Outstanding Teacher Award
Langston University is able to fulfill its commitment to providing excellent postsecondary education because of the high caliber of instruction provided by its faculty. This invaluable service is assisting the institution in moving from “excellence to greatness.” Each academic year, Langston University recognizes its faculty by awarding the Outstanding Teaching Award to one faculty member in each school. One of the school recipients is awarded the University’s Outstanding Teaching Award.
The following bolded copy indicates the dropdowns and the copy underneath is what is in the dropdown:
- Must be a full-time faculty member with at least two years of service to Langston University and has taught at least two semesters in residence. Due to classroom observation, nominee must be teaching a course during the spring semester.
- Demonstrates mastery of the subject matter;
- Demonstrates knowledge of current trends and developments in their field;
- Documented evidence of outstanding classroom teaching performance (including student and peer evaluations);
- Documented evidence of instructional contributions outside the classroom;
- Demonstrates an interest in students’ academic and personal progress;
- Demonstrates distinguished scholarship and professional performance (i.e. research papers, publications, presentations, etc.) and
- Provides frequent, honest, and constructive feedback.
Selection Process (Schools):
- A call for nominations is disseminated to students and faculty via all electronic media (i.e. LU website, LU announcements, D2L, Facebook, etc.) and school-based postings.
- Nominators will submit a recommendation letter for ONLY one faculty member (Note: A student nominator must be a currently enrolled student at Langston and must be a former student of faculty nominee).
- The recommendation letter must be sent to the Outstanding Teaching Award Committee for the school (OTAC-S).
- The OTAC-S Chair will verify nominee’s eligibility with the Dean.
- The OTAC-S notifies the faculty members of their nomination and requests supporting material to be submitted (i.e. curriculum vitae, course syllabi, portfolio, etc). All documentation must be from the prior academic year. *If nominee is not eligible, the Dean will inform nominee of his/her nomination and ineligibility.
- The OTAC-S reviews the nominations and supporting materials and selects nominees for personal interviews.
- The OTAC-S conducts interviews with selected candidates.
- The OTAC-S conducts classroom visitations.
- The OTAC-S selects a finalist and forwards the name to the Dean, who will upon approval; notify the recipient by the determined date.
- The OTA recipient for the school will be recognized during a select occasion.
- Members (faculty/student) serving on the OTAC-S are appointed by the Dean at the beginning of each fall semester. If a committee member is nominated, the Dean will immediately select a substitute.
- The call for nominations shall be announced by the OTAC-S chair no later than October 1st. Nominations must be received by the OTAC-S by November 15th.
- Materials must be received by January 18th.
- The selection of the finalist must be completed by March 5th.
Selection Process (University):
- The Outstanding Teaching Award recipients in each school are the candidates for the University’s Outstanding Teaching Award. Their nomination forms, supporting materials and portfolios will be forwarded to the Outstanding Teaching Award Committee for the University (OTAC-U) by the OTAC-S committee.
- The OTAC-U reviews the nominations and supporting materials.
- The OTAC-U conducts interviews with nominees.
- The OTAC-U may conduct classroom observations.
- The OTAC-U selects a recipient and forwards the name to the Vice President for Academic Affairs; who will upon approval, notify the recipient by the determined date.
- The Outstanding Teaching Award recipient for the University will be recognized during commencement or another selected occasion.
Timeline: - Members serving on the OTAC-U are appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the beginning of each spring semester. If a committee member is nominated, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will immediately select a substitute.
- The OTA school recipients’ materials are forwarded to the OTAC-U by March 15th.
- The selection of the finalist must be completed by May 1st.