Langston sponsors many student organizations designed to help students grow as individuals and enhance their college experience.
Extracurricular activities are planned and fostered at Langston University because of the significant contribution these activities make to the education of the student. The university maintains an extensive program of extracurricular activities, including athletics, theatrical productions, publications, oratory, music, social life, artist series, student organizations and interest groups and intramural sports and recreational activities.
Visit Lion Links to search student organizations, events and news articles.
- Cultural Men of Business
- Communication Club
- Langston University English Club
- Biology Club
- Family and Consumer Sciences Organization
- Healthcare Administration Leadership Organization
- Langston University Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- Langston University Student Government Association
- LU Pre-Physical Therapy Club
- National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
- Pre-law Society
- Math Club
- Minorities in Agriculture
- Natural Resources and Related Sciences
- Scholars Club
- Sociology Club
- Technology Club
- Theater Club
- Elite Connection
- Heart 2 Heart
- Langston Little Lions
- Langston University Ambassadors
- More Than Average
- NEEDSthebrand
- Pre-Alumni Council
- Senior Class
- Soccer Club
- Stay Tuned
- Student Activities Board
- The Lion’s Den
- Voluptuous Lioness
Assemblies are held as necessary, usually on Thursday mornings at 11:00. The programs are informative and entertaining. They are sometimes sponsored by student organizations. Students, faculty and staff members attend the assemblies.
BACCHUS is a student organization focusing on comprehensive health and safety initiatives. It is our mission to actively promote healthy and safe lifestyle decisions concerning alcohol abuse, tobacco use, illegal drug use, unhealthy sexual practices and other high-risk behaviors.
The BACCHUS philosophy is that students can play a uniquely effective role – unmatched by professional educators – in encouraging their peers to consider, talk honestly about and develop responsible habits and attitudes toward high-risk health and safety issues.
The Department of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, in cooperation with the Student Affairs Division, has a variety of intramural sports activities and recreational activities during the academic year. These programs are designed to provide opportunities for an enjoyable leisure time life at the university.
- Alpha Kappa Alpha
- Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
- Delta Alpha Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma Honorary Band Sorority Inc.
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
- Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.
- Kappa Kappa Psi
- Omega Psi Phi
- Phi Beta Sigma Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America, Inc.
- Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity Inc.
- Sigma Gamma Rho
- Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. (Lambda Alpha Chapter)
Superior achievement in various academic disciplines and in extracurricular activities is recognized in honor organizations and by the university. Specific information on honors may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office and/or the student’s major chairman or school dean.
Various National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) sports are available to both men and women at LU. The university engages in intercollegiate competition in football, basketball, track, and women’s softball.
Organizations sponsored by departments and specialized interest groups provide students the opportunity to become better acquainted with other students and faculty as well as to explore and to perpetuate interests outside the classroom. Many of the organizations have no membership requirements other than an active interest in the work for which the club exists and regular attendance at all meetings and activities.
We are ambassadors of goodwill in America. While representing cultural diversity at our school, we promote and advocate international sensitivity, awareness, and international education. We are dedicated to improving relations, knowledge, understanding, and attitudes toward our country and toward our culture. We are proud of our heritage. We strive for academic excellence, positive social interaction, moral ethics, and friendship to mankind. May our work, deeds, and aspirations reflect our sincerity, our kindness, and our commitments to a better way of life for ourselves and for our fellowmen.
Click here to read the International Students Newsletter. This link is dead on the site. Need URL.
Music organizations and ensembles are open to all students by audition. Music majors, as well as non-music majors, are encouraged to participate. Groups available are University Choir, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, plus various instrumental ensembles.
The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) is a collaborative organization of nine historically African American, international Greek lettered fraternities and sororities. The nine NPHC organizations are sometimes collectively referred to as the “Divine Nine.” The member/partner organizations have not formally adopted nor recommended the use of this term to describe their collaborative grouping.
The council promotes interaction through forums, meetings and other mediums for the exchange of information and engages in cooperative programming and initiatives through various activities and functions.
The primary purpose and focus of member organizations remain camaraderie and academic excellence for its members and service to the communities they serve. Each promotes community awareness and action through educational, economic, and cultural service activities.
Each year, LU brings to the campus performances by renowned artists from various fields of entertainment. A typical series of art may include serious music, dance, and theatre.
There are numerous opportunities for the nurturing and maturing of the religious life of the student planned at LU: religious activities, lectures, seminars, student religious organizations, the factual study of religion by way of courses in the curriculum, and religious counsel and worship in the churches and centers in the campus area. The University has an annual Religious Emphasis Week. These services are under the direction of a university committee.
- Impressions of Praise
- Warriors 4 Christ
- Women of Purpose
- Langston University College Student Ministries
The Langston Gazette, (this link needs to be updated with recent copies of the paper. Right now, the latest version is February 2017) the university newspaper, is a weekly publication that provides an opportunity for all students, regardless of major, to participate in professional news gathering, photography, and publishing. The students and the university also publish newsletters and bulletins on a regular basis. A yearbook, the Langston Lion, is published annually.
The LU Soccer Club is a student-run organization, which provides recreational soccer for students to have fun playing the sport with players that also share their passion for the most popular game in the world.
- Overcoming Stigmas
- Distinguished Black Woman
- Langston University African Student Association
- Langston University Student Chapter National Council of Negro Women
The social life at Langston University is a flexible program designed to meet the current interests and needs of the student body and the university community. Opportunities for social life are offered in many forms, including dances, community service projects, films, and forums.
Student government associations include Langston University’s Student Government Association (SGA), the Residence Halls Association, and the Pan Hellenic Council. All university students are members of the student government.
The Senate is the legislative branch of the Student Government Association (SGA), which endeavors to promote cooperation between students and faculty, seeks solutions to student problems, and represents the entire student body in matters affecting student interest.
This organization promotes unity and sisterhood among co-eds on Langston’s campus.