The Office of Student Records provides support for the University’s academic programs and policies and, in keeping with FERPA, ensures the integrity, confidentiality and security of the University’s educational records. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for registration processes to include the preparation and publication of the fall, spring, and summer class schedules and inventory of courses, awarding of transfer and advanced standing credit, graduation certification, maintenance of student permanent records, transcript and enrollment verification requests, electronic storage of archival records, articulation agreements, degree audits, issuing of student identification cards, certification of V.A. students and interpretation of policy changes. The Registrar’s Office is committed to providing exceptional customer service to Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Students and Visitors.
Visit us on campus at Page Hall, Room 134.
Monday-Wednesday and Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Thursday : 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Mailing Address
P. O. Box 728,
Langston, Oklahoma 73050
You may also call or email us at (405) 466-3225 or luregistrar@langston.edu.
In an attempt to meeting our students’ needs, it is important that they remain aware of their academic progress. The advising listing as well as the academic calendar are two key tools used to help students remain on track.
Langston University makes every effort to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment). This Act is designated to protect the privacy of the student’s educational records, to establish the student’s right to review and inspect his/her records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate information through informal and formal hearings. The policy permits disclosure of educational records under certain limited circumstances and routine disclosure, at the university’s discretion, of information, referred to as directory information: name, local address, phone number, major, participation in sports, current and past class schedule, height, weight, degrees, honors, and major dates of attendance, and previous colleges attended. A student has the right to prevent the disclosure of directory information by filing a request in the Registrar’s Office on a form.
Students have the right to inspect, review, and/or request an amendment to their records; consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information in these records; restrict disclosure of information designated as directory information that may be released without consent of the student, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education for alleged failure by Langston to comply with FERPA requirements.
Enrollment Verifications/Good Standing Letters are issued by the Registrar’s office after the end of the Full Term Drop/Add period. Please complete the Enrollment Verification Form and submit to the Registrar’s Office.
Before you can register for classes:
Students MUST apply for Admissions to the College. Once admitted to Langston University, you should be eligible to register. Visit https://www.langston.edu/apply-now to complete your application.
Please refer to Registration Dates for each semester.
Students MUST not have any institutional holds on account.
Students on Academic Probation cannot pre-enroll until final grades are in.
Students must have a zero balance in order to enroll for course(s).
Students must have completed FAFSA in order to enroll for course(s).
Students must be enrolled in order to secure housing for next semester.
Students must have all official transcripts from other institutions on file.
Steps to Enroll
- Students must meet with their Advisor for consultation and to have Advisor hold removed.
- Students with 60+ credit hours can pre-enroll online after consultation with Advisor.
- Students with 60 or fewer hours must make an appointment with a University College Advisor, University Women Building, 3rd Floor.
Review the list of courses that are required for your program of study. Refer to Course Section Search or go online to “Schedules.”
- Obtain a plan of study from your Academic Advisor. Please see the Advisor Listing.
- View the 2022-2023 Academic Catalog.
- Go to Student Information System and view/print your electronic plan of study (degree audit).
The earlier you register, the better your chance of obtaining the classes you want at the times you need it.
- All students must make an appointment with your Academic Advisor to ensure you register for the right courses.
- Register yourself online through the Student Information Systems account if you are in a Bachelor’s degree with at least 61 semester hours or in a Masters or higher degree program.
Registration Dates
Pre-enrollment for the spring 2021 semester will start on Monday, October 19, 2020.
- Pre-enrollment is available to the following students Monday, October 19, 2020:
Professional students - Graduate students
- Seniors-91 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned)
Pre-enrollment is available to the following students Monday, October 26, 2020:
- Professional students
- Graduate students
- Seniors-91 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned)
- Juniors-61 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned)
- Sophomores-31 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned)
- Freshmen-0 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned).
As a reminder students must have the following:
- Must be in good academic standing and students not in good academic may enroll after fall 2020 final grades are processed, starting Wednesday, October 14, 2020.
- Must have a completed FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid or contact Financial Aid regarding enrolling without a FAFSA at financial@langston.edu.
- No holds that prevent enrollment.
- Please log in to the Self-Service and view holds attached to the student’s account. Learn more about university holds, click here.
- Must have a balance of $200 or below in order to enroll at the University.
- Please contact the Office of Enrollment Management (OEM) to discuss possible payment arrangements. Contact OEM at luoem@langston.edu to make an appointment.
Online Priority Registration
A period when classification of Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate level students can register themselves online. Must have accumulated 61 hours or more. Students in the Associate’s degree program are not allowed to register themselves online. Meet with your advisor to discuss your departmental degree plan to ensure you register for the correct course(s).
Priority Registration
A period when the classification of Freshmen, Sophomore, Undecided majors and non-degree students register through their advisors. Make an appointment with your advisor to plan the schedule and register.
Langston University awards the following degrees upon successful completion of the required academic course work: associates, bachelors, masters & doctoral degrees. Apply for graduation during the semester prior to program completion. A separate application must be completed for each degree program. The graduation application form is available in the Registrar’s Office. Only diploma covers will be issued at graduation. Your actual diploma will be mailed 6 to 8 weeks after degrees conferred. Students may choose to pick up their diploma from the Registrar’s Office once ready.
- Deadline to have $0 balance: March 1, 2020
- Deadline for the name to be in the program for Fall 2019, Spring 2020 and Summer 2020 graduation candidates: March 1, 2020
- Deadline for Fall 2019 Candidates to submit outside transcript(s) and clear Is: Friday, Jan. 17, 2020
- Deadline for Spring 2020 Candidates to submit outside transcript(s): Friday, May 29, 2020
- Deadline for Summer 2020 candidates to submit outside transcript(s): Friday, Aug. 4, 2020
Download Langston’s Graduation Degree Application
As a Rule of Thumb: Potential candidates scheduled to complete their Academic program for Fall 2019, Spring 2020 or Summer 2020 are allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony for Spring 2020. A candidate must have less than 9 hours to complete by summer 2020. Students must have a zero balance in order to participate in the Graduation Ceremony by March 1, 2020. Please contact the Office of Enrollment Management to schedule a meeting to request any accommodation prior to March 1, 2020.
Degree Review
Once you earn 90 semester hours, you may submit a degree review check to see what courses are remaining in order to complete your undergraduate degree requirements.
Dual Enrollment or Completing Lasting Hours Off-Campus
If you wish to complete classes at another institution while enrolled at Langston University or complete your last hours at another institution, you must obtain prior permission from your advisor and the Dean of the department for your program of study. You also must obtain permission from the Vice President of Academic Affairs if the course(s) will be an overload. Please complete the request on a Dual Enrollment Form and submit to Registrar’s Office.
Graduation Requirements
Requirements for a bachelor’s degree
A Graduation Ceremony is held towards the end of the spring semester at both Main & Tulsa Campus. The degree and date of the completion are entered on the student’s permanent academic record (transcript). The date of completion for each term shall be the last day of examinations. In order to march in the Graduation Ceremony, a candidate must have no more than nine (9) hours to complete during the summer term. If courses are not offered during the summer term, students will have to march in the following year’s commencement ceremony.” Candidates should apply for Graduation six weeks prior to registering for their last classes.
Before filing a graduation form, you must first check with your advisor to see if you have met your requirements to graduate. See the requirements below.
You must have completed a minimum of 124 earned semester hours of credit, excluding physical activity courses, performance courses (i.e., Band, Choir, etc.) and earned repeats.
You must have completed a minimum of 60 semester hours of credit at an accredited senior institution.
You must have completed a minimum of 45 semester hours of credit at a senior institution; courses numbered 3000-4000 level.
You must have completed a minimum of 30 hours of resident at Langston University.
You must have completed an internship or field experience prior to graduation.
General Education requirements must be met.
Major requirements must be met—a minimum grade of “C” or above for all major and minor course work.
All official transcripts from other schools must be received. (if applicable)
A minimum of 32 weeks in residence at Langston University, i.e., two semesters (16 weeks per semester).
Each candidate must have three (3) semester hours of credit in U.S. Government and U.S. History.
Each candidate must be enrolled at the time he/she qualifies for graduation at Langston University or complete the forms to request permission to take the last hours at another institution. The request form may be picked up in the Registrar’s Office.
A maximum of 64 semester hours, excluding physical activity courses and performance courses, applicable toward the Bachelor’s Degree may be earned at a junior college.
A maximum of 31 semester hours of credit applicable to a degree may be earned through correspondence study and extension courses.
A maximum of nine (9) semester hours of credit applicable to a major field or six (6) in a minor field may be earned through correspondence and extension study.
Each candidate for a degree in the Teacher Education Program must earn the grade point average prescribed by the School of Education and Behavioral Sciences.
At least 15 of the final 30 hours applied toward the degree must be taken at Langston University.
Students recommended for the Bachelor’s Degree must achieve a grade point average of 2.00 as a minimum on all course work attempted, excluding any courses repeated or reprieved as detailed in the State Regents’ Grading Policy and excluding physical activity courses and performance courses. Specific majors may require a higher grade point average. You can pick up your degree application in the Registrar’s Office, or click here.
Graduation Honors
Honors are awarded with the bachelor’s degree for excellent performance in all areas of study. To receive the following honors, a student must have no grade below a “C” in all college work, transfer hours included.
Cum Laude Grade point average of 3.00 to 3.39
Magna Cum Laude Grade point average of 3.40 to 3.69
Summa Cum Laude Grade point average of 3.70 to 4.00
Distinctions are awarded to students who graduate with a grade point average of 3.00 or higher and did not complete a minimum of 45 upper-division hours at Langston University. Those students transferring from an Oklahoma junior college may graduate with the same honors as a four-year resident student.
Second Major Policy
A student may earn a second major either from the school from which he/she received the first major or from another school in the university. In order to receive a second major, a student must complete the additional hours in that department and meet departmental requirements. A double major may be completed within the 124-hour total by meeting all the requirements of the two majors. Any candidate for a second baccalaureate degree must meet the specific requirements for both degrees and present a minimum of 154 hours of credit.
Five Year Limitation
A student may elect to be graduated under the requirements set forth in the catalog in effect at the time of his/her first enrollment in the state system provided the work is completed within five (5) years. If the work for a degree covers a period longer than five (5) years, the School, in consultation with the student, will determine the catalog to be used. Credits in a student’s major, which are more than five (5) years old, may not be applied toward a bachelor’s degree unless validated by the major department.
Dual Degree
To meet requirements for a Dual Degree, the student must complete all requirements of the second-degree program with a minimum of 30 hours above the first degree, i.e., a minimum of 154 hours is required. Graduate credit is not accepted in meeting requirements for the bachelor’s degree if it is required for a graduate course.
Transcripts are issued by the Office of the Registrar. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), known as the Buckley Amendment, requires that you sign individual release forms for each company, school or individual to whom you desire information released. Official transcripts are issued to students in a sealed envelope. The transcript will not be official if the seal is broken.
Order Your Transcript Today
- Create an account
- Select the destination you would like your documents to be sent:
- Search Parchments Receive Network for your destination in the Search area
- Select for the organization from the search
- Select from the Product Type options available
- Send to Yourself, Another Individual, or Third Party
- Select from the Product Type options available
- Click Update Shopping Cart to refresh your shopping cart,
- Continue Shopping to send additional transcripts to other destinations
- Checkout to continue your ordering process
- Provide electronic consent for the release of your academic records by Langston University to the recipient(s) you have provided.
- Enter your payment information
- Review your order before submitting your order. Once your order is successfully submitted, you will receive an Order Receipt.
Visit Student Information Systems Account to check for holds on your account or to order transcripts.
Requesting a Transcript through Self-Services
Current students with an Active Lion Key Account
- Logging into Self-Service (my.langston.edu) to request an official transcript
- You may view holds that prevent your transcripts being released
Former Students with an Active Lion Key Account
- Logging into Self-Service (my.langston.edu) to request an official transcript
- You may view holds that prevent your transcripts being released
Former Student without an Active Lion Key Account (attend spring 1994 to present)
- Must complete the Banner Pin Request for to gain access to Self-Service
- Banner Pin Request Forms are processed in 3-5 business days.
To learn how to request a transcript in Self-Service (step-by-step guide), click here.
Requesting a Transcript In-Person Transcript Request
You may also submit your signed Official Transcript Request form in person (Page Hall room 134) and must present a valid ID (e.g., drivers licenses, state ID, military ID, student ID, passport)
Requesting an eTranscript
All students can request an eTranscript through Parchment. Click here for more information (this should go to the Transcript Request for Parchment page).
Additional Transcript Information
Transcript holds on your account (placed by Student and Employee Services 405-466-3212, Financial Aid 405-466-2962, Admissions 405-466-3428, Office of Enrollment Management 405-466-2957, etc.) on your account will prevent the processing of your official transcript request. Current students and former students with access to Self-Service may view their holds by logging into Self-Service (make this a hyperlink-my.langston.edu) and selecting “View Holds” under the Student Records menu.
There is no charge for transcripts
A maximum of 5 official transcripts may be requested per day
Unofficial transcripts may be accessed at any time by logging into your Self-Service account
Current Students and Former Students with an Active Lion Key
- Parchment eTranscript
- Transcript holds on your account must be cleared before a transcript is requested
- Log into Parchment to request an eTranscript
- Payment is made via credit card (VISA, Mastercard, or Discover) during the online ordering process
- Email confirmation message at each site of the order process
- Track your order online via Parchment
- eTranscripts are available for the recipient to download for 30 days or 3 downloads from the order date, whichever comes first
- The recipient must have a valid e-mail address (when sending to a college or university, it is strongly recommended that you provide an e-mail address for a person or office at that college or university)
- eTranscripts are intended for the recipient associated with the email address
Parchment Mail
- Transcript holds on your account must be cleared before a transcript is requested
- Log into Parchment to request a paper mailed transcript
- Standard USPS and overnighting a transcript is available for domestic and international mailing
- Payment is made via credit card (VISA, Mastercard, or Discover) during the online ordering process
- Email confirmation message at each site of the order process
- Track your order online via Parchment
- Transcripts are mailed within 24 hours as long as there is no transcript impacting holds and “Research Record” is not required due to inaccurate bio-data submitted when creating a Parchment Login Account
- Must provide the correct mailing address and failure to provide the correct mailing address when ordering results in having to submit another request and pay the associated cost.
Transcript Request via Self-Service Portal
- After logging into the my.langston.edu portal, click on the Self-Service icon, then select Student – Student Records – Request Official Transcript
- Transcript holds on your account will prevent transcript processing
- Typically requires 2-3 business days for in-house processing plus 2-7 business days for mail delivery via USPS
- Additional processing time is required over holidays and between academic semesters
- Current and former students who wish to purchase expedited shipping must submit a standard must submit their request through Parchment.
- Maximum of 5 transcripts per day may be requested via the Self-Service Portal
Students may drop or add courses to their schedules during the first ten days of enrollment of a 16 week Fall/Spring session, during the first five days of an eight-week Fall/Spring session or 8 week Summer session, during the first two days during a four-week summer session, and the first day of a weekend course or a two-week intersession course.
Changes in schedules and complete withdrawals from the institution during the designated add/drop period will result in full charges for courses added and full credit for courses dropped. No refunds will be made after the designated add/drop period for that session except as stipulated for first-time enrollment of Title IV recipients. There will be a $5.00 per credit hour charged for classes that are dropped/added subsequent to initial enrollment.
Students dropping and adding during the designated drop/add period receive a 100% refund for courses dropped and a 100% charges for courses added. Total Withdrawal: A student should drop from all classes within the designated drop/add period to receive a 100% refund. After the designated drop/add period, NO REFUNDS will be given. Non-payment and/or non-attendance does not constitute a withdrawal of classes.
End of Drop/Add & Registration Period: Client will provide this information
Withdraw Period
Students may drop a course up to the end of the tenth (10th) week of a regular semester and receive a grade of “W.” See Add/Drop & Withdrawal dates each semester.
Withdraw from University
Students wishing to withdraw from all classes must initiate the action in the Office of Academic Affairs. If this is not done, the student will not have officially withdrawn, and all grades for the semester will be recorded as received from the instructor. Any student withdrawing after the tenth (10th) week of a regular semester will receive a grade of “W.” A grade of “W” or “F” for a shorter session will be computed on the basis of a proportionate period.
Drop-Add/Change of Schedule/Withdraw Policy
Students dropping and adding during the first ten days after classes begin during Fall or Spring receive a 100% refund for courses dropped and a 100% charges for courses added. However, this same policy applies for the Summer Term after the first five days of classes beginning. Total Withdrawal: A student should withdraw from all classes within the first ten days during the regular semester (Fall & Spring) to receive a 100% refund and the first five days during the Summer term. After the designated drop/add period, NO REFUNDS will be given. NON-PAYMENT and/or NON-ATTENDANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE WITHDRAWAL OF CLASSES
Students who enroll for a regular semester (Fall/Spring) in twelve (12) or more semester hours are considered to be full-time with a nineteen (19) hour limit. Fulltime for a summer session will be based on six (6) or more semester hours with a nine (9) hour limit. Students who enroll for the regular semester (Fall/Spring) in less than twelve (12) semester hours are considered to be part-time. Part-time students for a summer session will be based on less than six (6) hours.
Student overload in any given semester or term will be limited to the number of semester credit hours and fifty (50) percent greater than the number of weeks in the applicable academic semester or summer term.
Dual Enrollment or Completing Last Hours Off Campus
If you wish to complete classes at another institution while enrolled at Langston University or complete your last hours at another institution, you must obtain prior permission from your advisor and the Dean of the department for your program of study. You also must obtain permission from V. President, Academics, if the course(s) will be an overload. Please complete the request on a Dual Enrollment Form and submit to Registrar’s Office.
Pre-enrollment for the spring 2020 semester will start on Monday, Oct. 21, 2019. Priority enrollment is available Oct. 21, 2019, for the following students:
Professional students
Graduate students
Seniors-91 earned hours and above college credit hours (retention/graduation hours earned)
All other students may start pre-enrolling between Monday, Oct. 28, 2019, and Friday, Dec.6, 2019.
As a reminder, students must have the following:
- Must have a completed FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid.
- No holds that prevent enrollment. Please log in to the Self-Service and view holds attached to the student’s account.
- Must be in good academic standing
- A balance under $200 at the University to enroll.
If you have a balance, you will need to make payment arrangements with Mrs. Shelia McGill in the Office of Enrollment Management (OEM). Contact OEM at (405) 466-2957 or luoem@langston.edu to make an appointment.
Please call (405) 466-3225 or email luregistrar@langston.edu for assistance.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Certification Requirements for All Education Chapters
To receive education benefits, you must be “certified,” to be eligible for the benefits by a veteran’s benefits certification specialist in the Registrar’s office. The certification process can take up to a month or more, so it is best to begin this process early.
Initial Certification
Your first step is to submit your initial application for benefits electronically to the Veterans Administration. Initial application procedures can be found at www.gibill.va.gov. Once the application has been submitted, you will receive a “Certificate of Eligibility” from the Veteran’s Administration (normally within approximately two to four weeks of submitting your initial application online). Email a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility to luregistrar@langston.edu for further processing. Prior training credit must be collected and reviewed for all students using VA education benefits. If you have specific questions regarding the type of education program you are eligible for or application procedures, please contact the US Department of Veterans Affairs at 1-888-442-4551, or go the USDVA website at www.gibill.va.gov.
Continued Benefit Certification
For continued receipt of VA education benefits throughout your academic career, you will be required to complete a Veterans Advisory Form each semester. The Veterans Advisory Form is available on the Forms page of the Registrar’s website.
Chapter 30, 1606 recipients: Once you are certified for your benefits, you must verify your enrollment with the VA at the end of each calendar month before you will receive your payment for that month. To verify enrollment, go to the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or call 1-877-823-2378.
Credit Hour Requirements (applies to Chapters 30, 31, 35, and 1606) Education benefits are based on student enrollment status (e.g. full-time, half-time, etc.) To receive the maximum benefit, you must be enrolled as a full-time student. Part-time benefit rates are reduced proportionately. See the GI Bill Education Benefit Payment Rates website for current rates.
Undergraduate Students
Full-Time | 12 Credit Hours | 6 Credit Hours |
3/4 Full Time | 9-11 Credit Hours | 4-5 Credit Hours |
1/2 Time | 6-8 Credit Hours | 3 Credit Hours |
< 1/2 Time | < 6 Credit Hours | Under 3 Credit Hours |
Graduate Students
Full-Time | 9 Credit Hours | 2 Credit Hours |
3/4 Full Time | 6-8 Credit Hours | 1 Credit Hours |
1/2 Time | 405 Credit Hours | 1 Credit Hours |
< 1/2 Time | Under 4 Credit Hours | Under 3 Credit Hours |
Students enrolled less than half-time qualify to receive a lump sum payment. Students enrolled quarter-time or less are eligible for a reimbursement of tuition and fees (not including books and supplies) not to exceed ¼ of the full-time rate. Monthly checks are based on the prorated monthly rate of payment and training time pursued.
Class Attendance
Dropping/withdrawing from classes and changes in original enrollment schedules can also affect payments received for education benefits. Before making any schedule changes, it is important to first consult the Veterans Benefits Services office to avoid/lessen the potential financial impact.
If challenges arise in classes that could impact final grades received, contact the Veterans Benefit Services office regarding possible tutoring options and other available resources.
Non-Standard Enrollment Periods
Courses offered for a term shorter than 16 weeks during the Fall or Spring semesters, or shorter than 8 weeks during the summer term are nonstandard enrollment and have special rules. Students enrolled in short courses will be certified for the actual dates of attendance within the regular academic term. The VA pays education benefits for nonstandard enrollment periods based on credit equivalents. Contact the Veterans Benefit Services office to determine the expected payment amount for courses offered during a nonstandard enrollment period.
Non-Degree Status
You may be able to receive education benefits for up to two semesters as a degree-seeking student who has not yet declared an academic major. At the conclusion of that second term, you will be required to officially declare a degree/major with the university. Failure to declare a degree/major prohibits future enrollment certifications to the VA. Contact the Veterans Benefits Services office for additional information and specific procedures required.
Advance Payment
Langston University does not participate in advance payment of VA education benefit entitlement.
