transition to college life as smooth and enjoyable as possible while also integrating you and your family into the Langston University community. Students who attend Lion Camp get ...

Lion Camp Begins

July 26, 2024
Langston University is pleased to welcome the Incoming Class of 2028 during Lion Camp! Lion Camp runs from July 26th through August 4th, 2024. More information available at: