School of Business
Computer Sciences prepares students for professional careers in hardware software design, networking, data communications, design and research. Students may also be directed to graduate study in computer science or a derivative specialty such as operations research, expert systems and artificial intelligence. Courses examine the continuing process of innovation with the computer milieu and the knowledge base responsible for fundamental technological advances in American society for more than four decades.
Degree Options
Computer Science Plan of Study
Students who wish to major in any of the School of Business programs will be considered PRE-BUSINESS MAJORS until officially admitted to the School.
Students must apply for entrance into a specific School of Business program during the second semester of their sophomore year. To be formally admitted to the School of Business, a student must satisfy the following criteria:
- Minimum GPA of 2.5
- Completion of at least 45 credit hours of college level work; and
- At least grade of “B” in College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus I
Computer Sciences prepares students for professional careers in hardware software design, networking, data communications, design and research. Students may also be directed to graduate study in computer science or a derivative specialty such as operations research, expert systems and artificial intelligence. Courses examine the continuing process of innovation with the computer milieu and the knowledge base responsible for fundamental technological advances in American society for more than four decades.