Benefit Programs
Eligibility criteria and benefits vary for veterans’ education benefit programs from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Monthly stipends, eligibility periods, and documentation required are described in the links below:
- Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (Chapter 30)
- Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve (Chapter 1606)
- REAP (Reserve Educational Assistance Program – Chapter 1607)
- VEAP (Veterans Educational Assistance Program – Chapter 32)
- DEAP (Survivor’s and Dependent’s Educational Assistance Program – Chapter 35)
- Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Chapter 31)
- Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)
- Yellow Ribbon Program
Post-9/11 GI Bill
If you have at least 90 days of aggregate active-duty service after Sept. 10, 2001, and are still on active duty, or if you are an honorably discharged Veteran or were discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days, you may be eligible for this VA-administered program. Purple Heart recipients, regardless of length of service, are qualified for Post-9/11 benefits at the 100% level. Certain members of the Reserves who lost education benefits when REAP was sunset in November 2015, may also be eligible to receive restored benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill.
Benefits and Eligibility
For approved programs, the Post-9/11 GI Bill provides up to 36 months of education benefits.
If your release from active duty was before January 1, 2013, there is a 15-year time limitation for use of benefits. For individuals whose last discharge date is on or after January 1, 2013, the time limitation has been removed.
Tuition and Fees details
If you are eligible, VA will pay your tuition and fees benefit directly to the school. This payment is not to exceed the highest undergraduate tuition and fees rates at a state operated college or university (Institution of Higher Learning). This payment rate is based on the state in which the school is located – not your state of residence.
Other benefits for Post-9/11 GI Bill
In addition to the tuition and fee benefits for the Post-9/11 GI Bill, eligible veterans and their dependents may qualify for the following additional benefits:
- Monthly Housing Allowance (Basic Allowance for Housing) As an eligible veteran or member of the National Guard or Selected Reserve you may receive a monthly housing allowance (living stipend) based on the ZIP code of the location of the school you are attending – not your home ZIP code. This stipend is based on the Department of Defense’s Basic Allowance for Housing rates. This stipend does not require students to live on campus. NOTE: Service members currently on active duty and veterans (and eligible family members) taking courses on a half-time or less basis and/or taking 100% of their classes at a distance (online etc.) do not qualify for the monthly basic allowance for housing.
- Annual Book Stipend You may receive an annual book stipend of up to $1,000 per academic year. This stipend will be paid at the beginning of each term. It is paid proportionately based on the number of credits taken by each student at a rate of $41.67 per credit hour.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. Government Website.
Yellow Ribbon Program
The Yellow Ribbon Program is a provision of the new GI Bill that allows institutions to voluntarily enter into an agreement with the VA to fund tuition and fee expenses that exceed the in-state undergraduate tuition rates. The institution can contribute up to 50% of those expenses and the VA will match the same amount as the institution.
Students must apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program and must meet the following criteria to qualify to be eligible for Yellow Ribbon Program benefits:
- Undergraduate/Graduate/Doctor of Veterinary Medicine student;
- Classified by the university as a non-Oklahoma resident
- At least one of the following must be true:
- Served at least 36 months on active duty (either all at once or with breaks in service), or
- Received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged after any amount of service, or
Received a Fry Scholarship on or after August 1, 2018, or - Served for at least 30 continuous days (all at once, without a break) on or after September 11, 2001, and were discharged after 60 days with a service-connected disability, or
- Are a dependent child using benefits transferred by a Veteran or a service member who has served for at least 36 months on active duty and qualifies at the 100% level, or Find out about transferring Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits
- Are receiving the Fry Scholarship (beginning August 1, 2018)
Learn more about the Fry Scholarship
Note: At this time, you’re not eligible for the maximum benefit rate under the Post-9/11 GI Bill if you’re an active-duty service member or the spouse of an active-duty service member. But, as of August 1, 2022, you may become eligible if you’re an active-duty service member who qualifies at the 100% level, or the spouse using the transferred benefits of an active-duty service member who qualifies at the 100% level.
Students must complete the Application for Yellow Ribbon Program form and submit to luregistrar@langston.edu.
YR participants are required to maintain continuous enrollment in each regular fall and spring semester and must remain in good academic standing each semester to remain eligible for Yellow Ribbon Program benefits. Any changes to the class schedule may result in overpayment of VA benefits and the student will be responsible for any overpayment of VA benefits that may occur. Students in an overpayment status who do not make reimbursements in a timely manner may be at risk of losing their Yellow Ribbon Program benefits. Langston University will determine on an annual basis whether to continue participation in the Yellow Ribbon Program. Once accepted into the program, there is no need to re-apply.
Monthly Housing Allowance (Basic Allowance for Housing)
As an eligible veteran or member of the National Guard or Selected Reserve you may receive a monthly housing allowance (living stipend) based on the ZIP code of the location of the school you are attending. This stipend is based on the Department of Defense’s Basic Allowance for Housing rates. This stipend does not require students to live on campus.
NOTE: Service members currently on active duty and veterans (and eligible family members) taking courses on a half-time or less basis and/or taking 100% of their classes at a distance (online etc.) do not qualify for the monthly basic allowance for housing.
Annual Book Stipend
You may receive an annual book stipend of up to $1,000 per academic year. This stipend will be paid at the beginning of each term. It is paid proportionately based on the number of credits taken by each student at a rate of $41.67 per credit hour.
Benefit Transferability
The Department of Defense (DoD) is authorized to allow individuals who, on or after August 1, 2009, have served at least 6 years in the Armed Forces and who agree to serve at least another 4 years in the Armed Forces to transfer unused entitlement to their Spouse. Once the member has reached their 10-year anniversary they may choose to transfer the benefit to any dependent(s) (ex: spouse, children). The Department of Defense may, by regulation, impose additional eligibility requirements and limit the number of months transferable to not less than 18 months.
NOTE: DoD must develop regulations and provide VA with eligibility information before the VA can make payments under this provision. The ability to transfer benefits is limited to those currently serving in the military with some limited provisions for those retiring over the next few years.
Military Tuition Assistance and/or Tuition Waivers Programs
Tuition Assistance and/or Tuition waiver programs may be offered through the various branches of the military. For information on these programs, students should contact the Education Officer of their unit. The Registrar’s Office does not process any paperwork relating to tuition assistance.
Military Education Transfer Credit
Langston University awards credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE), as published in “The Guide to the Evaluation of Military Experiences in the Armed Services,” for selected educational experiences provided by the armed forces. Langston University also accepts credit earned through the DANTES Subject Standardized tests for active military personnel. Students who wish to establish credit for military training should submit a copy of their DD214, Armed Forces of the United States Report of Transfer or Discharge, or their DD295, Application for the Evaluation of Educational Experiences During Military Service, to the Registrar’s Office.
Course Completion Certificates may be used to supplement other records or when service schools are not reflected on the DD214 or 295. An official Joint Services Transcript (JST) is available to Army enlisted, active-duty personnel, and veterans who entered the service after October 1, 1981, active duty and reserve Sailors and Marines and Navy veterans who separated or retired after January 1975, and Marines who separated or retired on or after June 1999.
Training Programs. Langston University awards credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) in the “National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs.” Students may present certificates of completion or a transcript from the ACE Registry of Credit Recommendations to the Registrar’s Office for evaluation. For specific information regarding Military transfer credit, please contact the Registrar’s Office.
VA Forms
Initial education benefit application forms are available using the link to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) website.
Others forms available (in office):
- Veterans Advisory Form: required submission of form each term that student requests receipt of education benefits.
- Post 9/11 acknowledgement form: required submission once.
- VA Education Benefits Certification: (all other benefit chapters): required submission once.
- Change of Place of Training form: required for changes in academic programs or place of training by the individual student.
