Sherman Lewis School of Agriculture and Applied Science
- A.S. Child Development
- B.S. in Child Development
- B.S. in Early Childhood Education
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences ensures that the students will receive a high-quality education through program options that are effective and efficient in the twenty-first century.
The mission of the Family and Consumer Sciences Department is to prepare students with a solid understanding of child development to work with and advocate for urban & rural children from birth to age 8, their families and community in a way that is respectful of each family’s uniqueness.
Vision: To provide academic excellence through teaching, research, and community outreach and to prepare students for wage- earning occupations that require knowledge, skills and dispositions acquired through academic preparation.
Department Program Outcomes:
- Create a learning environment that will provide the base for a variety of career opportunities.,
- Prepare students for graduate study in Family and Consumer Sciences
- Increase an understanding and appreciation of Family and Consumer Sciences by interpreting the program to the local community and state
- Provide instructions that qualifies individuals to engage in wage-earning occupations that require knowledge and skills acquired through Family and Consumer Sciences subject matter areas.
- Develop critical thinking in students and to provide ways and means of developing that talent for effective and efficient use in the twenty-first century.
Student Learning Outcomes and Dispositions:
- Learners demonstrate knowledge of child development and major theories.
- Learners develop critical thinking skills, a respect for cultural diversity, an understanding of how ecological factors influence development.
- Learners demonstrate competence in effective oral, written and interpersonal communication.
The Department of Family and Consumer Sciences is in the E.L. Holloway Education, Research, and Extension Complex. The Department has a Demonstration Learning Center for hands-on instructional use as well as individual and group activities.
Students majoring in Child Development and Early Childhood Education will be provided with an opportunity to work with young children in an early childhood setting in a variety of early childhood programs.
Early Childhood Education and Child Development majors can observe the teacher learning process in its natural setting and study the organization of the school and classroom.
Early Childhood and Child Development majors will be provided positive experiences with children and identify characteristics of the successful teacher and the acceptable mode of personal and professional behavior.
- Emisha Maytubby, Chairperson/Assistant Professor
- Michelle Malone, Instructor
- Donna Foster, Adjunct Instructor
- Josetta Smith-Peitri, Adjunct Instructor
- Shadonna Watkins, Adjunct Instructor
- Tiffany Williams, Adjunct Instructor
Assessment of Student Learning
The Family and Consumer Sciences Assessment Test (FCSAT) is administered to all students at the conclusion of their academic experience. It consists of a written comprehensive examination. The comprehensive examination is very closely aligned with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Standards Students with a concentration in child development are also assessed through their Capstone Projects and Reflective Journals.
Students with a concentration in Early Childhood Education are also assessed through the Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT). The OSAT is designed to assess subject area knowledge and skills required of entry-level educators in Oklahoma. All individuals seeking an initial Early Childhood Education license in the State of Oklahoma must pass the Oklahoma Subject Area Test (OSAT). Candidate’s responses must demonstrate an understanding of knowledge and skills in the field of Early Childhood Education. There are three sub-areas further broken into eighteen competencies. The three areas are language and literacy development, learning across the curriculum, and child development and early childhood programs. The early childhood test is also comprised of selected response questions. Candidates scoring 300-280 are considered exemplary; 279-260 competent; 259 to 240 acceptable; and those scoring below 240 do not pass the OSAT.
The Program systematically uses the data to determine strengths and needs of the teaching and learning process. Data results are used to develop and improve assignments, rubrics and refine teaching practices that will continually enhance and strengthen the program. Student appraisal of faculty teaching effectiveness is conducted at the end of each semester.