Transcript Request
Order Your Transcript Today!
Step 1: Login or Register
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Step 2: Select a Document
Select the destination you would like your documents to be sent:
For Organization
Search Parchments Receive Network for your destination in the Search area
Select for the organization from the sear
Select from the Product Type options available
Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third Party
Select from the Product Type options available
Step 3: Order Details
Click Update Shopping Cart to refresh your shopping cart
Continue Shopping to send additional transcripts to other destinations
Checkout to continue your ordering process
Step 4: Provide Consent
Provide electronic consent for the release of your academic records by Langston University to the recipient(s) you have provided.
Step 5: Payment
Enter your payment information
Step 6: Review Order
Review your order before submitting your order. Once your order is successfully submitted, you will receive an Order Receipt.
Transcripts are issued by the Registrar’s office. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), known as the Buckley Amendment, requires that you sign individual release forms for each company, school or individual to whom you desire information released. Official transcripts are issued to students in a sealed envelope.
The transcript will not be official if the seal is broken. Please allow 3-5 working days for your request to process.
To inquire about a hold on your account, please contact the Student and Employee Services office at (405) 466-3220 or at (405) 466-3264. You may also contact Financial Aid at (405) 466-3282 or Institutional Advancement and External Affairs at (405) 466-2937.
Transcripts will not be released if you have a hold on your account. Official transcripts will not be faxed.
Visit Student Information Systems Account to check for holds on your account or to order transcripts.
Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.