- Yellow Ribbon Program Form: for Chapter 33 students (who are out of state and not active duty) to apply for Yellow Ribbon Program benefits
- Parent School Letter Form: A student receiving VA Education Benefits may take courses at more than one school that apply to his or her degree. Students receiving VA Education Benefits must obtain a Parent School Letter from the “primary” school in order to receive VA benefits at the “secondary” school. The Parent School Letter gives the receiving school assurance that the class, if completed successfully, will apply to the student’s intended academic program. Students requesting a Parent School Letter must have every intention to enroll at Langston University after completion of credit hours at their current institution.
War Orphans Education Assistance – DEAP (Survivors and Dependents Education Assistance Program – Chapter 35)
You may be eligible for Chapter 35 benefits if you are the spouse or dependent of a veteran who:
- Is totally and permanently disabled due to a service-connected injury, or
- died while on active duty due to a service-related injury.
Benefit Guidelines
You will receive a monthly stipend for personal use. You will receive a full benefit for full-time enrollment; the benefit will be reduced proportionately for part-time enrollment. Visit http://www.gibill.va.gov/GI_Bill_Info/rates.htm for complete information on current rates.
Generally, spouses must use this benefit within 10 years from the date their eligibility was determined by USDVA. Children must use the benefit between ages of 18-26.
Documentation required for Chapter 35
If you have never applied for benefits, visit the VA website http://www.vba.va.gov/survivors/index.htm for application and other useful information. Upon receipt of the VA awarded certificate of eligibility, bring a copy of the award letter to the campus veteran services office for further processing. You will be required to also submit a completed Veterans Advisory Form to the Registrar’s Office to complete the certification process.
If you have received Chapter 35 education benefits through a previous institution, you must complete a Change of Place of Training Form to the Registrar’s Office in addition to the Veterans Advisory form.
Licensing and Certification Exams
Chapters 30, 33 (limited to one test), 35, 1606, 1607 VA can reimburse the cost of approved licensing and certification tests. Students are reimbursed the cost of the test, up to a maximum of $2,000. Benefits can be paid for tests that aren’t passed, for tests retaken if not passed, and for tests required to be recertified or to renew a license. Utilization of this benefit may exhaust one month of entitlement.
Students must be eligible for benefits to receive test reimbursement. They must have remaining entitlement and their delimiting date must not have passed. Entitlement is prorated based on the amount reimbursed. Information about test fee reimbursement and required application can be found at: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-22-0803-ARE.pdf.
National Tests
Chapters 30, 35, 1606, 1607 VA students can be reimbursed the fee charged for national admission tests and national tests for college credit. Utilization of this benefit may exhaust one month of entitlement. A list of currently approved tests can be found at the following VA website: http://inquiry.vba.va.gov/weamspub/buildSearchNE.do.
Military Leave/Call Up
Active Military Duty
Per Oklahoma law, Langston University offers a military leave of absence (MLOA) to students who are members of the active uniformed military services of the United States who are called to active duty.
An MLOA allows a student to be absent from the University for active duty without penalty to admission status or grade point average and without loss of institutional financial aid. It also allows the student to be eligible for withdrawal from all or some classes with a full refund of tuition and fees or to be eligible for incomplete grades in classes for which he/she has successfully completed at least 50% of the coursework at the time of leave, if the student intends to complete the classes upon return from active duty. MLOAs shall not exceed a cumulative five years. Graduate student LOAs are for a period of one year with annual extensions possible up to the five-year cumulative limit. Students apply for MLOA by submitting the appropriate form and supporting documentation.
If time allows, contact the Registrar’s Office at (405) 466-3225 or luregistrar@langston.edu to inform them of your pending activation. Notification will be made to the Veterans Administration and education benefits will be placed in a pending status. You will not be required to repay benefits previously received for the term in which you are activated.
Short-Term Military Leave
If you will miss classes for short-term military leave or military training exercises, (example: Annual training for National Guard and Reserve members) please contact your instructors as soon as you become aware of this so that any appropriate accommodations can be made between you and the instructor.
Student Reminders
“I” Grades If you receive a letter grade of “I”, you will have one year from the date received to get it changed to a letter grade for credit. If the “I” grade is not changed to a letter grade in this time frame, the V.A. will consider this as an overpayment. Major I will declare and / or seek a major while at Langston University. The V.A. will certify only the classes that apply to this major and / or minor that I formally declare for payment. Anytime you change your major you must report it to the Langston University V.A. Coordinator as soon as possible. If you do not, this can delay your benefits.
Parent School Letter If you are enrolled at another learning institution, the V.A. Coordinator needs a copy of the classes you are enrolled in so that a parent letter can be mailed to them. A Dual Enrollment Form must be completed with the proper signatures before Parent letter will be processed.
Plan of Study After two semesters of enrollment, V.A. Coordinator must receive a plan of study by your advisor. If no plan of study is provided to V.A. Coordinator, you risk not becoming certified by V.A.
Transcripts All college transcripts from previous attended schools must be turned in to Registrar’s Office. Make a copy for your advisor to ensure that applicable credits are applied to your departmental plan of study.
Students receiving benefits under Chapters 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation benefits) and Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 -awarded percentages from VA for tuition/fees only) will not be penalized due to delayed payment by the VA (i.e., restriction of enrollment, late fees, requirement of alternative/additional funding or denial of access to school resources available to other students).
Any change in enrollment status may adversely affect payments received by the VA, and students will be held liable for the overpayment of the VA issues on their behalf.
Contact a veterans representative in the Office of the Registrar, 134 Page Hall, for more information.
Jeanese Outlaw, VA Certifying Officials
Telephone: (405) 466-3225
Email: jeanese.outlaw@langston.edu
Brandon Stevenson, Associate Registrar/VA Coordinator
Telephone: 405-466-3229
Email: brandon.stevenson@langston.edu
Langston University Campus – Page Hall, Room 134 – Registrar’s Office P.O. Box 728, Langston, Oklahoma 73050
Oklahoma City Campus
Telephone: (405) 530-7500
Langston University – Oklahoma City – Main Office 6700 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Carol Peterson, Contact Representative
Telephone: (918) 877-8146 Email: carol.peterson@langston.edu
Langston University – Tulsa – Financial Aid Office 914 N. Greenwood, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74106
Upon receipt of the student’s official transcripts from the Admissions Office, an evaluation of transfer credits will be completed. Students must have official transcripts sent from all universities/colleges attended to Admission’s Office, P. O. Box 667, Langston, OK 73050 before enrollment. Transfer credits earned outside the United States must be evaluated through an official Evaluation Service Office and it is the student’s responsibility to get it completed. Students that complete transfer work after enrollment needs to submit official transcripts to Langston University, Registrar’s Office, P. O. Box 728, Langston, OK 73050. For additional questions on transfer credit, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 405-466-3225 or 405-466-3226 or send an email to luregistrar@langston.edu.
Credit for Prior Learning at Langston University
Course Transfer
Course equivalencies are tables of courses that are transferable among Oklahoma public colleges and institutions (as well as some private institutions). Each table displays equivalent courses at each college and university and is organized by academic disciplines, such as biology or history.
Credit From an Accredited Senior College
Credit will be given for work done in residence in an institution in Oklahoma recognized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education as an accredited college or university. For residence work done in a college or university elsewhere, the credit will be given on the basis of the recommendations contained in the current issue of the Higher Education Directory.
Transfer of Resident Credit From a Junior College
Credit will be given for work done in residence in a junior college in Oklahoma recognized by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education in the State Articulation Agreement. For residence work done in a junior college elsewhere, a credit will be given on the basis of the recommendations contained in the current issue of the Higher Education Directory. A maximum of sixty-four (64) credits will be accepted from a junior college; a minimum of sixty (60) credits must be earned at a senior college.
What if the course I took is lower-division and the course that is listed as equivalent is upper-division?
