Faculty Senate
Dear Colleagues:
I welcome you to the Langston University Faculty Senate (LUFS). I am honored to have been elected by faculty members to serve as the chair of the Faculty Senate for the 2020 – 2021 academic year. The Faculty Senate, as described in LUFS constitution, is the representative body of the Langston University Faculty and is composed of 23 members elected to three-year terms proportionately by their respective schools.
The Faculty Senate exercises faculty responsibilities for university governance through both standing and ad hoc committees and serves in an advisory capacity by working together with the President of Langston University and other administrators on all matters affecting the general welfare of faculty members. The Faculty Senate has the right and duty to initiate recommendations and to speak legitimately for the Faculty in all areas of university activity.
As you already know, this academic year is unique and unprecedented. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has disrupted the university landscape – the way we conduct business, the way we interact with each other, and the way we deliver instruction. These challenges provide us with the opportunity to apply our individual and collective talents to innovatively advance not only the welfare of the faculty but also the vision and mission of Dear Langston.
Together with my fellow senators, I will strive to enrich the working conditions for our faculty and staff, create learning opportunities for our students, and advance the university’s research and development ecosystem. We must remember that shared governance works best when everyone participates so that all voices are heard and represented. I encourage all faculty members to be actively involved in faculty governance this year and in the future.
Since its inception, the faculty Senate has done an outstanding job. I look forward to working with the faculty, administrators, students and other university constituents to advance the goals and aspirations of Dear Langston. The Faculty Senate D2L page has information about meetings and deliberations of the Faculty Senate. If you have questions about the Faculty Senate, please contact me via manyibe@langston.edu.
Edward O. Manyibe, Ph.D.
Faculty Senate Chair 2020 – 2021
Contact Us
Dr. Orlenthea McGowan Faculty Senate Chair 918-877-8159
Dr. Michael Hamilton Faculty Senate Chair-Elect 405-466-3471
Ahondju Holmes Faculty Senate Secretary 405-466-2910