Institutional Research & Planning
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Executive Summary
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is designed to ascertain the acceptability of all proposed human subject research at Langston University. The IRB is primarily concerned with protection (level of risk) of human subjects in research, an essential function on all universities engaged in research. The IRB at Langston University consists of no less than ten (10) members who are selected based on experience and expertise in professional and community affairs and consideration of gender, racial and cultural background. At least one member shall represent a non-scientific interest (e.g., lawyer, ethicist, or member of the clergy). At least one student member is represented.
For questions, please contact:
Dr. Teressa Hunter Dean, School of Nursing and IRB Chairperson
Phone: 405-466-3274; Fax: 405-466-2915; Email:
Institutional Review Board Webforms
Please note: all of the following information must be completed via the webforms below.
Institutional Review Board Policies and Procedures Handbook
The above document is in PDF format. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print this form. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The following section highlights the current handbook and sets forth operational policies and procedures of the board.
Part I describes the board’s role and scope, membership, meetings, duties and responsibilities.
Part II defines what is considered research, instances of non-research and policies on theses and dissertations. A description of human subjects is also presented.
Part III contains the policy on informed consent, setting forth the need for this important element of research and identifying basic elements to be included in the informed consent statements, as well as exceptions to informed consent. Issues of confidentiality are described along with current government regulations related to specially protected individuals.
Part IV describes three categories of human subjects research and information to assist the researcher in determining which process to follow and which forms should accompany application.
Part V describes the review process for each category of research, criteria for approval or disapproval of a research proposal, the meaning of various actions taken by the IRB, procedures related to periodic review, circumstances warranting suspension and/or termination of approval and a statement of records maintenance and management. The appendices contain forms related to each category of research and a section containing the guidelines related to special protected subjects.