Lower-division coursework cannot substitute for upper-division credit-hour requirements. However, the content is transferable. For example, if a student completes Smart Course 2000 at two-year college A, it will transfer in content to four-year college B for its Smart Course 3000. The student will not need to repeat the content or learning competencies acquired in Smart Course 2000. But, the student must still complete the full amount of 3000- and 4000-level semester hours that college B requires for a baccalaureate degree.
Concurrent Enrollment at Another College
Students may enroll in another institution with the approval of the School Dean, their advisor, the Registrar’s Office, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Failure to receive approval from these four may be cause for dismissal of credit.
Types of Credit
Correspondence study credits earned at another institution may or may not be applied toward a degree at Langston University. Credits earned through correspondence study and extension credits cannot exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the credits required for a bachelor’s degree. Langston University does not offer correspondence courses.
Extension Credit
Extension Credit earned through a fully accredited institution, not to exceed eight (8) semester hours, is accepted on approval by the chairperson of the department involved. Credit earned through extension and correspondence cannot exceed one-fourth (1/4) of the credits required for a bachelor’s degree.
Advanced Placement and Advanced Standing
Advanced Placement and Advanced Standing are tests given by various departments for some courses in General Education in which a student may score high enough to pass the course by examination. These examinations are given primarily to freshmen and sophomores and may be taken only during the first two weeks of the fall or spring semester. Application forms for the examination may be secured from the Office of Academic Affairs. There is a fee associated with the test. A maximum of thirty (30) hours of credit by Advanced Placement or Advanced Standing may be counted toward a degree.
Advanced Placement Tests From High School
Advanced Placement Credit can be awarded to high school graduates who have scored a minimum of 3 on the Advanced Placement Tests administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Students must submit their official Score Report from the College Entrance Examination Board to the Registrar’s Office.
Extrainstitutional Learning
Extrainstitutional Learning is learning that is acquired from work and life experiences, independent reading, and study, the mass media, and participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, business, government, industry, and the military. After careful evaluation in some instances, an Advanced Placement test will be given.
CLEP examination
Certain CLEP general examinations are accepted by Langston University as a means of earning credit for general education requirements. Earning credit in general education by means of the CLEP examination does not automatically satisfy requirements in major fields. The use of CLEP examinations for this purpose is determined by the individual department or division. Students are encouraged to consult with department heads or school deans on the use of these examinations.
Credit for Military Service
Students who have previously served in the Armed Forces will be allowed eight (8) semester credits by submitting a DD-214 form or its equivalent to the Registrar’s Office. Students who have completed formal service school training may request an evaluation for credit. “The Guide to the Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Services” will be used to determine credit to be awarded. Students must submit DD-295.
Articulation Policy
Langston University cooperates fully with the requirements of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Articulation Policy for the transfer of students among institutions in the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education. A student who has been awarded the Associate of Arts Degree or Associate of Science Degree from an approved Oklahoma State Accredited College or Junior College will have completed general education requirements so long as the degree includes the minimum course requirements outlined in the Articulation Policy and so long as no requirement is lacking which is mandated by the Oklahoma State Regents for a bachelor’s degree. Students majoring in a Teacher Education Program must meet all Admission to Teacher Education requirements. Students with the Associate of Arts Degree or Associate of Science Degree from a properly accredited out-of-state college or junior college will be given the benefit of the Oklahoma Articulation Policy only if the degree contains the minimum requirements of the policy.
Attendance at an educational institution, albeit a continuous and long term experience, is interpreted as temporary residence; therefore, a student neither gains nor loses resident status solely by such attendance. Students attending an Oklahoma college or university may perform many objective acts, some of which are required by law (i.e., payment of taxes), and all of which are customarily done by some non-residents who do not intend to remain in Oklahoma after graduation but are necessary and/or convenient (i.e. registering to vote, obtaining an Oklahoma driver’s license, etc). A non-resident student attending an Oklahoma college or university on more than a half-time basis is presumed to be in the state primarily for educational purposes. An individual is not deemed to have acquired status as a resident of Oklahoma until he or she has been in the state for at least a year primarily as a permanent resident and not merely as a student. Likewise an individual classified as a resident of Oklahoma shall not be reclassified as a nonresident until 12 months after having left Oklahoma to live in another state.
OSRHE Policy on In-State/Out-of-State Status of Enrolled Students
In-State Application for Langston University
Members of the armed forces who provide evidence that they are fulltime active duty in the armed forces stationed in Oklahoma or temporarily present through military orders shall be immediately classified upon admission as in-state status along with their spouse and dependent children. Further, when members of the armed services are transferred out-of-state, the member, their spouses and dependent children shall continue to be classified as in-state as long as they remain continuously enrolled.
Other Information
- Students must meet with their advisor to have the Advisor hold removed.
Students with 60+ credit hours may pre-enroll online after meeting with an advisor. - Students with 40 or less hours must make an appointment with a University
College advisor located in University Women Building, 2nd Floor.- Students must have a zero balance.
- Students must have completed a FAFSA on file.
- Students must be enrolled in order to secure Housing for next semester.
- Students on Academic Probation may enroll after receipt of final grades grades.
- Students must have all official transcripts from other institutions on file.
Degree Works is our new University-wide degree audit system. Degree Works is a web-based, degree-auditing and tracking tool that enables students and advisors to evaluate academic progress towards graduation in accordance with university and academic program requirements as they are outlined in the University Catalog. Students should work with their academic advisor to verify the information in their audit, develop an understanding of program requirements, and discuss class registration. As of fall 2017, degree audits are available for all active undergraduate programs. Access Degree Works through your my.langston.edu Self-Service account.
Important Note: Degree Works is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising, but is not intended to replace face-to-face advising sessions. Degree Works is neither an official academic transcript nor an official notification of completion of degree requirements.
What is Degree Works?
Degree Works is a web-based, degree-auditing and tracking tool that enables students and advisors to evaluate academic progress towards graduation in accordance with university and academic program requirements as they are outlined in the University Catalog.
What is a worksheet?
The Degree Worksheet is a review of past and current coursework. It provides details on courses completed and courses that are outstanding to complete a degree, major, minor, or concentration. Each worksheet is separated into three blocks including the degree block, general education block, and major-specific block.
What are the benefits of using Degree Works?
- Supports real-time delivery of progress towards degree completion
- Easily determines which courses have been taken or transferred, which courses count as electives and requirements, and what’s courses are outstanding to complete a degree
- “What If” feature shows students how progress towards degree completion changes if they change academic programs or add a major, concentration, or minor
- View course descriptions, prerequisites, and schedule information for specific courses you need to take to fulfill a requirement
- By using your Degree Works audit every time you register for a class you can ensure you are taking classes that will count towards your degree requirements
How do I access Degree Works?
Through the my.langston.edu portal.
When should I use my Degree Works worksheet?
- Before you meet with your academic advisor to discuss registration for the upcoming semester
- To create a list of questions to review with your advisor
- Identify outstanding courses that are still needed for degree completion
- After you register to ensure that the courses you selected are applied to your degree requirements as expected
- After your final grades are posted
- To determine an expected graduation date
- To select a major or decide to add a minor
- Review your degree progress with your advisor
- Any time you make a change to your schedule or your academic program (degree, major, minor, and/or certificate)
Can I use my Degree Works audit as my transcript?
No. Your Degree Works audit does not replace an official or unofficial transcript.
How is a degree worksheet different from my transcript?
Your official transcript is a reflection of all courses taken over your academic career and must be requested from the Registrar’s Office. Your degree worksheet is a reflection of the course requirements for your degree, courses in progress, courses still needed, and courses you plan to complete.
How current is my information in Degree Works?
Degree Works is refreshed nightly. Any changes to your degree audit will be updated and available the following day.
What is a Catalog Year?
The catalog year determines the requirements for a student’s degree.
How do I change my “Catalog Year”?
Students may update the catalog year by completing the Change of Major Form.
How do I use Degree Works?
After logging into Degree Works, you will see your academic information including your major/concentration/minor in various blocks. These different blocks are useful tools to monitor your degree completion. If at any time you have questions concerning your degree audit, contact your advisor.
What do the highlighted green, blue and red areas of my audit mean?
Requirements highlighted in green with a checkmark indicate the course requirement is complete. Courses highlighted in blue are those currently in progress. Your audit will assume successful completion of these courses and reflect these credit hours in credit totals. However, if these courses are not successfully completed they will be removed once the semester has ended. Courses highlighted in red indicate the requirement is not fulfilled. Please note that changing your major will require a new audit. Courses once listed as complete (green) may not meet requirements for another program.
How do I determine what courses I will need to take?
Courses that are still needed are highlighted red. Courses highlighted in red are incomplete. You may click on the blue hyperlink(s) to learn more about the required course. Always visit with your advisor prior to registering for classes to ensure degree applicability and confirm prerequisites have been satisfied.
What is the Fallthrough section?
The Fallthrough section includes all courses not currently used to fulfill specific degree requirements. These courses will factor into your overall GPA and total credit hours earned.
What is the Insufficient section?
The insufficient section includes courses with grades that fall below the minimum grade requirements for the currently listed degree requirements.
Why is a course that I believe should be counting toward my degree found in fallthrough? Does this mean it does not count?
There are several reasons a course may be found in the fallthrough section. First, it is important to make sure your currently declared degree program is accurate. If the wrong program or catalog year is listed, please consult your academic advisor as this will not accurately reflect your completed coursework. Transfer coursework and course substitutions must be evaluated and may take longer to reflect accurately within your audit. Always consult your academic advisor with questions concerning completed coursework and degree applicability.
If a checkmark next to a requirement means it is complete and all requirements are checked, does this mean I am graduating?
No, this is not necessarily an indication of graduation. First, you should meet with your academic advisor to confirm all requirements have been met. A graduation application must also be submitted via the Self Service portal within the specified university deadlines.
How can I view how my credits will apply to another degree program?
The “what-if” feature in Degree Works will allow you to select another degree program to view how your credits may apply. Please note, this is not an official audit. Only an academic advisor can assist with determining how your coursework may apply to a certain degree program.
How do I view my second degree, second major or minor progress in Degree Works?
If you are pursuing a second degree, and it is currently declared, you can click the “Degree” down arrow at the top of the page to highlight your second degree. At this time, second majors are not viewable in Degree Works. Please consult your academic advisor for progress related to these requirements.
Is there a way to view all of the courses I have completed in Degree Works?
Yes, if you click on “Class History” at the top of the page, this will give you a chronological list of courses on your transcript within the terms they were completed. Please note, this is not an official transcript and may not reflect the LU repeat policy or other aspects of your official transcript.
What happens if Degree Works has listed one of my courses in two different areas of my audit?
In many instances, this is okay. Degree Works recognizes that a course may fulfill more than one requirement within a degree program. Always bring this to the attention of your advisor to confirm your audit. Please note that while a course may meet more than one degree requirement, it will only be reflected one time in your earned/total credit hours.
How do I use the “Look Ahead” tool?
The “Look Ahead” feature allows you to enter a course to view where it might fit within your audit. Enter the course subject/number and then click “Add Course.” You can repeat this process as many times as you’d like, even building out your entire planned schedule. Select “Process New” and your audit will display the highlighted course in the area of the audit where the course may apply. Please note, this feature does not indicate that you have registered for the course. While the course may appear to apply toward your degree, other degree requirements may be advised. You should consult your academic advisor before registering for any courses.
How can I print my audit?
Located at the top of the Degree Works page, you will find the “Generate PDF” feature. This feature can be used at any time for purposes of saving an electronic copy or printing your currently displayed audit.
Is my information confidential?
Yes. Degree Works is accessible only through our single sign-on portal using your Lion Key credentials.
Can I registrar for classes in Degree Works?
No, registering for courses or adding/dropping courses must be completed through Self-Service by the student or their advisor. Although, you are able to click on highlighted courses listed in your remaining requirements to view class options, meeting times, CRNs for each section and available seat capacity.
Who will have access to use Degree Works?
Advisors and students both have access to Degree Works.
Where can I get more information about how to use Degree Works?
After reviewing your Degree Works, first, visit with your advisor. If you have additional questions after visiting with your advisor, please email ludegreeworks@langston.edu.
Who should I contact if I have questions?
Your first point of contact is your advisor. If you still have questions after visiting with your advisor contact ludegreeworks@langston.edu.
I think my worksheet is incorrect. What should I do?
The following are the most common challenges with Degree Works:
- My major is wrong and/or my concentration doesn’t appear on my worksheet.
- The student must complete a Change of Major Form to change your major or add a concentration. Once the Change of Major Form is processed your degree audit will reflect your correct major.
- The requirements for my major are wrong.
- Contact your advisor to review your degree audit and review your degree requirements in the University Catalog. Confirm with your advisor if you need to request to change your catalog year. If you are unable to identify a solution with your advisor, contact the Registrar’s Office at ludegreeworks@langston.edu.
- My transfer courses don’t appear in the right place.
- Please email ludegreeworks@langston.edu regarding your specific questions.
My advisor or department head gave me permission to substitution a course, but it’s not showing on, my worksheet, but Degree Works says that I haven’t completed all my requirements. Does this mean that I won’t’ be able to graduate?
Contact your advisor to confirm that the substitution or waiver request was initiated. If it was initiated contact the Registrar’s Office at ludegreeworks@langston.edu to check on the status of the request being processed.
How does Degree Works decide where to place courses that I’ve completed?
Degree Works is program to place courses based on the degree requirements from the University Catalog.
What should I do if Degree Works used a course in one section, and I want to use it in another?
Visit with your advisor to determine if a course can be used for another requirement.
My advisor submitted a substitution/waiver. How will that course appear in Degree Works?
Substitution and waivers display on your degree audit as exceptions. You may view a summary of the exceptions on your degree audit at the bottom you the worksheet. The exceptions will display within your degree audit where it is applied. The substitution or waiver will appear on your degree audit after it has been approved by the department head, dean and vice president of academic affairs.
My major requires me to complete a concentration, but I didn’t appear on the worksheet. What should I do?
Complete the Change of Major Form for and secure the appropriate signatures to request a concentration be added to your academic record. Once you have completed the form, submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
I’m a double major, but only one major appears on my worksheet. How can I check the requirements for my other program of study?
Complete the Change of Major Form for and secure the appropriate signatures to request a concentration be added to your academic record. Once you have completed the form, submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
I’ve seen the “@” symbol in serval places on my worksheet. What does that mean?
The “@” is a wild card used in Degree Works. If the “@” sign appears on your worksheet with course numbers after it (e.g., @3000), it means you may take a 3000 level course from any subject area. If the “@” appears after a subject prefix (e.g., EG @), it means you may take any English course.
Can I change a major through Degree Works?
No, students must complete a Change of Major Form.
Is Degree Works the same as my transcript?
No, Degree Works is an unofficial worksheet of the courses students have completed that displays how the courses about to degree requirements as outlined in the University Catalog.
How do I use the Class History tool?
The Class Hsityr tool in Degree works displays all courses from a student’s transcript including institution and transfer courses in chronological order. It also includes transfer course detais. Once you are logged into Degree Works, click the “Class History” link and a new window will open and can enlarge and resize as desired.
What does the “@” symbol mean?
The “@” is a wild card used in Degree Works. If the “@” sign appears on a worksheet with course numbers after it (e.g., @3000), it means you may take a 3000 level course from any subject area. If the “@” appears after a subject prefix (e.g., MT @), it means the student may take any English course.
I’m getting a message that says “Audit Not Available.” What’s going on?
When you see “Audit Not Available” this means a degree audit has not been scribed for that major. As of fall 2017, all active undergraduate degree plans have been developed, but graduate and professional are not yet available in Degree Works. This could also mean that the student’s currently declared degree has expired per the five-year limit for completion.
My student isn’t showing up in Degree Works. What can I do?
Only students with an “Active” student status are pulled into Degree Works by defaut. If you need to view the audit of a Withdrawn, Suspended or Inactive student, email ludegreeworks@langston.edu and a Registrar’s Office team member update the student to pull their information into Degree Works.
How are exceptions (ex: class substitutions or waivers) added to a student’s degree audit?
Exceptions are added to individual student degree audits by a Registrar’s Office team member once a Substitution Waiver Form is submitted to the Registra’s Office with all signatures. Once an exception is processed it is clearly displayed in the degree audit.
Can students view their own audit?
Spring 2020 Degree Works will be made available to all students. Students may access Degree Works through my.langston.edu Self Service.
Substitutions that were previously entered have disappeared. Why is this happening?
Substitutions are aligned with a student’s currently declared degree program/catalog year. When a student changes their major or catalog year, these substitutions likely need to be reevaluated and will not automatically transfer to a newly declared program. The academic advisor can work to inisitate the approiate substitution or waiver request.
The audit is behaving unexpectedly. What can I do?
Email ludegreeworks@langston.edu to report the unexpected behavior of Degree Works.
How can I print an audit?
Located at the top of the Degree Works page, you will find the “Generate PDF” feature. This feature can be used at any time for the purpose of saving an electronic copy or printing a currently displayed student audit.
Students can grant parents, guardians, or others view-only access to select pages of their student records via the Proxy Access tab in the Self Service Portal. They can also use the Proxy Access tab to provide consent for University officials to discuss with the Proxy any and all of their education records.
For the student
- Create a new proxy
- Change pages a proxy can view
- Change my proxy’s passphrase
- Reset my proxy’s PIN
- How can I grant access for my parent/proxy to view my billing information?
- What if I want to allow my parent/proxy to discuss with the University Officials any and all details of my student education records?
For the parent or another proxy
- How does a proxy login to view students records?
- New proxy identity activation (How a new proxy activates his/her account)
- Reset my proxy PIN
Create a New Proxy
Students can create a new proxy by following the provided steps:
Go to the “Proxy Access” tab in the Self Service.
Your proxy will receive an email message with information on how to active his/her Proxy Access account. Until your proxy has followed the instructions in the email message, you will see notices like the ones below indicating that the proxy has not verified his/her email address or set a PIN:
Change pages a proxy can view
If you do not see anything to authorize on the Authorization tab, it is likely because you haven’t selected a Relationship from the drop-down list on the Profile tab.
If you no longer wish to authorize any access for your proxy, simply deselect all items on this page.
Change my proxy’s Passphrase
- After logging into Self Service, click on the “Proxy Access” tab, then click on the Proxy Management link.
- Next, click on your proxy’s name and expand the proxy details.
- Update the “Passphrase” in the provided field, then click the “Email Passphrase” link:
- It is important for you to email the Passphrase to your proxy, as he/she can’t view it online.
Reset my proxy’s PIN
If your proxy is having trouble logging into the Proxy Access tab due to an unknown or expired PIN, you can help reset your proxy’s PIN. By following the steps below, and email will automatically be sent to your proxy with a “Temporary Action Password” and instructions on how to create a new PIN and access your records.
- After logging into Self Service, click on the “Proxy Access” tab, then click on the Proxy Management link.
- Next, click on your proxy’s name and expand the proxy details.
- Click on “Reset PIN” link:
- This action sends your proxy an email with instructions on how to reset his/her PIN.
How can I grant access for my parent/proxy to view my billing information?
Billing information is only available through Touch Net student account, and students can create Authorized Users accounts within the Touch Net System to grant parents or others with access to viewing billing information and submit payments. Please contact Student and Employee Services at (405) 466-3212 or luses@langston.edu for more information. Please note that Proxy Access and Authorized Users accounts are not connected in any way.
What if I want to allow my parent/proxy to discuss with University Officials about any and all details of my student education records?
The majority of the options on the Proxy Access Authorizations tab allow you to grant a parent/proxy view-only access to specific Self Service pages, checking the first option (University officials may discuss all education records with proxy) authorizes your proxy to discuss any student educational records with University officials. It does NOT permit parents to request official documents, make changes to records, or otherwise conduct educational business on other student’s behalf. View more details about this option by clicking on it from within the Authorization tab.
The “University officials may discuss all education records with proxy” option replaces the old parental FERPA form.
How does a proxy login to view student records?
- Once a new proxy is added, an autogenerated email is sent to the proxy notifying him/her that the student has added him/her as a proxy in the Student Self Service Portal. The email contains a link/URL for the proxy to click on, and a Temporary Action Password they will need to establish their account. New proxies must follow the instructions in the email to activate their account and create a PIN. See the “New Proxy identity activation “ section for additional details.
- Active proxies can log in to Proxy Access at any time by clicking on the Proxy Access logging at https://pprdssb.okstate.edu/LU/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage. Proxies can only view Self Service pages that have been authorized by the student.
New Proxy identity activation (How a new proxy activates his/her account)
- When a student adds a new proxy, the proxy will receive an email (with a subject of New proxy identity) that contains information needed to activate the account and login to Proxy Access. New proxies can follow the steps below to activate their account:
- Click the link in the email labeled “Proxy Access Activation Link”, and find the Temporary Action Password (directly below the activation link). Your browser will open to a page similar to the one below. Enter the Temporary Action Password from your email into the “Action Password” field, then click “Submit”.
- Click the link in the email labeled “Proxy Access Activation Link”, and find the Temporary Action Password (directly below the activation link). Your browser will open to a page similar to the one below. Enter the Temporary Action Password from your email into the “Action Password” field, then click “Submit”.
- Next, you will be asked to enter/verify your email address and create a new PIN. You will enter the Temporary Action Password from the email where it asks for the Old Pin, then enter a new Pin (6-15 characters). Click “Save” when you are done. You will need to remember your new PIN; it is required for you to log in to your Proxy Access account.
- After successfully verifying your email address and creating a new PIN, you will be taken to the Proxy Access Home page. First, you will need to verify/update your profile information and click “Save.”
- To view authorized pages, click on the tab with your student’s name. Here you will see the items(s) that have been authorized by your student for you to view. Click on any of the items to view the information. All pages will open in a new, dedicated Proxy Access window. To close a proxy page, click the EXIT link in the upper right corner.
Reset my Proxy Pin
- If you are having trouble logging into Proxy Access due to an unknown or expired PIN, you can reset your proxy PIN. By following the steps below, an autogenerated email will be sent to you with a “Temporary Action Password” and instructions on how to create a new PIN.
- Go to https://pprdssb.okstate.edu/LU/twbkwbis.P_GenMenu?name=homepage and click on the Proxy Access link.
- Enter the email address associated with your Proxy account, then click the Forgot PIN button.
- You should receive an email with a Temporary Action Password and instructions on how to set a new PIN.
- Once logged into Proxy Access, you can change your Pin at any time by clicking the “Click here to change your PIN” link on your Profile page.